Page 5 - the NOISE APril 2013
P. 5

07. newsBriefs
08. that rascally red rock Pass
as lawsuits pile up, the UsFs is still mum
10. reader report: aPs, smart Meters & a complicit corporation commission
12. taxes Kill ...
is the irs legitimate?
13. Film!
14. it’s the arts
23. Poetry: you are the Mountain 24. Music for the Masses
29. Question Man
30. neW! the apogeean cyclist
31. supplement calendar
33. atrologicallly speaking
34. retUrned! Jerome artBeat
36. Prescott’s don’t Miss list
38. neW! Zen taxi
39. essence: yerba Mansa
tierno tulipán éditîon
april 2013 • #143
Editorial Board:
clair anna rose, ellen Jo roberts Kyle Boggs, sarah Gianelli Bobby carlson, cindy cole
tony Ballz
cole lahti
angie Johnson-schmit Bob reynolds
Jon Jensen
cat sullivan reagan McGuire Warren Woodward annie Botticelli rhonda Pallas downey
Publisher charles seiverd
The Noise is a free forum for ideas and creative expression, hence all opinions expressed herein are of no affiliation to the directors of Weavel Inc and are strictly those of the individual artist. Copyrights are held by the individual artist and no part of this publication may be duplicated without explicit consent by the artist.
Readership: 42,000 Distribution: 245 locations
in Northern Arizona: Flagstaff, Sedona, Prescott, Cottonwood, Jerome, Clarkdale, Prescott Valley, Pine, Payson, Camp Verde, Williams & Winslow
cover art: Recycled Art Medley by alex Buhmeyer, Mandi dalton, & Mchala Kravako design by Maris cummings
inQUiries: 928-634-5001 |
PoB 1637 • Flagstaff aZ 86002 | PoB 1257 • clarkdale aZ 86324
a publication of
an Arizona 501c3 nonprofit organization
A Letter froM the puBLISher
Now I may not be considered the most bleeding heart of neo-conservative liberal libertarian, but I have to admit after reading the headlines for the past month: here we have an American President who is ready to recalibrate the way we use our federal moneys, and use them for peaceful operations of reconstructing our own nation and maintaining a standard of living and continued job creation for folks that call this place home — and he’s met by a bunch of transparent zealots whose only objective seems to be stockpiling the military industrial complex.
Making no mention of the trillions our nation spends on things that go “kaboom,” they dictate a status quo that only fuels the frustration of returning veterans, who may be realizing upon return their service was in vain.
The world, as democracy has inspired and proved, is not wont to be forcibly occu- pied, but rather, if the rationale is straight and true, possibly ideologically occupied. if we can create the most peaceful, intelligent country on earth than we must be doing something right, and the world will follow without the prod of the rifle.
We don’t need to keep making the financial pots of these corporate giants bigger by gains realized with the desecration of human life, but by the uplifting of Ameri- can life. These same corporations who would build an annual $1.4 trillion offensive initiative based on bombs, drones, and fighter jets could readily retool their factories to make the solar panels, wind farms, and free energy we require to keep us out of combat territory in the first place.
The technology is there for a better world, a world without hunger, a world without poverty, a world without geo-political engineering, and it starts with America First.
here’s to good reading! Charles Seiverd • • the NOISE arts & news
• APRIL 2013 • 5

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