Page 33 - the NOISE January 2015
P. 33
smarT mETEr hEaring... cOnTinuEd frOm 9
within minutes he praised the device for allowing him a Time of Use Power Savings Plan with F APS [a program in actuality the company has offered since the late 1980s before the advent of the
irst, some deep background on the story: for my
wireless meter].
Ms. Burns, her term also expiring the end of this year, even gave a sordid story about her experience trying to “opt out” of getting a Smart Meter installed, as a kind of test to see what would happen, and found that an APS customer service representative gave her the “run- around,” much to her chagrin. Luckily, she said, she was able to call APS/Pinnacle West Chief Executive Officer donald brandt to get it “straightened out,” and has since been enjoying the benefits of the wireless meter, which she ultimately decided to install.
The commissioners then seemingly heard 30 Arizonans, either via telephone or standing at the podium, who vehemently admonished the Smart Meter in varying degrees, some of the most succinct highlights being:
“There’s has never been a cost/benefit analysis on Smart Meters done in Arizona. Over the last three years, I have presented the commission with numerous cost/benefit analyses that were done in other states, including one that was done in Germany by ‘Big 4’ accounting firm, Ernst & Young, which showed no benefit to ratepayers ... Nowhere in the world have rates gone down because of Smart Meters.” — Warren Woodward
“I used to wake up at 3:30 in the morning shaking for months ... Doctors gave me tranquil- izers for my nerves and they couldn’t figure it out ... After some research, I realized it was a Smart Meter, that’s the time they send all the data ...” — Dennis Cavino
“After looking at the results of the study returned to you, I highly doubt the abilities of that department to perform an accurate study of remote metering devices. The flaws in the method for collection of data are obvious. That is either because the people entrusted with this important study were not qualified or that they intentionally chose not to do a proper study. If I were in the shoes of the Commission, I would reject the report and request a new one.” — Bradley Growler
“They’re using Smart Meters throughout the schools, which is terrible ... Because they ef- fect your thinking ...” — Sharon, from Payson
“I think most of you have an overriding interest in helping your fellow big corporations’ convenience ... but there are health consequences to this ... If someone wants to introduce a device or a substance in Europe, it must be proven to be safe, otherwise it is prohibited. But here in the United States ... Watch out!” — Richard Zuckerman
“... This was a business decision made by APS, and you’re justifying it despite people’s health & safety ...” — L. Levinson
“Smart Meters are located at the front end of your electricity, so all the wiring in your home is attached to the Smart Meters, and it’s acting like a large antenna ... these high magnetic fields are being produced due to net current.” — Paul Harding
“We’re not going to come out ahead in any respects by installing Smart Meters unless we’re the manufacturer of Smart Meters.” — Susan Malloy
“The evidence against Smart Meters is pretty overwhelming. The recent ADHS report, which I so hoped would provide final convincing word on the subject, has not done so. There are too many shortcomings and inadequacies.” — John Thompson
A utility customer needs to be informed prior to installation of all equipment on their property, not only the meter. Lack of knowledge should never be considered consent. An antenna search report reveals 107 tower structures with two new applications and 857 an- tennas from this address in a three-mile radius!” — Dena Galacene
“Our country was founded on personal freedoms and the right to be protected from major- ity rule ... I want the freedom to choose or to refuse a Smart Meter without being financially gouged.” — Cynthia Maglowski
At the end of the public comment period, the Commission took a brief break, and resumed with a roundtable of APS representatives and the company’s attorney, Thomas Mumaw, speaking on behalf. Mr. Mumaw emphasized the decision to install Smart Meters was made as way to modernize power delivery, and sought to allay concerns that citizens’ personal informa- tion would be sold to outside companies.
Though commissioners, enthusiastically lead by Mses. Bitter Smith & Burns, had questions about the “opportunities” a Smart Meter grid would give ratepayers, not one sought to clarify questions brought up by citizens, either about its radiation & health effects, the non-consensual installation protocol APS utilized this past year while the Smart Meter was under investigation by ADHS, or the budgetary dilemma surrounding the requirement to charge an “opt out” fee.
As of the date of this report, the public docket at the Arizona Corporation Commission (, entitled “Generic Investigation – Energy Policy Act of 1992,” and known internally as the state’s “Smart Meter File,” is still considered open, at #E-00000C-11-0328. With the meeting December 12, it has completed its 5th open meeting, and a decision is yet to be marked on the Commission’s schedule. APS can be contacted at 800-253-9405 or through its website. For a full recording of this hearing, visit
| omar Victor has seen some electric bills, and some electric buds.
2012 movie Staged ii I did research on all things conspiracy. The thesis of the film: JFK’s assassina- tion and its cover-up was related to 9-11-01 and its massive cover-up — to show the two were essen- tially the same Petri-dish experiment on the Ameri- can public’s gullibility to swallow farce as reality.
In that research, many things were found that ‘fit’ into my film and many had to be edited.
When it came time to write an article for The noise I imagined I had a ‘found document’ of sig- nificance. Creating a “what if” scenario, wondering, actually assuming, that somebody had to be the last ‘journalist’ to interview JFK.
I imagined a found document, hand written, where it was an innocent 8th grade girl, Mary Hart, from a parochial Catholic School like St. Joan of Arc, who interviewed JFK. I imagined
she would be an intrepid muckraker, whose innocence inspires the President to tell ‘truths’ he might ordinarily avoid divulging.
This article, presented in the style of Jorge Luis Borges, with confident pseudo-schol- arship and authoritative sounding research, incorporating fact & fiction, seemed per- fectly suited for a “historical conspiracy.”
My editor presented the story as “Film Notes,” in the November 2014 edition, from a director instead of as fiction, and this lent it another layer of authority, but not necessar- ily authenticity. When the audience read the piece JFK’S LaST inTerVieW, letters came in. My publisher, the one who decided to present the article as historical fiction, decided it might be nice to answer some of these letters.
[- A copy, scanned PDF or otherwise, of the interview below would be priceless. May- be a mortgage on my testicle?
Please if it is possible? – Huey]
Well Huey, don’t mortgage your testicles yet, but your interest in the JFK interview means you may not like what the mainstream media feeds you a steady diet of? We are hungry for anything that ‘smacks’ of truth.
We digest nonsense daily and it’s refreshing to sense that something’s real... even if it is made up. JFK’S LaST inTerVieW works because very few people believe the government’s narrative. 90% no longer believe in the lone gunman and the “magic bullet.”
So, anY narrative, made up or real, seems more plausible, and iS more plausible. Con- gratulations my friend, you ‘re awake.
[- Just read your article in The noise. Is this interview for real? As in, it really did occur or is this fiction as written by you or another?? > Thanks, Steve]
Well Steve, what’s real in a virtual reality, presented by media 24/7? nothing’s presented as reportage, but with a corporate agenda behind it. We live in a culture of fear that divides and conquers us within the innumerable cultures. We are sub-dividing and the media will play each culture against another.
What is real? i don’t know, you tell me. it’s not what you think. Citizen’s United ruling, by the Supreme Court, gave the media the mandate to lie to public, if it’s good for their corpo- rate parent’s bottom line. So, we hear lies all day, everyday, as mandated by ‘law.’
[- Definitely intriguing. I found the honest truthfulness of the insights and foresight exhilarating, refreshing. I was very hopeful it was for real. But my cynicism and doubt it could be true won out. Thus the inquiry. Well put though by you to speak truth as to what really is going on. Carry on; as it is inspirational to act rather than to stand by pas- sively and keep taking in the shorts.]
Well ‘shorts,’ i think we’ve grown accustomed to ‘taking it in the shorts’ and love it. Why else would we bend over and ask for more. Like a good soldier, “thank you sir, may i have another.” The abusive contempt for our fellow citizen is at a point where we expect contempt, desire it and are disappointed if we don’t get it. The mainstream media satirizes cognitive dissonance to keep us off balance.
[“Am I understanding, “this is made up”? and not real”?]
Well yes, it’s made up, Picasso said, “artist lie to tell the truth.” This letter also wanted to meet Mary Hart, now 67 years old, retired, living in Dallas, working as a volunteer at a library. We can only ‘hope’ there’s a few Mary Hart’s left in our brainwashed crowd. i’d like to meet her too!
JFK’S LaST inTerVieW is archived at: (11/14, p.11)
| Bob Reynolds is a confirmed coincidence theorist... it’s all true, even the lies. • the NOISE arts & news • january 2015 • 33