Page 30 - the NOISE January 2016
P. 30
The Mods @ Spirit Room 1/2
@ Oak Creek Brewery 1/8
@ 10-12 Lounge 1/23
decker. @ AZ Stronghold 1/8 @ Main Stage 1/9
friday 1/1
Moondog, 1-4PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
PK Gregory, acoustic soul/honkabilly blues, 6-9PM, Arizona Stronghold, Cottonwood, p6
First Friday Open Mic, 7-9PM, Oak Creek Espresso, Village of Oak Creek, p27
First Fridays @
Main Stage w/ DJ ill. Ego, dj/dance, 7PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Live Music, 7PM, $8, Sound Bites Grill, Sedona, p31
Buddhist Priest, 8PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p34
Bell Rock Blues Band, 8-11PM, Raven Café, Prescott, p19
Electric Kingdom First Fridays, dj/vj/ art, 9PM, $5, 21+, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
J. Powers Band, motown/dance/rock, 9PM-1AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
saturday 1/2
Flagstaff Freemotion, conscious movement/freestyle dance, 10:30AM, Flagstaff Arts
and Leadership Academy, Flagstaff.
The Mods, rock n roll, 2-6PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Kenzo, 3PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p34
1st Saturdays Blues Jam w/ Joe Neri’s Blues Dawg, blues/ jam, 7PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Eric Miller, latin/ jazz guitar, 7PM, $8, Sound Bites Grill, Sedona, p31
Horned Beetle, 8-11PM, Raven Café, Prescott, p19
DL Harrison Band, 8PM, 10-12 Lounge, Clarkdale, p30
Open Mic w/ James Turner, 8PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p34
Lingo Trio, 9PM- 12AM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Cheap Sunglasses, rock, 9PM-1AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Tyrell Sweeten Element, 9:30PM, 21+, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
sunday 1/3
Drumz & Dance Party!, 8PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p. 28, 30.
Karaoke, 8PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Karaoke, 9PM, Monte Vista, Flagstaff, p39
wednesday 1/6
Live Trivia W/Harley, 7:30-9PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Open Mic w/ Don Cheek of the Cheektones, 8-11PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Soulective, dj/ dance party, 8PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Open Mic Jam Session w/Sky Daddy, 9-11P, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
thursday 1/7
1st Thursdays Acoustic Happy Hour w/ Llory McDonald, 4PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Open Mic w/ Don Cheek of the Cheektones, 7:30- 11PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Bottom Line Jam, blues/rock jam, 7-10PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Band Showcase, 7PM, Cliff Castle Casino, Camp Verde, p40
Dave Manning, 8-11PM, Raven Café, Prescott, p19
Heather Nation
& Jonah, 8-11PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Live DJ, 9PM, Monte Vista, Flagstaff, p39
friday 1/8
DJ Johnny K, dj, 4PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Live Music, 5:30- 8:30PM, Page Springs Cellars, Page Springs, p7
decker., alternative rock/americana, 6-9PM, Arizona Stronghold, Cottonwood, p6
Robin Miller, blues, 7PM, $8, Sound Bites Grill, Sedona, p31
The Mods, 8PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p34
“Astral Traveling” with Uncon Sci, cosmic jazz/beats, 8-11PM, Raven Café, Prescott, p19
Al Foul, rockabilly/ country/rock, 8-11PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Bryan McPherson, 8PM, $5, 21+, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Black Forest Society, acoustic rock, 9PM- 1AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
saturday 1/9
Flagstaff Freemotion, conscious movement/freestyle dance, 10:30AM, Flagstaff Arts
and Leadership Academy, Flagstaff.
Brother to Brother, rock, 2-6PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Tom Collins: Arizona on Stage, presentation/ booksigning, 2PM, Peregrine Book Company, Prescott, p19
Dave Manning, 3PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p34
Opening Reception: Southwestern Invitational, exhibition, 6-8PM, Coconino Center for the Arts, Flagstaff.
Art Walk w/ Graham Scott Plapp, singer/ songwriter, 6-9PM, Arizona Stronghold, Cottonwood, p6
Sir Harrison, strong rock, 7PM, $10, Sound Bites Grill, Sedona, p31
Leftover Crack, 7PM, 16+, The Green
Room, Flagstaff.
Trailer Queen, 8-11PM, Raven Café, Prescott, p19
Aces ‘N’ Eights,
8PM, 10-12 Lounge, Clarkdale, p30
Open Mic, 8PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p34
decker., alternative rock/americana, 9PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
The Shacks, 9PM- 12AM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Black Forest Society, acoustic rock, 9PM- 1AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
sunday 1/10
Bloody Mary Grateful Dead Hour, 9AM-10AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Live Music, 12- 3PM, Page Springs Cellars, Page Springs, p7
Crossfire Lounge, 2-6PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Johnny Lingo Trio, 5PM, 10-12 Lounge, Clarkdale, p30
Jim Roberts Open Jam, 7-10PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Karaoke, 8PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
monday 1/11
Open Mic w/ Caleb, 6-8PM, Campus Coffee Bean, Flagstaff, p25
Band Audition Night - Get A Gig! (reservations required), 7-10PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Karaoke (SIN Appreciation), 8PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Karaoke, 9PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Bloody Mary
Grateful Dead Hour - Football Snack
Happy hour, 9AM- 10AM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Live Music, 12- 3PM, Page Springs Cellars, Page Springs, p7
Cheap Sunglasses, rock, 2-6PM, Spirit Room, Jerome.
Eve & Co., 5PM, 10-12 Lounge, Clarkdale, p30
Jim Roberts Open Jam, 7-10PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Karaoke, 8PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Open Mic, 8PM, Oak Creek Brewery, Sedona, p34
monday 1/4
Open Mic w/ Caleb, 6-8PM, Campus Coffee Bean, Flagstaff, p25
Band Audition Night - Get A Gig! (reservations required), 7-10PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Karaoke (SIN Appreciation), 8PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Karaoke, 9PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
tuesday 1/5
“Wet Your Bristle” Open Canvas/Open Mic, live art w/music, 8-11PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
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SPECIALS & mondays
Local Band’s Audition Night, 2.50 well drinks all night, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Prescott Friendship Circle Book Group, 5:30PM, Peregrine Book Company, Prescott, p19
Trivia Night, 6:30-8PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
Chess Night, 6PM, Macys, Flagstaff, p31
Industry Night / Mule Mondays, 6PM-close, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Service Industry Night (SIN), $1 PBR, 8PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Tequila Tuesdays - $2 Well Tequila and Domestic Drafts, 8PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Service Industry Night, 25% off for bar/ restaurant employees, 8PM, The Green Room, Flagstaff.
“Wet Your Bristle” - Live Art Auction (Aritists
& Musicians needed), live art w/music, 9PM, Birdcage Saloon, Prescott, p30
Not Your Grandma’s Bingo w/ host Penny Smith - Cash Prizes, 7PM, Main Stage Theater, Cottonwood, p34
Thirsty Thursdays - Wine Specials, 6-9PM, Page Springs Cellars, Page Springs, p7
Children’s Story Time, 11AM, Peregrine Book Company, Prescott, p19