Page 35 - the NOISE March 2016
P. 35
March 2016: Happy (Astrological) New Year!
by Annie Botticelli
Marchisanastrologicallybusymonthwiththeofficial Astrological New Year/Spring Equinox, two eclipses, including one coinciding with a Super Moon, a crazy
awesome outer planet trine, impending Mars retrograde, as well as a bunch of other planetary alignments.
The astrological New Year begins when the Sun moves into the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, on March 20-21. Excitement, newness, and the desire to plant seeds and blaze forward with endeavors all become the themes when the personal planets start to move into Aries.
The awesome Trine between Jupiter and Pluto (officially on March 16 but having a much longer influence than just that day) also supports abundance and forward motion.
Generally March and April are among the most favorable times to initiate new beginnings and move forward on projects already begun, but there are a couple of additional important things to consider at this time.
At the end of March the Sun and Mercury will have moved into Aries, and in early April Venus will join them. At the same time Mars, which rules Aries and the energy of initiation and moving forward, is strongly in its retrograde shadow and officially going backwards as of April 17. This will bring some confusion in the astrological picture because just at the time when we will most want to move forward, the planet that rules moving forward will be going backwards. Mars retrograde, like other retrogrades, doesn’t mean you can’t do anything, it’s just that you will likely find your
“get up and go” got up and went, or the Universe will seem to be placing obstacles in between you and your forward movement. Projects begun now will lose steam and likely not make full fruition.
You can still work on projects during Mars retrograde and get much done, but the energy of starting or initiating will be off. So your best time to act will be in February and the first three weeks of March. If you have already initiated something, then working on that project, or reworking it through Mars retrograde is very much supported. If you are on full throttle all the time, you may find Mars retrograde takes your “edge” off and allows you to be comfortably productive while enjoying a more laid back pace or taking some time off. If you have challenges with taking action, try to do as much before the energies start to slow down towards the end of March so that you are ahead of the game when the slow down comes. Getting things solidly in motion and planning for potential slowdowns to come can put you in a good position for the upcoming transit.
The other point to consider when taking action is the powerful set of eclipses taking place this month: The Solar Eclipse at 18° of Pisces on March 8 and the Lunar Eclipse at 3° of Libra on March 23. Eclipses often start to tell their stories with events and news up to six weeks before the actual transit, and for the same time frame afterward. In general, eclipse time is not the best time to initiate big decisions because the Universe tends to bring life-altering news, making it a better time to respond than initiate. You may attempt to move something forward that is on your agenda, only to find the Universe has a different plan for you.
Doing minor things, or things you have done before that are short-term efforts, are all well supported through all the current transits.
In general, the way to deal with the conflicting energies of this time is to take action on those things
you feel strongly about pushing through, but be flexible if the Universe places you on a different path.
March also has many other active alignments in the form of squares, which are challenging angles that apply pressure to unresolved issues, as well as trines, which are sweet angles that bring harmony, and sextiles, which are harmonious angles that ask for “action” to be taken to bring their fruits. These aspects roll through the entire month.
** Note that often the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day the transit occurs.
March 2 — Venus in Aquarius Sextile Uranus in Aries — This transit often brings a surprise opportunity in money,
love or beauty-related topics.
March 5-6 — Sun in Pisces Square Saturn in Sagittarius — Saturn in this aspect could drain vitality or other aspects of
self. Extra sleep may be in order now.
March 8 — New Moon Solar Eclipse at 18° of Pisces Super Moon (all Square Saturn and Opposing Jupiter) — A transit of epic proportions! Eclipses already bring in powerful news, as a Solar Eclipse, this one brings in powerful new directions. A Super Moon is called such when the proximity of the Moon to the Earth is close enough to make the size of the Moon appear larger and the exertion of the gravitational pull on the waters of the planet stronger. This
includes tides, plumbing, and our internal emotional waters. The challenging aspects with Saturn and Jupiter bring an element of difficulty moving on to the new opportunities or conflicting feelings about the opportunities presented.
March 16 — Jupiter in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn — Expansion and transformation manifest in major ways now! Aspects between outer planets (the ones that have longer orbits) bring long-term influences. This aspect occurs officially on one day but is very strong for the several weeks before and after, and it will occur again in June. It brings the
energy of positivity, advancement and abundance.
March 20-21 — Sun moves into Aries — Astrological New Year/Spring Equinox — The official New Year begins now! The April 7 New Moon in Aries is the kick-off party for this event. This is also the best time of the year (besides your birthday) to do a vision board. Gather pictures, phrases or anything that captures the energy of what you want to create in the next year and make a virtual or tangible board to help you usher in those experiences.
March 23 — Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 3° of Libra —
Lunar Eclipses bring powerful closures, completions and fruition. This Eclipse also has the added challenge of a square between Jupiter and Saturn. Expansion and constriction battle for supremacy leaving the potential outcome as a perfect balance after the walk through balancing extremes.
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘The Starry Teller,’ — Self- Development Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Astrologer, Author — Check out monthly horoscopes on her YouTube Channel. • the NOISE arts & news •
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