Page 27 - the NOISE January 2016
P. 27
by clair anna rose
Film noir at tHe arts connection
The Artists’ Coalition of Flagstaff is already making use of their new space The Arts Connection, in the Flagstaff Mall between Charlotte Russe and Laser Tag. This January they have two events planned.
On January 16 local author Gene Munger will be holding a book signing for his new book The Smell of Money. During the event from 1-4PM he will be reading excepts from his book.
Towards the end of the month January 22-24 the Artists’ Coalition of Flagstaff will be presenting their first annual Flagstaff Film Noir Festival. Over three days 11 classic films will be screened. Film Noir scholar Foster Hirsh will be introducing and giving background information on many of the films.
A complete listing of times and films can be found on ACF’s website, and tickets are on sale at the Arts Connection seven days a week.
mile HigH tHeater
This January, the Prescott Center for the Arts, 208 N. Marina, has a full line-up for theater-goers. Beginning on January 7 the Reader’s Theatre presents The Housekeeper by James Prideaux and is directed by Carl Kennedy. John Bryan plays the role of Manley Carstairs, a self-styled literary artist who finds himself foundering after the death of his elderly, domineering mother. He decides to employ a housekeeper, Annie Dankworth, played by Angi Bryan. Hiring Annie turns out to be a mistake — she’s rude, insulting and even confesses she forged her references. Hatred escalates until Manley advances on Annie to strangle her, but instead, trips and falls into her arms. Performances will take place on January 7, 8 and 9 at 7PM at Stage Too.
PCA Improvisations offers un-scripted, improv scenes with encouraged audience participation on January 16 at 8:30PM at Stage Too. This event is uncensored and can contain adult content.
On the Main Stage of the Prescott Center for the Arts is the production Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike by Christopher Durang. The show will run January 21-23 and 28-30 at 7PM. Matinees on January 24, 30 and 31 will be at 2PM.
A Character Building Workshop instructed by JP Perpich, for ages 16 and older, will be held Saturday, January 23 9AM-1PM in the PCA boardroom. The deadline to register is one week before the beginning of the class. To register visit the PCA website. Call Jon 928/541-0209 for questions regarding the workshop.
Sedona Arts Center presents “The Art of Recycling ... Turning Trash into Treasure.” Using recycled and repurposed materials, more than 40 artists have created high-end works of art. This new exhibit opens New Year’s Day and ends on January 30 with a live auction and Gala Event. Sedona Fire Chief Kris Kazian will be the auctioneer for the evening.
be FoUnd
The Flagstaff Foundry is back this January after a short winter break. Acts of all kinds are welcome — aerial, theatrics, comedy, dance, music, juggling, sword swallowing. If you have a talent you want to share or try before a live audience, the Foundry is the place. The next Flagstaff Founrdy is on January 23 at 8PM, and performers can sign up online. If you just want to participate by watching, show up early to grab a seat.
sHarpen yoUr skills
The Flagstaff Arts Council will be offering a painting workshop with local artist C. Tanner Jensen beginning Monday, January 18. Designed to help painters strengthen and develop their skills, each student will be given instruction specific to their goals and medium they work in. Concepts like value, color, technique, composition and materials will be covered during this workshop series. This series meets weekly on Monday nights at 5:30-8PM on January 18 and 25, and February 1,8,15 and 22.
tHe monte Vista sHUFFle
A deck of playing cards with a collection of paintings by Linda Shearer-Whiting adorning the back are now available at Arizona Handmade/Fire on the Mountain Gallery, 13 N. San Francisco.
Have art?
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