Page 28 - the NOISE January 2015
P. 28
by Annie January 2015: “A Sleepy Start” Botticelli
J anuary 1 is a somewhat arbitrary time to start a New Year. You may notice this every year as the hoopla around the festivities and newness don’t match the
energy of the time. The light is just barely starting to return and the slumber of winter lays deep and heavy still. This disconnect will be especially noticeable this month as the first week of the year and month mark the beginning of the mercury retrograde shadow period and all the intentional forward motion seems to slip ever backward.
January 5 brings the pre-mercury shadow phase, bringing communication, travel, and transportation topics to the forefront. The retrograde officially starts January 21 and runs through February 11. The post-retrograde shadow goes until March 3. This cycle, Mercury will be retrograde in Aquarius, bringing many friends and acquaintances, and other contacts back from the past. As with all Mercury retrograde cycles, expect additional computer, phone, fax, car, boat, bike, and other mobility-related topics to come up. This cycle is great for researching any of the aforementioned things for purchase after March 3. If you must purchase a new item, make sure you get the best warranty options and keep your paperwork handy so you are prepared if problems arise. Also, carefully read the “fine-print” and be very clear on the terms you are agreeing to.
The first days of the month bring a series of mischievous angles, including the January 1 Mars in Aquarius opposition to Jupiter in Leo. This combination brings penchant for recklessness. To help offset this potential be extra discerning and stay away from people, places, and substances that influence you towards questionable judgment.
The first three weeks of the month alternate challenging angles, with lighter ones, indicating support for the difficulties and the feeling of “coming up for air” between tests. The last week, although still under the backward moving umbrella of Mercury retrograde, will carry much upliftment, support, and resolution.
A great Universal lesson especially strong at this time is to tune into Divine Timing rather than the timing of the ego. The surrender of personal will to that of the Benevolent Source, brings greater peace and flow. Some great mantras to support this process are:
Thy Will not My Will
I Want What the Divine Wants For Me I Align My Will with the Divine Will
See the works of Florence Scovel Shinn for more great affirmations to support this process.
Check out the January Highlights:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
January 1 — Mars in Aquarius Opposing Jupiter in Leo
— This transit can bring antagonism and lapses in judgment. Be extra discerning at this time.
January 3 — Sun in Capricorn Square Uranus in Aries — The great “disruptor,” Uranus, throws the element of surprise into a “plan.” Be flexible at this time to minimize annoyances.
January 3 — Sun in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn — This brings a major potential for self-discovery and AHA! moments. A great day for meditation or retreat.
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January 4 — Full Moon in Cancer — Fullness or completion comes to a matter of home and family in the days around this transit. Have a hankie nearby.
January 5 — Venus in Aquarius Sextile Saturn in Sagittarius — This sweet aspect brings harmony and accord. A possible step towards resolution to the conflict earlier in the month may arise.
January 15 — Mars in Pisces Square Saturn in Sagittarius
— That all-to-familiar battle with an authority figure or other antagonistic manifestation resurfaces. Remember that regardless of the different “stories,” the age-old issue is still the same — self-sabotage and not feeling worthy. These different reflectors come to show us that we are trapped within a matrix that is bigger than the current circumstances and to truly be free we must step out of the story.
January 19 — Venus in Aquarius Opposing Jupiter — Conflicts arise in topics of interpersonal relationships, money, and addictions. There is a great tendency now to spread yourself too thin with commitments, finances, or over- indulgence.
January 20 — New Moon in Aquarius — The usual forward movement of this moon phase is somewhat thwarted by tomorrow’s turn backwards of Mercury. This is a great day of internal focus consistent with the same theme for the entire month. You may still make your wishes for things involving friendships, technology, groups/team efforts, social situations, and the greater good.
January 21 — Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius — The retrograde starts out at 17 degrees of Aquarius and moving back to 1 degree of Aquarius. All are affected by this movement with some additional focus for those with strong early to middle degree Aquarius or Leo placements.
January 23 — Sun in Aquarius Sextile Saturn in Sagittarius — This transit brings some happy moments of self-reliance in between the slow downs and challenges of the month.
January 28 — Mercury in Aquarius Sextile Uranus in Aries — Intuition and brilliance run strong at this time. This is a great time for meetings focused on new ideas and resolutions.
January 30 — Mars in Pisces Sextile Pluto in Capricorn
— Renewed vigor and focus for an important project or quest comes now.
January 30 — Sun in Aquarius Conjunct Mercury in Aquarius — This is a great time for “meetings of the minds” and sharing of information. Major synergy happens now which can bring great strides.
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘The Starry Teller,” — Inspirational Speaker, Motivator, Astrologer—Check out monthly horoscopes on her YouTube Channel.