Page 21 - the Noise March 2017 Edition
P. 21
March 2017 ~ Summon Your Inner Bad-A** BY ANNIE BOTTICELLI
I will often have someone write to me asking “When are things going to get easier?” This always makes me sad, first of all because I feel the pain behind the words, second because I know that person has given in to a victim mentality
that will only bring more hardship than the transits might otherwise offer.
It is my passion to help people transform their lives by asking different ques- tions. By changing the questions you ask, you change your perceptions, which shifts your experience. Viewing life with eyes of a spiritual ninja, seeking to deflect or navigate around negative energies that are not part of your devel- opment and recognize and actively work with the ones that have opportunity for you, completely transforms your experience and sets you on the path of
your Highest Destiny.
Here a few questions to ask for March and beyond to facilitate your empow-
erment and help you to summon your inner bad-a**, which is the theme for this month and a mission I invite you to hold well past this time.
What planetary energies are at work in this time? How can I maximize the po- tentials? How can I use the energies to create a more fulfilling life? What areas of life are great to focus my attention now? How can I use the challenging transits as fuel to bust through into a new paradigm of experience?
Learning to welcome the planetary challenges, instead of cringing at the suggestion of them, will change how you experience them. Here is what we are working with for March and beyond:
There is still powerful news coming from the eclipses. Many will be in the wake of major trajectory changes, others will be holding space for people un- dergoing drastic changes around them.
Chiron aspects will be bringing up woundedness and corresponding op- portunities to transcend old hurts.
Aries placements will bring the desire for action and as long as the actions are bringing things back from the past, working on inner levels, or behind the scenes, those efforts could be well-placed. New launches and commitments are not generally favored now unless something in the natal chart supersedes the general transits.
Two sets of clashes between outer planet titans bring continuations of pow- erful themes. The New Moon in Aries, boosting the beginning of the astrologi- cal new year brings great potential to plant seeds for future fulfillment.
Some bursts of sweet energy could come in on or near: March 1, 5-9, 14, 18, 20, 25-26, 27, and 29. Expect some opportunities to summon your inner bad- a** on the days around: March 1-4, 12, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24-26, 27, 30
Check out more March Highlights:
** Note: often the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day the transit occurs.
March 1 — Sun in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces — The sun brings energy, warmth, focus to everything Neptunian — poetry, art, meditation, psychology, dreamtime, spiritual pursuits, working behind the scenes, and se- curity/protection of your important things.
March 2 — Jupiter in Libra Opposing Uranus in Aries (at 20°) — This is part two of a three part story. The first pass of this transit occurred 12/26/16. The final pass in the series is 9/27/17. This aspect can bring sustained rebellion against something that seems to be holding you down. While it is appropriate to take external actions to break free, remember that all enslavement starts in the mind and must also be rectified there to truly transcend the situation instead of recreating it.
March 4 — Venus Retrograde in Aries (then Pisces) — The Triple Goddess Sleeps — ruler of love, beauty, and money finds her power in looking within and back into the past. The mission here is to solidify weak links in the areas of relationship, finances, and self-esteem. This is a time when we aren’t seeing clearly the areas of life that Venus rules. We may be overly critical or not critical enough.
March 5 — Mars in Aries Trine Saturn in Sagittarius — This is a nice boost that supports long-term goals. It is not a time for launching but important seeds could be planted now that brings benefits for a long time to come.
March 6-9 — Sun/Mercury in Pisces Conjunct both Sextile Pluto in Cap- ricorn — Creativity and/or new information bring deep insights. Root causes of issues can be beautifully unearthed now.
March 12 — Full Moon at 22° of Virgo (Opposing Mercury & Chiron, Trine Pluto, Square Saturn in Sagittarius) — A full moon with major power from multiple aspects occurring simultaneously. A pet, health, or work issue may need some attention now.
March 14 — Sun in Pisces Conjunct Chiron in Pisces — Chiron is an as- teroid that is called ‘The Wounded Healer.’ It represents how often our biggest weakness can be converted into our most powerful strength. Aspects with Chiron often bring up the feeling of woundedness, which often reveal and per- petuate a victim mentality. Take special note now if you feel like someone is doing something to you. Shift your perspective and ask: How can I change my perspective on this to one of empowerment?
March 17 — Sun in Pisces Square Saturn in Sagittarius — This aspect can bring breaches of security, hurt feelings, and blocks to creativity. Use it as an opportunity to strengthen necessary defenses and bolster self-esteem.
March 18 — Mercury in Aries Conjunct Venus in Aries — Surprising words fly out quickly for better or worse. Shocking or exciting news about money or love is common under this transit. Avoid being hasty or making long-term commitments if possible. Venus is still retrograde so that puts on the rose- colored glasses when it comes to love, beauty, and money.
March 20 — Spring Equinox/First day of Astrological New Year — A day holding great power for intentions of balance and transcendence. The begin- ning of the astrological New Year which is in the midst of Venus retrograde shows us that the tone of the year to come is very strongly focused on the past.
March 23 — Mercury in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn — Atomic forces back or defy expression. It is a transit that could encourage use of power in a way not in sync with fairness or highest expression.
March 24 — Mercury in Aries Opposing Jupiter in Libra — This transit can block expression or expansion. The familiar me vs. we theme will likely come up.
March 25-26 — Sun and Mercury in Aries Conjunct Uranus in Aries —
Jolting or electrifying news or effects on the body, vehicles, or communication devices could occur. It is not the time to use your cell phone while getting gas. There is also an equal chance this transit could manifest in brilliant new insights — aha! moments.
March 27 — New Moon at 7° of Aries (Conjunct Chiron and Venus, Square Saturn, and Mars in Taurus Sextile Neptune in Pisces) — The New Moon in Aries is one of the best days of the whole year to make a vision board/ set intentions for the whole year. This New Moon has great support with some nice aspects but also some challenges that will invite you to summon your in- ner bad-a**.
March 29 — Mercury in Aries Trine Saturn in Sagittarius — News and expression that brings promise for better things to come is common now.
March 30 — Jupiter in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn (at 19°) — This is the second pass of this clash of these titans. The first occurred 11/24/16. The third and final pass will occur on 8/4/17. The story here likely has to do with ris- ing ambitions. This transit often creates great impetus to do something big and also holds the blocks to that accomplishment that have to be worked through. There is an increased chance for obsession with reaching the goal that could cloud discernment. Competition is a common theme here. I invite you to use an affirmation I love inspired by the great Florence Scovel Shine — There is no competition on the spiritual planes. Staying true to a higher truth and sharing what comes through you, clearing blocks that are coming between you and that expression, is a wonderful, high-vibe way to maximize this transit.
21 • March 2017 | the NOISE arts & news |