Page 31 - the NOISE February 2013
P. 31
The mantra for January was go, Go, GO! Now the message is SLOW, Slow, sl-o-ow ...
Hopefully January was super-productive with initiating
new things, launching projects, and whatever else was com- ing up for you to blaze forward on.
Right from the beginning of February, the Mercury Ret- rograde (this time in introspective Pisces) transit starts (yes, AGAIN). Three or 4 times a year, for around 9 weeks at a time, the planet Mercury enters a phase called “retrograde.” During a retrograde transit, the planet appears to be moving back- wards in the sky, although planets don’t really ever move backwards in their orbit.
The first “shadow” period of the retrograde cycle starts about 21⁄2 - 3 weeks before the actual retrograde period, which lasts around another 3 weeks, followed by a second shadow period for another 21⁄2 - 3 weeks. The shadow period starts around February 2 and the officially retrograde period starts February 23rd running through March 17th.
Mercury most notably rules communication and transpor- tation. Many people have negative associations with these periods of time as they have seen electronics and vehicles break down, miscommunications occur, plans change, uncer- tainty abound, and old problems resurface again. By remem- bering that there is a positive and productive purpose for this transit and all others, we remain empowered and make the best use of the opportunities given.
I believe there are ranges of expression from lowest to high- est of each planet, sign, placement, and transit. What we get to control with all of this is how we choose to see things and what we are going to do with what is being offered. While we could choose to gripe about the delays and frustrations, the time would better be spent following the SIGNS the transit is offering and being present with what is happening. If you are having delay after delay in one department, stop focus- ing on that area and use the time for the things the transit is GREAT for listed below.
Some things to best use the Retrograde period for are to: Re-generate • Re-new • Re-evaluate • Re-visit — It is a GREAT time for clearing out clutter • Re-do — awesome for organiz- ing and working on old projects • Re-Aquaint — getting in touch with people from your past; friends and lovers from the past often re-surface during this time • Re-think • Re-st • Re- lax • Re-treat • Re-search
Some things that are best avoided, and frustrations, delays, and mistakes commonly occur with:
• Signing contracts (if you absolutely must read very care- fully what you are signing and leave as much flexibility in your arrangements as possible)
• Making new commitments
• Making major decisions
• Starting new projects
• Making major purchases (especially technological things
related to communication and transportation)
• Shopping in general
• Making future travel plans
• Traveling on tight schedules. If you are traveling by plane,
check your airline tickets and gate meticulously. And carry on luggage, instead of checking it, if possible, as the chance for lost luggage increases. If you are traveling by car, have a check-up before you travel and your Roadside Assistance info handy. Also, watch your speed.
I have also seen things worked on for a while finally coming of fruition during a Mercury Retrograde period.
DAtES tO nOtE:
February 2 — Mercury Retrograde Shadow starts. If you absolutely must buy electronics, cars, etc. do it by February 8.
February 6 — Venus in Aquarius Sextile Uranus in Aries. Happy surprises in love or money, and/or unusual news or experiences regarding either.
February 6 — Mercury in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces. A day for poets to be exalted with dreamy prose and fantasies about love and finance. Could be too rosy to see the truth. Hold off on permanent love and money decisions presented this around now.
February 7 — Venus in Aquarius Trine Jupiter in Gem- ini. A brilliant day for romance and cash news. Plan a hot date.
February 9-10 — Mercury and Mars in Pisces Square Jupiter in Gemini. Don’t be hasty during this time. If you are, you may be pushed back by a Universal Kibosh.
February 10 — New Moon in Aquarius. Usually New Moons are great for new things, but this day comes with Mercury shadow, and personal planets squaring Jupiter. Time to be reserved and realistic.
February 11 — Venus in Aquarius Square Saturn in Scorpio. This day could be a bummer for money and love. Alternatively, something very stable and permanent in- volving love or finances could take place.
February 12 — Mercury in Pisces Trine Saturn in Scor- pio. A day for GREAT news with long-term implications.
February 12 — Mercury in Pisces Sextile Pluto in Cap- ricorn. A day for POWERFUL communication or bomb- dropping news.
February 21 — Sun in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pi- sces. All things Piscean accentuated. A wonderful day for creative efforts, meditation, and excavation of deep psy- chological issues. Things can seem so idealized with this transit that it’s best to not make decisions or long-term commitments. Also, this day could flare addictions into major dramas.
February 23 — Mercury Retrograde at 19 degrees of Pisces. Be ultra-aware while walking, talking, driving, bik- ing, texting, and emailing
February 25 — Full Moon in Virgo. The fullness of all things Virgo can be felt on this day and the days leading up to it. Your health or pet may need more attention.
February 25 — Sun in Pisces Square Jupiter. Temper feelings of extravagance with a forward-thinking mental- ity.
February 28 — Venus in Pisces Conjunct Neptune. En- joy the Fairytale but stay objective.
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
| Sedonan Annie Botticelli has been seeing what’s up with uranus and the other heav-
enly bodies for over a decade. Check out monthly horoscopes at • the NOISE arts & news
• FEBRUARY 2013 • 31