Page 30 - the NOISE January 2014
P. 30

Out with the OLD in with the NEW by Annie Botticelli
Different cultures start their “New Year” at different times. The one common thread between the vastly different dates is the idea of NEWNESS, a clean slate, a new beginning.
The story, experience, and often the battle, of new vs. old has been carried throughout all of time, and we see it show up in the astrology of this month, and in our daily life. Finding the balance of tradition and innovation has been an astrological theme especially highlighted by the ongoing Uranus in Aries/ Pluto in Capricorn Squares matching up through 2015. The meet-ups of these planets and signs in this configuration has been associated with volatile earth changes.
I see our world as a Holographic Reality. The Holographic Principle, As Above So Below, As Below So Above, helps to illustrate this point. The earth changes associated with the planetary angles (Above) also bring about those same clash- es for the planet and each individual living on it (Below). The task always, which is highlighted this month, is to actively clear out the parts of ‘old’ no longer serving our highest ex- pression. Universal reflections assist us when we are stuck with this process; now there is great momentum to shift old patterns into fulfilling ones.
Aside from these “New Year” portals, we also have monthly openings to usher in new and clear out old, by using the pow- erful New and Full Moon cycles. There are many who still re- sist the truth that we are affected by the movements of all the stars, but of those who are still not convinced, there is great agreement we are dramatically affected by the Moon. Ask anyone who works in emergency services, police officers, jail workers, mental institution employees — they will tell you there are more admissions on or around the Full Moons!
The Moon rules emotions and when full, bring emotions to a ‘fullness.’ If we are obviously affected by the Moon, then we can use the moon cycles to affect things. More proof of this comes through the Farmer’s Almanac, where everything from planting and reaping fruits and vegetables, to cutting your hair for growth and luster are indicated or discouraged during certain moon cycles.
Each month on the New Moon, we get wishes. Brilliant as- trologer, Jan Spiller has suggested we get 10 each New Moon. Now here comes the principle of synastry: when you match up your wishes/intentions, with the energy specific to the sign the New Moon is in, the effects compound. To better understand this, imagine a talented and motivated racecar driver. This person is wired for speed and agility. Now you put that person in a crappy car and there will still be some- thing noticeably different about their driving. But if you put this superstar into a car that matches their awesomeness, then we really see the magic happen.
Such is the story with New Moon wishes. The New Moon is wired for newness, growth, and expansion. January’s first New Moon — on the 1st — is in Capricorn. Capricorn is wired for business, ambitions, advancement, practicality, self-disci- pline, public image, keeping commitments, responsibility, tradition, father figures, recognition, career, and social status. Also, the following body parts/ailments ruled by Capricorn: bones, joints, arthritis and rheumatism, knees, gallbladder, and the skin. So when you match your wishes on these top- ics up with the New Moon energy, pure magic ensues!
On this powerful day, January 1st, the New Moon in Cap- ricorn will be conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Conjunct means sitting right on top of, or close to or at the same degree. This angle is considered by many to be the most powerful in as- trology. Pluto brings the transformative potentials of atomic power, for better or worse. This placement can amplify wish- es and intentions, but also brings along the great responsibil-
ity of cause and effect. The ‘suggestion’ for this combo is be careful what you wish for. It is a good lesson for this month and always, to keep the things we wish for, whether through official wishes, or daily desires, in great integrity.
January is also a rare month in that it has two New Moons. Pagans call this second New Moon in a month the Black Moon. It just so happens this month’s Black Moon in Aquarius on January 31st also coincides with Chinese New Year.
To maximize your wishes, intentions, and seed-planting on this second New Moon, connect them with the energies of Aquarius: innovation, technology, humanitarian efforts, friends, social scenes, futuristic ideas and plans, seeking “win- wins,” manifesting big hopes and dreams. Additionally, when the Sun moves into Aquarius, January 19th – February 18th, all of these areas of life will become supercharged.
In order to make room for the new, we must clear out of the old. This is how we create and maintain peace and bal- ance. At the Full Moon each month, we have a powerful op- portunity to do this. Again, when we match the energy of coming to fullness, fruition, and release the Full Moon carries, with the sign of the Full Moon, we maximize the energetic potentials. This month there will be a Full Moon in Cancer on January 15th. Releasing and clearing up blocks in the areas of home, family, security, childhood, intimacy, moods, nurtur- ing, possessiveness, fears of rejection, and the breasts, chest, pancreas, stomach is powerfully supported by this specific Full Moon.
Another way the polarity of Capricorn and Cancer has been showing up astrologically is with the Jupiter/Pluto Opposi- tion. The first time this transit occurred was August 6, 2013. It will occur again on January 31st, 2014 (same day as the Black Moon in Aquarius and Chinese New Year, what a day!), and the last pass of this transit will occur on April 20, 2014. Transits like this often happen in threes and when they oc- cur in succession like this, there is a story being told. The first pass introduces the theme, and details and evolution occur throughout the time of and between the second and third connection.
For many the theme of this ‘story’ will be Domination and Submission, the clash of heavy, seemingly external forces, and powerful, inner emotions. The idea that oppression is coming from outside of us is a false projection that we have an opportunity to confront and dispel. This issue, like all oth- ers, is an “inside job.”
MoNtHLY HiGHLiGHtS/dAteS to Note:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
January 1 — New Moon in Capricorn January 1 — New Moon in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn December 21 – January 31 — Venus Retrograde in Capricorn
— Grand Water Trine — January 15 — Full Moon in Cancer
January 19 – February 18 — Sun in Aquarius January 30 — Black Moon in Aquarius January 31 — Jupiter Opposing Pluto January 31 — Chinese New Year
| Annie Botticelli, aka the Starry teller, LoVeS to assist with using astrology for a full range of practical to esoteric purposes. Check out
monthly horoscopes on her Youtube Channel.
30 • january 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •

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