Page 46 - the NOISE March 2014
P. 46
2nd Chakra: Pomegranate
Throughout history and ancient spiritual traditions from Eastern religions to Western mysticism, including Christianity, a universal system — one of the oldest in the world — has become known as the Chakra System. This system is composed of subtle life force energy centers within the human energy system.
Just as plants and flowers have an innate wisdom, so too does the human body. This wisdom is expressed through the seven energy centers, or chakras, starting from the root at the base of the spine up to the crown at the top of the head. A color and frequency of light and sound vibrations are unique to each individual chakra. Flowers, like chakras, also embody colors and vibrations of light and sound.
In the coming months, I will discuss the seven chakras that people are most familiar with, even though there are many, and associate them with the energetic imprint of a flower and its essence.
In the February edition, the 1st Energy Center or Chakra was discussed. Now we move onto the 2nd chakra:
Emotional, Spleen, or Regenerative Center
COLOR: Orange
SENSES: Sensations connected with the emotions of anger, fear, sadness, grief, shame, guilt,
FUNCTION: The second chakra is located in the gonad and includes the reproductive system (the prostate gland and sex organs; the testes in the male and the ovaries in the female); the production of estrogen, proges- terone, sperm, and testosterone; the lower back; and the body’s muscular system. This energy center also includes some of the functions of the adrenal glands, the lym- phatic glands, the spleen, bladder, pancreas, and kidneys, which are also covered by the first and third chakras. The second chakra also has an effect on the process of elimina- tion and the detoxification of the body.
The second chakra, or emotional center, is the driving force that gives us the incentive to get where we want to go and to help us
get in touch with how we feel about who we are. This chakra is the actual expression that we choose to act out in our lives.
Learning how powerful our emo- tions are — and how strong an ener- getic impact they have on us and oth- ers — can help us use our emotions as effective tools and as lessons in who we are or who we want to become. Our emotions flow like a river, depend- ing upon the driving force of energy moving through us. We learn to yield as the tide and to flow as the river, con- tinually releasing, cleansing, chang- ing, and evolving. We are constantly pulled between release (letting go of old feelings and emotions that limit us, prevent personal growth, and possibly cause us to blame others for our suffer- ing) and moving forward in a new way that frees us from the bondage of old feelings and stuck patterns while re- quiring a new identity.
The second chakra holds the key to our personal investment in ourselves, to our creativity and the birth of new emotional patterns and ideas, and to our ability to take care of and nurture ourselves and others. By discovering ourselves through our emotional realms, we can receive our own inner treasures of harmony, balance, and peace. And, most importantly, we can feel a new sense of trusting and knowing who we are. We develop confidence, en- durance, and emotional security.
The second chakra is the center of sexu- ality and sensation. As we come into a new reality of who we are, our sense of free- dom includes the freedom and balance of our own sensuality. We learn new steps in the dance of life that stir our passion and excitement for living.
FLOWER: Pomegranate
(Punica granatum) Abundance
Pomegranate Flower Essence stirs pas- sion and acceptance of creative life force energy. Empowers intuition and recep- tivity, bringing an abundance of positive inner and outer resources. Helps us to understand how our emotional/mental states affect who we are, the way we pro- create, and how we relate to and express our sensuality.
AFFIRMATION: I nurture my emotions and embrace my creative nature, from which I at- tract an abundant flow of positive resources.
| Rhonda PallasDowney is the founder and formulator of Living Flower Essences and the Center for Plant Studies & Healing Arts. She is the author of The Healing Power of Flowers and Voices of Flowers and has produced a documentary film selected by the 2014 Sedona International Film Festival, A
Journey into Plants & Flowers.
46 • MARCH 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •