Page 32 - the NOISE March 2016
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Iwas fortunate enough, by strange coincidence to get in touch with Heather Shereé Titus as she was in Nevada with her father, the Senator & Presidential contender, Bernie Sanders, right before the Nevada Caucus.
Hello Heather. How are you?
Good, thank you for calling me. I really appreciate it. How is your day going in Nevada?
It’s good, it’s busy. They are always on the move, it’s really fun. So we’re very optimistic.
Very good, a lot of people are very excited. That’s really great. Thank you again, for letting Jason give me your contact information. (Jason Vargo is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.)
That’s okay, he asked respectfully, and it was the synchronicity, and he was on his way over. So what can I help you with today? What do you have in mind?
Well I was wondering if there’s a slim chance — and of course I know that your father is so busy — is there a small chance that we could get an interview with him ahead of the Primary here in Arizona?
Here in Arizona March 22nd, I just don’t think that I could manage that today. I tried to check in. I’ve actually been trying to hang close to my mom. She said “maybe I can just jump in.” But I’m calling you on my own. Sorry about that.
Oh no, it’s totally okay. I figured it was such a long shot, but I figured that I had to try, just to try. Of course, ha, ha!
I’m sure your life has probably changed a little bit since your father announced his candidacy. I’m sure you have a lot less time for example, and you probably don’t get to see him as much, or talk to him as much. How has life been affected since your father’s announcement that he’s running for president of the United States?
I’ve heard from a lot of old friends that I haven’t heard from, ha ha! I’m just happy to be able to supportive of what he is doing. I have been absolutely blown away by the response to his message. I’m seeing the governments of Vermont improving the community — and his increasing the population’s involvement has been awesome — and has grown and been an incubator for constant business, and became such a livable community, and become such a vibrant place.
Many of the people I grew up with, when we teenagers, when Bernie was mayor — we really felt like we had a voice. We had a teen center; we got to design the whole thing ourselves. We had a newspaper; the teenagers had their own entrance to City Hall which was the window to the mayor’s youth office. So nobody even used the door.
And most of those people who were in that age group with me are still really involved in their local community. They’re council people, social workers, advocates ... So I grew up under a Ber- nie Government, and if the entire country is prepared to take on his message of “Your participa- tion brings your country back in to your hands,”then I’m so inspired and happy to be a part of it.
Personally I no longer have to fly to Vermont when it’s 20 degrees below 0 to visit them. I’m in Vegas today and it’s 75 degrees, so I see them when I can. And I run around, and there’s a large entourage, and people really want to see him. They call it the election year of the “Selfie,” ha, ha!
It’s quite astounding in the difference — in him not really being known in the public limelight a year ago — and now that he has received so much attention, to the point where a lot of polls have him leading as the frontrunner beating Trump, and beating Clinton.
In Vermont everyone has always known Bernie’s name, they’ll wave and they want to shake his hand for everything he’s doing. But now it’s “Oh my goodness, it’s Bernie Sanders!” Ha, ha! Everybody runs over. So, it’s really amazing to watch, and I think that both Bernie, and my mom are handling it with such grace and such joy. They are very humbled by the support, and the responsibility. They are very committed.
Would you like to talk about the Sedona Yoga Festival coming up in just a couple weeks now?
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Sure, our 4th annual event is coming up in Sedona. We bring over a 1,000 yogis of all levels, from absolute beginners, to teachers, to immerse themselves, in a wide variety into yoga, and yoga-related practices. It’s just a beautiful amplifying consciousness event. This year we have a kids yoga program, and we’re encouraging families. I know there are several women I’ve spoken with personally, who are months pregnant. We’ve always had people up into their 90s. We can truly call it “all ages.”
What do you think is leading to the explosion in the popularity in yoga? And do you think that it’s more the mental aspect, or the physical benefit that draws people to yoga?
I think the immediate benefits — your long-term health, mental stability, and stress release. Yoga creates an opportunity within the space within the self, to respond to the world around you, rather than react. And I feel that that is very empowering. And people are drawn to it, perhaps because of those initial benefits I’ve stated, or maybe it’s a nice yoga butt. Ha, ha!
But being an ancient science of self realization, the Asana and the practice will do its work on you, and begin to unfold the benefits — that helps people have a better relationship in their community and works to get them in tune with their purpose and their truth.
Have you gotten your father to do yoga?
I feel he is a natural born yogi, and as Yogananda said when he first came to the West in the 20s — “there are so many yogis here, they just don’t know it.” Ha, ha!
I feel it is evident by his complete alignment with his purpose. And I see this constant energy is almost inexplicable in him. For the past 35 years I’ve watched him in service, there is a bot- tomless well available to him, because of that. I’ve heard him speak about his spirituality, and saythat“Weareallconnected.” Andthat“whensomeoneissuffering,thenweareallsuffering.” Then he just pats me on the shoulder and says, “We’re meditation. Ha, ha!”
They’ve talked about using yoga for treating PTSD for veterans and putting it on the list for suit- able treatment at the VA ...
There are a number of studies in recent years that are helping us study the principles of trauma, and how they work in the human body are universal. Our bodies react in specific ways, there are a few different types, but its reactions are in specific ways. Yoga responds universally, to the system involved with the different layers and beyond that, in the human body.
So when applied, you begin to learn to have a better understanding of your nervous system. And begin to step into the role that when you are triggered, and something is regressing, or in- vesting in your body — after a while you can begin to manage that, and have a little more resil- iency, and a little more opportunity, a little more control. That bridge brings you into that place.
It’s wonderful that so many more organizations around the country are beginning, and have done the research, to develop a deep understanding of how it works, and what specifically works.
What are some of the different conferences you are having at the Festival? Speakers that you are excited about?
The “World Peace Initiative” out of Thailand is doing there first ever “Peace in Peace Out” in the United States. They’ve been working in conflict zones around the world, and doing these large meditations, and empowering young people, and teaching them meditation in these communities.
So I’m really happy they’ve chosen the Sedona Yoga Festival as their first United States des- tination to begin to bring their love and kindness mediation program. We’ll be doing a world peace meditation on Sunday morning. And that’s after we have cultivated some clearing and deep study, and integration.
We can use the amplifying power of the Sedona Vortex to put that out there, for a more lov- ing, and more peaceful world. There is a wealth of programming for every level. I’ve just been so immersed on the campaign trail, so you’ll have to pardon me ...
Thank you again for your precious time, Heather.
Thank you for your time, and great, great questions.
We look forward to having Bernie back here in Northern Arizona sometime soon ...
| Ray Reeves knows his interviews. INTERVIEW