Page 33 - the NOISE APril 2013
P. 33

April 2013 Ok... NOW!
The introspective Mercury Retrograde phase officially ends April 6 and NOW it is finally time to do all those things I strongly suggested you wait to do.
The New Moon in Aries on April 10 is one of the best days of the whole year to launch new things, start new projects, initiate, plant, make public, make official any and all of your projects and endeavors.
This magical day is also the BEST day of the year to make a vision board with the energies, words, pictures of things that you want to see, feel, and experience in your life in the next year. Take off from work, don’t make any commitments, keep that day, or at least part of it clear with no phones, computer, or other distractions and cut, paste, draw, create your life for the next year and beyond.
Gather magazines before then to have ready for looking, feeling, and clipping. Waiting until that day to clip is the most powerful but if you have to do some work beforehand, at least wait until April 10th to do the board creation.
You will notice the theme of the aspects listed below involv- ing ARIES! April is all about everything Aries – it is astrological time for everything rambunctious, sassy, initiating, new, fun, active, and REVOLUTIONARY! Great for seed-planting of ev- ery kind.
Also of astrological note is that we have entered eclipse time. Starting in the middle of March, implications of the May eclipses started to show up. Dramatic events for you or those you know may continue to show up with more frequency. We often start to see the effects of eclipses about 8 weeks before they occur. Major things or aspects of life become eclipsed out with the Lunar eclipses and new doors fly open with the Solar eclipses.
Jobs, homes, people, beliefs, experiences, ways of life, lev- els of connecting with people, are all things that could disap- pear suddenly from our experience, or word of them being on their way out could come from the Lunar eclipse — usually with the corresponding Solar eclipse news of a new home, job, relationship, belief, etcetera. Sometimes it takes up to 6 months after an eclipse for the whole story to be told. As with all astrological transits, this isn’t an excuse to be nervous, or to react, it is a time to be present and respond to what comes, knowing that each step is being guided by a Benevolent Source.
Every energy that appears to exit will be replaced with new energy. Energy isn’t created or destroyed, it just changes form. Eclipse time epitomizes this Universal Truth.
DateS to note:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
april 1 — sun in aries square Pluto in capricorn — An impatience for the ‘rules’ and impulsiveness reigns during this time – Careful and calm consideration of the conflict could cause you to create or realize resources that have great poten- tial to positively shift your circumstances.
april 1 — sun in aries trine Jupiter in Gemini — Brings motivation, inspiration, hope and confidence for improving a situation. A great accompaniment to the previous transit mentioned to add extra energy for resolution.
april 6 — Mercury retrograde shadow period is officially over. Mercury was officially direct as of March 17, its shadow
lingers until this day.
april 7 — venus in aries conjunct Mars in aries —
Ooh! THIS is HOT! For love... Yummy! And for business and money... Grand!
april 10 — neW Moon in aries — Power day for all things! Make your 10 New Moon Wishes, create your “Spring Road Map” visionboard, start, launch, initiate, make official things you have been working on and are
ready to present.
april 13 — Mercury in moves into aries — Bold and
brazen communication abound. Choose to use this fiery potential for forward movement and inspiration instead of arguing.
april 18 — sun in aries conjunct Mars in aries — A time of expanded enthusiasm and drive. Could translate in to arguing or fighting if not the energy isn’t grounded with strong physical activity. A great energy combo to channel into making a baby or any other titanic physical feat. Great time to create plantable space in any kind of garden ;)
april 19 — venus in taurus sextile neptune in Pisces
— Beautiful time to connect deeply with another and/or beautify your surroundings. Feelings of Universal Love spill out of unexpected places.
april 20 — Mercury in aries conjunct Uranus in ar- ies — Watch your words and communication! You could surprise someone or you could be shocked by the expres- sion of another.
april 21 — Mercury in aries square Pluto — You could feel suspicious about something that may just be in your mind. Wait a little longer before taking action to see if the feeling is still there otherwise you could make something out of nothing.
april 22 — venus in taurus opposition saturn in scorpio — Tests may come with love, money, or parent/ authority figure.
april 24 — Mercury in aries sextile Jupiter in Gem- ini — A time for prolific expression. Big picture merges with details in magical ways. Great for a fun trip or travel.
april 24 — venus in taurus trine Pluto in capricorn
— A strong sexual attraction could occur. A great time for powerful creation. If you aren’t trying to create a baby, then beware. If you are, great!
april 24 — sun in taurus trine neptune in Pisces — A phase creating many to “be at the right place at the right time”, accurate hunches, awesome charitable acts, and powerful self-improvement momentum.
april 27 — Mars in taurus sextile neptune in Pisces
— A perfect time for cooperating with others for some ide- alistic purpose. Prayers for wise counsel and clarity could be answered now.
april 28 — sun in taurus opposition saturn in scor- pio — A challenging transit, especially for early Taureans. Exhaustion and challenges often come at this time. Chal- lenges to identity and possibly health.
| annie Botticelli, aka the Starry teller, helps people all over the world improve their lives, right from quiet little Sedona. Check out
monthly horoscopes at: • the NOISE arts & news
• APRIL 2013 • 33

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