Page 32 - the NOISE March 2014
P. 32
MARCH 2014: “Berries, Pie
Crust, Wine, & Astrology” by Annie Botticelli
What do berries, pie crust, wine, and astrology all have in common?
TIMING! We all know the magic of perfectly ripe berries, crisped-but-not-burned pie crust, wine aged to its perfection, and, well if you didn’t know already, timing and astrology are inextricably linked.
Before I put my pies in the oven, I brush the crust with an ice cube. This ensures a perfectly crisped crust without burn- ing. Similarly, there are things we can do, and not do, at cer- tain times to help us to not get burned by the stars. We come to see there are different times for different things, and that rhythm, when honored, brings us greater fulfillment, ease, and quality of experience.
March 1st starts off with Mercury going direct and with Mars starting its retrograde cycle, which runs through May 20th. Mars rules our creative energies, the zest, spark, and the life force behind action. The theme of not starting ‘new’ things that has been in effect since October continues through this transit, and beyond. Rather than thinking about starting anew, focus on going DEEPER or going BACK.
When you start a new endeavor with some kind of ‘offi- cial’ start date, that date is its birthday. The configuration of the stars on that day will be its natal or ‘birth’ imprint. If this imprint contains the ruler of these creative energies going backwards, then the full zest of the project may never come to fruition. So instead of launching something new, build on the old, or make the new even better before showcasing it to the world.
So what is great to focus on for this transit beginning in March and running through May? Since Mars is retrograde in the sign of Libra, going back over anything involving rela- tionships will be very much supported. Couples counseling, spending more time with love ones — in general FOCUSING ON PEOPLE not on THINGS. It is so easy for a well-meaning person to devote themselves to their family through provid- ing material security, and then over time, the material things have inadvertently become the focus instead of the people. Mars retrograde in Libra is a great time to restore the focus and attention on the relationship aspects of life.
If you have something new to launch professionally, and you are chomping at the bit to move forward, consider in- stead interviewing your clients or customers, finding out what they like and don’t like about your products and ser- vices, what is working and not working for them about your business. You can then use this information to further fine- tune and strengthen the launch. Another idea is to give a free customer ‘appreciation’ gift or party. Acknowledging your loyal customer base and interacting with them with a deeper level of intimacy.
Libra also represents balance, so finding the balance point in activities will also be Universally supported.
Another prominent transit present throughout all of March is the Jupiter/Uranus Square.
It always makes me smile when I have to try to explain the hypocrisy of the stars. All this time I have been talking about NOT starting new things, and now I introduce a transit that could very well bring plenty of new and unexpected things! But here we can see quickly that there is a big difference be- tween us instigating something new and something new coming to us that we have to ‘respond’ to.
The point to remember here is that if something new comes during a retrograde transit, it may not have the longevity that we think or hope. Knowing this beforehand can help to man- age expectations. Also, there are always exceptions and cave- ats that come from placements in one’s personal chart which in some ways trump the general transits.
When the planet of expansion and the planet of surprises get together in an angle that ‘stirs the pot’ you can expect big and surprising things while not having any idea what they could be. Another way these energies can manifest is through the overwhelming urge to BREAK FREE of something in a way that may appear erratic to the outside world or people close to you. Since there isn’t the support of all the personal plan- ets being direct, try to not follow through with your wildest fantasies of breaking free for now. Instead, use the energy to put together a plan, and as always, BREATHE. Exercise or hav- ing an adventurous trip, even if it is just for the day, can help to break some of the energy. It is also a great time to read an adventure novel, see an exciting movie, basically anything that helps you FEEL like you are having an adventure — it’s a great time to be an ‘armchair warrior’. Journaling or writing about surprising or innovative topics can also be great use of this energy.
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
March 1 — Mars goes Retrograde in Libra (through May 20) — Delve deeper into relationship questions, topics, and is- sues. Make people instead of things your focus. Avoid official launches or major new projects. Frame anything that abso- lutely has to be carried through as a ‘continuation’ of whatever you have been working on, or a ‘work in progress.’
Also, New Moon in Pisces — The power of this moon is somewhat diluted by the Mars retrograde transit starting the same day, but make your wishes for all things Pisces none- theless! If you have had any problems with addictions, night- mares, feeling connected to the Universe, artistic projects, or your feet, use this new moon to wish for resolutions.
March 16 — Full Moon in Virgo — A project comes to completion, a health matter or pet may need our attention, ‘fullness’ or drama comes to a work situation.
March 29 — New Moon in Aries — The start of the as- trological New Year! This is best time to create a vision board for what you want to create for the next year. Clip pictures, phrases, words, that resonate with the expressions you hope for and paste them on a collage board.
All of March — Jupiter in Cancer Square Uranus in Aries — Starting around Feb. 24th and present through the end of April — Quell the need to ‘break free’ with small and minimal- ly erratic adventures or exercise. It is a great time to indulge in ‘ecstatic dance’ or other highly physical activities that have minimal risk.
If the pressure is rising within in you to bust out of a job, career, geography, relationship, or other matrix you feel stuck in, do what you can to transmute the energy into the slow, steady burn that can give you time to get a plan together but not necessarily implement it yet. For instance, if you really want to move, rather than actually moving, start clearing clut- ter, researching areas of interest, packing lesser used things, pricing out a move and saving for it, etc.
The powerful energy of this extended transit can really arm you with what you need to make the changes eventually, or take small steps to the ultimate big change. It may be hard to har- ness and direct this powerful energy but it will be worth it!
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘The Starry Teller,’ hopes that an astrological word to the wise is sufficient. Check out monthly horoscopes on her YouTube Channel.
32 • MARCH 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •