Page 6 - the NOISE February 2013
P. 6

CW FROM TOP LEFT: a child and an adult prepare for a day of skiing in the foreground of a reclaimed wastewater snow gun at Arizona Snowbowl; a wipeout; a child at the Snowbowl commissary; skiers in line at the snack bar; Mark Shaffer, Kathleen Nelson, & Rudy Preston at ADEQ; Daniel Czecholinski of ADEQ; 8x8” signage at a height of 10’ at an entrance; a skier who lost a glove; a leaky re- claimed wastewater hose. Children & the elderly may be especially sensitive to the “emerging contaminants” recently identified in reclaimed wastewater. PHOTOS BY KATHLEEN NELSON & CHARLES SEIVERD
6 • FEBRUARY 2013 • the NOISE arts & news •

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