Page 30 - the NOISE February 2014
P. 30

Get Out Your METAL DETECTOR by Annie Botticelli
The time for finding gold in the past continues this month. February brings us half way through a 9-month stretch of ret- rogradepersonalplanets. Ihavecalledthislongtimeperiod“a
time to try things on.” Then when I saw a man with a metal detec- tor by the kids’ rides at a local park, it clicked for me that it is also a time to find value in lost or past things. Best and easiest results will be created from going back over old projects, ideas, contacts, dreams, and anything else. This trend continues until July.
Anexampleforapplyingthis...let’ssayyouareself-employed and trying to increase your income. It is very likely that you could dust off something you already created and focus on marketing it, rather than designing and launching something new. New ideas that are applied to old projects or merged with old ideas could also work well.
Retrograde transits teach us how to use our energy more ef- ficiently. Often these lessons come by the experience of having productivity thwarted by continuous events that seem out of your control. This is the cue to switch focus. Of course, the choice to keep running into a wall is always an option, and it seems one that is chosen often! Hopefully understanding more about what is going on will help shift behavior, which can shift experience!
DATeS To NoTe:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day the transit occurs.
February 6 — Mercury goes Retrograde in Pisces (then back into Aquarius) — Pisces is the sign of dreams you have at night, Aquarius is the sign of hopes and aspirations. Both areas of life have tremendous focus right now, especially as it relates to going ‘back’ over things. If you had a major life goal you aban- doned at some point, now is a great time to reconsider it, clean it up, and go for it again. Supercharging these powerful visions from the past can carry greater strength right now. Vision boards, daily visualization, meditation, affirmations, talking & writing about, and feeling these visions can bring them to fruition.
Many will experience the return of recurring night or day- dreams. This is a great time to make headway into discover- ing their origin and resolving them. Hypnosis, EMDR, past life regression, constitutional homeopathy and other psychological therapies are fantastic during this time for bringing resolution to long-standing problems. Retrograde times are intended to be productive, not torturous, but often when you try to direct your idea of ‘productivity’ into a direction different from where the natural flow of the transit is heading, you butt up against frustrations and limitations. However, when the focus shifts to the place of natural flow, you will be surprised at how easy and harmonious these ‘looking back’ periods can become!
February 11 — Sun in Aquarius Square Saturn in Scorpio — This transit can bring challenges to the ‘ego.’ The willingness one has to ‘own’ this truth and let outdated personality matrices go will determine the outcome of the ‘opportunity.’ It is common
some sort of sacrifice becomes necessary and even more com- mon that weak areas of self-esteem are activated through inter- actions with parental or authority figures.
It is easy to consciously feel like you don’t care about what someone else says or thinks, but the unconscious space, which makes up much more of our being, will show otherwise with howones‘feels’aboutwhateverhappens. Somanypeoplelive in the shadows of their parent’s accomplishments or opinions and it is this type of transit that brings that into the forefront.
February 14 — Sun in Aquarius Trine Mars in Libra —This beautiful placement can bring strong energy and vitality and natural confidence. It is a great time to take initiative on things that have only been talked about. Aquarius is a ‘mental’ sign. Very often its presence invokes a tendency to dream big. This
transit helps to move those dreams into creation through the necessary element of action. Do it ... Do it now!
AlsoforValentine’sDay,FullMooninLeo—Fullmoonsbring things to fullness and fruition. Leo carries flair for drama. Com- bine the two and you can see the potentials here! If you are a performer, this could work out in your favor by resulting in an epically passionate performance! If you are not, you may act out or be amused or stressed by the energetic acting of others. Full Moonscarrystrongemotion—thesourceofcreation. Choose to use the potentials to create something awesome!
February 15 — Sun in Aquarius Conjunct Mercury in Aquarius — This is brilliant time for prolific expression! The Sun energizes whatever it comes near. When it joins with Mercury, the ruler of communication and expression, the potency of these mediums expand. Even with Mercury in retrograde, the transit still shines, but with the continued theme of working things from the past. If you brought an idea up to someone who wasn’t into it the first time, they may change their mind about it when you re-present now. If you sent a writing submission to a magazine, or a sound sample of your musical work, resending now may bring a more fruitful response.
February 16 — Mercury in Aquarius Trine Mars in Libra — Following impulses right now may lead you to the right place at the right time. It is a time for doing rather than observing. If you see someone at the coffee shop you had considered contacting with an idea or proposition, take it as a sign to follow through. Seize the moment!
February 23 — Sun in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces — Unless you have a job you can freely flow and daydream at, this is a great weekend to be off! The drudgery of timelines, noise, activity may be overwhelming as the need for peace, quiet, and contemplation takes over. It is a FANTASTIC weekend for a re- treat or any special quiet time away from schedules and stress.
February 24 — Venus in Capricorn Sextile Saturn in Scor- pio — Seek out the wisdom of older or more experienced people, or seek to share the spoils of your maturity and wisdom to maxi- mize this transit. The tried-and-true, hard-won knowledge finds its powerful place during this time amidst the newfangled and fast-past time of ‘now.’
February 25-26 — Jupiter in Cancer Square Uranus in Ar- ies — Be prepared for the new and unusual! This transit also of- ten brings with it potential changes of fortune, that come from the stretching into broader potentials offered by uncertainty. Clinging to sure things will only bring stress when circumstances out of your control will trump desperate efforts. Alternatively, restlessness could be what brings about the new and better as a refreshing openness to possibilities surfaces.
February 28 — Mercury Direct in Aquarius — This is the official day it turns direct but usually the energy is a little haywire for 48-72 hours afterward. If you can hold off several days for all the things you have been waiting on the ‘direct’ status for, it will help your cause.
And Sun in Pisces Trine Jupiter in Cancer — During this favorable aspect of the energizer (the Sun) with the expander (Jupiter), massive potentials for BIGNESS ensue. It often brings optimism and opportunities along with the coming to fruition of important projects. Those ruled by Jupiter or the Sun (so Sagit- tarius Sun, Moon, or Rising, and Leo Sun, Moon, or Rising) may feel especially jazzed.
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘The Starry Teller,’ serves the planetary potentials up accountability-style — What are YoU going to do with them? Check out monthly
horoscopes on her YouTube Channel.
30 • FEBRUARY 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •

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