Page 33 - the NOISE January 2016
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January 2016: Happy (not quite a) New Year!
by Annie Botticelli
Until Julius Caesar came into the scene, the New Year was celebrated in March. In 46 BC he decided to switch from the lunar-based calendar to his new solar-based calendar. Each year as I go to write about the first month of the New Year it feels half-hearted. I always want to encourage self-development whatever the motivation, and at the same time, I feel it is my role to report the energy of the time. This month, contrary to the hoopla of the alleged New Year, is decidedly internal and retrospective. The entire month is cloaked with a Mercury retrograde mood. It is not the energy of bursting forth with newness and vigor the title “New Year” seems to promise. So my recommendation is: although I believe it is always in astrological fashion to make positive improvements (like New Year’s Resolutions), if you lose steam don’t be too hard on yourself. This month carries more of the energy of continuation of things already in motion, or reconsideration of anything and everything.
A lesser talked about aspect of Mercury retrograde — It’s fantastic for learning and teaching. Mercury rules information and the sharing of it. So the re-telling of
information in the form of teaching is brilliantly supported. While it is not the best time to commit to something very long-term, shorter-term ventures, like less than six-month commitments, are better supported. Also account for lots of schedule changes, so nailing down class dates may be a challenge. Make sure to have a playback version of the class available.
As we leave 2015, we pass through the end of an era during which seven Uranus-Pluto squares ran from 2012- 2015, adding even more conflict to a challenged and uncertain world scene.
On the path of conscious evolution, these astrological opportunities give spiritual seekers raw fuel for authentic movement on their journey. For everyone, they bring huge wake-up calls.
This first month of the not-so-new year brings beautiful opportunities for quiet reflection on the simplicity that lies underneath the web of un-truths that have become part of modern society. It is a perfect use of the energy to spend time with loved ones or a group of like-minded people learning on a topic of shared interest. A time to curl up with a blanket and a favorite cup of tea, rest, and quietly watch for signs of the best future direction, laying steadfast groundwork for future launches, re-doing, re- thinking, re-treating and things of the like.
As a popular internet hosting company says as it gives the option to be on hold without music, “In silence, you might think of your next great idea.” January is the perfect time to put the extra busy-ness, over-scheduled, over- stimulated experience of life on hold without music.
** Note often the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day the transit occurs.
January 5 — Sun and Pluto Conjunct in Capricorn —
This yearly occurrence often brings power struggles and/ or hidden things to light.
Mercury Retrograde (in Aquarius and Capricorn) — Time to go in and back. Modern society has brought the impulse and incentive to go-go-go, and have and do more-more-more! Every 88 days, Mercury, ruler of communication and movement, gives the beautiful opportunity to bring balance and simplicity back into the
center of experience.
January 7 — Sun in Capricorn Square Uranus in Aries — This is a nerve-jangler! Surprise forces come in a challenging angle to identity and vitality. Combined with the previous aspect with Pluto, this line-up recommends staying calm and level-headed because others around you will likely not be so. This is not a great time to push an issue or use aggression to push an agenda.
January 8 — Jupiter Retrograde in Virgo — The ruler of Sagittarius takes a break from now until May 8. This very busy planet going backwards brings attention to the activity of the inner world. Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter, is known for its vibrant outer expression. All that robust richness turns inward now. Think of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. As the attention on the vivid inner world is accentuated, so is the power for turning it external increased when it returns to direct motion.
January 9 — New Moon in Capricorn — This is one of the best times of the year to set career goals, make a business plan and analyze past data to plan a future strategy. It carries with it the energy of Venus in Sagittarius in conjunction to Saturn, which occurs on January 8. Sobering, cold and hard looks at the current state of finances and relationships are in order now. It is not the best time for final decisions but certainly raw and honest assessments will assist in making a workable plan for future success.
January 13 — Sun in Capricorn Trine Jupiter in Virgo — A welcome reprieve from the conflicts of the first week of the month. This second week the Sun is playing well with others in this magical angle to benevolent Jupiter. This
combo often brings with it a burst of hope and enthusiasm.
January 20-22 — Mercury in Capricorn Square Uranus — This time is marked by erratic communications, thoughtful patterns and jostling news. Trouble expressing clearly are all common manifestations of this transit. The saving grace of the transit is in its potential to bring sudden insights. If they come, they will be fleeting, so even if you are sure you won’t forget a great idea or lose an amazing insight, write it down anyway.
January 23 — Full Moon in Leo — An emotional infusion to the earthy comes now as dramatic Leo energy comes to fullness. Fullness, fruition, completion or drama comes to Leo topics such as children, creative projects, hobbies, pregnancy/conception experiences and romance. A playful element is brought to the serious tone of the Capricorn-dominated month.
January 23-28 — Mercury and Pluto Conjunct in Capricorn — The atomic ruler of the Underworld and the wily ruler of expression get together for a prolonged connection this week due to the retrograde timing of Mercury. Things that were hidden come to light in powerful ways with intense expression. This is a great time to get to the bottom of something.
January 25 — Mercury Direct in Capricorn — The ruler of communication and transportation returns to forward movement today. The first several days after switching directions often brings more manifestations typical for the retrograde: miscommunications, misinformation, delays, obstacles and changes to plans. Mercury doesn’t regain full strength until February 15.
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘The Starry Teller,’ — Self- Development Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Astrologer, Author — Check out monthly horoscopes on her YouTube Channel. • the NOISE arts & news •
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