Page 33 - the NOISE February 2014
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vista of rolling hills, throngs of A tourists bustling through the old winding streets adorned with old buildings converted to galleries, shops, restaurants, and wine tasting rooms. Sipping on a glass of wine as I looked out the window, I imagined the scene could be quite similar to what one would experience in a small Tuscan village.
Jerome, perhaps known best for its days as a booming copper mining town, is a more popular destination along the Verde Valley Wine Trail. The colorful history and amazing views from this little mountain town attract visitors from all over the world. Even those unaware of the area’s burgeoning wine indus- try have the opportunity to stumble into one of a handful of Jerome’s tasting rooms to get acquainted with the quality and character of locally produced wine. I was enjoying such an experience at Passion Cellars, an elegant yet cozy tasting room, who will be celebrating their one-year anniversary on Valentine’s Day.
Ah, yes, the famed day of romance just around the corner and I was on the search for the perfect wine to relish in my next tasting adventure. I intended on selecting a seduc- tive red wine that would pair well with a fine chocolate. Let’s face it, whether or not you have a romantic admirer, indulging in wine and chocolate will spice up anyone’s Valen- tine’s Day.
Assisting me on my mission, the lovely and informative Lisa Kren, General Manager of Passion Cellars, poured me a glass of Specter, a deeply ruby colored vino inspired by Italy’s super Tuscan blends. “Specter” means ap- parition or something that haunts the mind, fittingly chosen for Jerome’s reputation of ac- commodating things of a supernatural nature. The wine was indeed hauntingly delicious. Given that super Tuscans were conceived in Italy, a country that emanates romance, it was the perfect choice for my next circle of tasters.
Anticipating the arrival of my tasters, I de- canted the wine, giving it a chance to breathe, lit some candles, and set the mood with the sultry Billie Holiday. Everything was ready for the evening; satisfied, I sat down, took a deep breathe, and then quickly realized I was chok- ing on a cloud of Febreze my roommate had just sprayed in the next room. Overwhelmed by the scent filling the air, I imagined the pos- sible tasting descriptors. “I’m picking up a hint of fresh linens and a blue sky filled with danc- ing care bears and unicorn butts.” Horrified at the thought, I quickly whipped out my fan and opened the windows just in the nick of time.
At the door were local winos and savvy Je- rome business owners, Tracey Lynn Moore and Liz Gale (Magdalena’s Bazaar and the Mile High Grill & Inn). According to Tracey, the two of them have been together and “mak- ing out” for almost five years. Also participat- ing, the exceptionally bearded Jason Dudley
along with his less hairy half, the charming and talented, Sara Massey (Arizona Strong- hold & Pillsbury Wine Company); the two ac- complished Verde wine slingers have been making out for almost three years.
I poured each of us a glass and we began the blind tasting of Specter. I asked everyone to check out the color and Jason started the conversation jokingly adding that we were drinking “the red kind of wine.” We all chuck- led as we continued to swirl our glasses. Sarah noted that the wine had some nice depth, but could still “read through it.” Moving our sen- sory experience to our olfactory region, ev- eryone agreed the nose was quite fruity with a hint of spice. “Clove,”“potpourri,”“raspberry,”
“cherry,” “chocolate,” and “earth” were a few of the descriptors mentioned. Liz pointed out the noticeable tannins, but we all agreed it was nicely balanced.
After several minutes of getting to know the wine, Jason snapped his finger, “It’s San- giovese! Is it a Tuscan blend?” Being mainly composed of Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvi- gnon, Specter is not a traditional Tuscan blend because a small amount of Grenache was blended. According to Cody Burkett of Pas- sion, the Grenache was added to balance the oakiness of the cab sauv, resulting in a won- derfully fruity and well-rounded wine.
The tasting wouldn’t be complete without deciding on which chocolate would enhance the delicious wine. We each tried a sample of dark almond salt, dark raspberry, and Pas- sion Cellar’s milk chocolate. All three choco- lates seemed to pair nicely with the wine. We noticed the raspberry chocolate highlighted the fruity characteristics but overpowered the spiciness of the wine. Whereas the al- mond salted chocolate and the milk choco- late tamed the fruitiness but enhanced the sexiness of the wine, bringing out the rich and silky qualities. The majority voted for the Dark Almond Salted as the perfect companion for Specter.
Definitely a wine to snuggle up with, Spec- ter is dry, dense, gentle, and well-balanced red wine; a blend of 44.7% Sangiovese , 44.7% Cabernet Sauvignon, 6.1% Malvasia Bianca, and 4.5% Grenache with an alcohol content of 13.4%. Ninety-four percent of the fruit is from Fort Bowie Vineyards in Cochise County, AZ. Passion Cellars is located at 417 Hull Avenue in Jerome and has a second location in Will- cox. Having come from a long line of Italian winemakers, owner & head winemaker, Jason Domanico, understands passion is a key in- gredient for making great wine. For additional information, visit .
| CJ orion knows her pours from her tours. • the NOISE arts & news
• FEBRUARY 2014 • 33