Page 7 - the NOISE February 2014
P. 7

09. Smart Meter Update 10. New Forest Plan?
12. Book Review
12. Film!
15. It’s the Arts
24. Jerome ArtBeat
26. Music for the Masses
30. Astrologically Speaking
31. Supplement Calendar
33. Vino Veritas
34. Hideaways:
On the Trail for Buried Treasure
36. Heartbreak On the Hill
37. Poet’s Corner
38. Prescott’s Don’t Miss List 42. Chakral Awareness
43. Business News
honeyfuggle editîon
February 2014 • #153
Editorial Board:
Clair Anna Rose, Ellen Jo Roberts Kyle Boggs, Sarah Gianelli Bobby Carlson, Cindy Cole
Tony Ballz, Sally Murphy
John Munk, Cole Lahti
CJ Orion, Kris Pothier
Angie Johnson-Schmit, Leah Waller Dena Johnson, Bob Reynolds Tom Blanton, Holly Mandarich Annie Botticelli, Jane Tigre Rhonda Pallas Downey, Omar Victor Joey Bono, Steele Wotkyns
Publisher Charles Seiverd
The Noise is a free forum for ideas and creative expression, hence all opinions expressed herein are of no affiliation to the directors of Weavel Inc and are strictly those of the individual artist. Copyrights are held by the individual artist and no part of this publication may be duplicated without explicit consent by the artist.
Readership: 42,000 Distribution: 245 locations
in Northern Arizona: Flagstaff, Sedona, Prescott, Cottonwood, Jerome, Clarkdale, Prescott Valley, Pine, Payson, Camp Verde, Williams & Winslow
Cover Art: Letting Go by Erica Faerio • INQUIRIES: 928-634-5001 |
POB 1637 • Flagstaff AZ 86002 | POB 1257 • Clarkdale AZ 86324
a publication of
an Arizona 501c3 nonprofit organization
W hen our President got up on his soapbox the last part of last month, this ob- server of global and national news was caught yelling at the screen: Where
a “zero waste” perodical
funded in part by a grant from
was your executive mandate these last 6 years?
I mean, with one swipe of the pen, this man could’ve closed Guantanamo, could’ve added a new fleet of electric cars to every federal department, could’ve made every federal building solar, could’ve pardoned Edward Snowden, could’ve created a living wage for federal contractors, could’ve opened up the federal bud- get so that every American might understand that close to 42¢ of every tax dollar still goes to prop up the military-industrial complex, and would’ve probably had enough “political capital” to get another White House pet.
Instead, he’s shouldered many of the same ideologies as his predecessor, and what’s more, shrugged off his overtures to the American public in not one — but two — election cycles. The could’ves turn into the ought’ves, which is what every lame duck President with graying temples churns out in the last years of endeav- or. Maybe it’s not the man, they say, maybe it’s the job. But it seems the man was most popular when he took wide stances, when we gambled on chances, when he stuck to those seemingly by-gone principles of Audacity and Hope.
Alas, as we look toward this President’s Day with a media circus surrounding the post’s anticipated next gender role reversal, maybe a kinder, gentler nation with a thousand points of light, one that asks what we can do for it while walking softly and carrying a big stick, a county that fools some of the people all the time, but not the sum of people about the time, will emerge, and shed blind liberty and unrequited justice for all.
And a Happy Combined Valentine’s & Arizona Statehood & Anna Howard Shaw (VASAHS) Day to you as well!
Cheers! Charles Seiverd • the NOISE arts & news
• FEBRUARY 2014 • 7

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