Page 15 - the NOISE April 2014
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CW FROM TOP LEFT: Immigration Paradox plays with a Q&A with the filmmakers at the Int’l Film Series April 3; Hairspray plays for the CA&L Film Series April 15; Company plays for the 2nd anniversary of the Mary D. Fisher Theatre April 1; Go With Le Flow plays for PFF April 26.
plores border abuse, as well as the for-profit prison system that benefits from locking up immigrants.
4/16 — Romantico — Directed by Mark Becker, Mexico/ USA, (2005) 84 minutes. When Carmelo’s mother becomes ill in Mexico, he leaves his two jobs in San Francisco, and returns to his village to the poverty of his upbringing. He goes from a contributing member of America to a person on the brink of survival. An exploration of reversals of fortune.
4/17 — Two Americans — Directed by Valeria Fernandez and Dan DeVivo. Watch as Joe Arpaio attempts to do battle with 9-year-old Katia Figueroa, when she returns from school one day to see both her parents arrested by a typical Arpaio raid. Little Katia becomes the spokesperson and face for the family! At 6PM.
4/23 — Code Unknown — Director Michael Haneke, France, (2001) 113 minutes. On the streets of Paris, four seemingly separate immigrant lives weave through the judgmental stares of society to demonstrate how much we all have in common.
4/24 — The Graduates — Directed by Bernard Ruiz, A two- part bi-lingual documentary that shows the barriers people must overcome to achieve their educational dreams.
4/30 — In the Pit (En El Hoyo) — Directed by Juan Carlos Rulfo, Mexico (2006) 84 minutes. A massive elevated train is built around the city of Mexico at a high cost to the dispos- able men working on it in the tunnels and high towers. Prog- ress will trample over everything and everyone in its way, as we see the stark conditions of the working poor in Mexico.
The Prescott Film Festival (PFF) has a wonderful film in April and an event to help galvanize support for their upcom- ing July Film Festival. The film is Go With Le Flow, a romantic comedy of international proportions, as several people go in search of love. How do any of us find love? Why, you must ‘go with the flow’ of course! The film explores true love and all the fun twists and turns it takes... AND it’s about salami! Check this out at Yavapai College of Performing Arts Center on Saturday 4/26 at 6:30PM. General admission is $8 and it’s only $5 for students & employees of Yavapai College. At 4PM that same day, PFF will have a volunteer sign-up and appreciation day celebration. Sign-up to help the film festival and see Go With Le Flow for free! Plus, you get to watch short films for volunteers, starting at 4:30PM. Don’t miss the fun and cama- raderie as the crew gets set for July’s big film fest! Glance at for more info.
The Sedona Film Festival has a calendar chock full of events in April at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre, so check out for immediate daily updates. This is what we know for sure:
4/1 — Company — As Mary D. Fisher Theatre celebrates it’s 2nd anniversary, they’ll show this the critically acclaimed Sondheim musical comedy with Neil Patrick Harris for only $2! Don’t miss this revival!
4/2-3 — The Jewish Cardinal and At Middleton with Andy Garcia plays at 4 & 7PM on those days; check website for ex- act details!
4/3-6 — Face of Love with Annette Bening and Ed Harris. Nikki meets a man that looks just like her dead husband. He shows her the “face of love” and she responds. A psychologi- cal love story of the highest order.
4/12 — Burnett Family Bluegrass in concert LIVE at 7PM at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre.
4/13 — Moulin Rouge, a stage production of the highest or- der. Check website for details!
4/17 — Noel Coward’s Private Lives, a production from Spectacast!
4/19 — Zenprov (Live)
4/22 — On EARTH DAY check out the documentary Rebels with a Cause about a group of people with the foresight to protect valuable open spaces, at 4 & 7PM.
4/26 — Poetry Slam!
4/27 — Marco Spada from the Bolshie’s Ballet in Russia!
Finally, don’t miss ML Lincoln’s Wrenched playing at Spook Hall in Jerome at 7PM on April 17. This fine documentary ex- plores the life and times of Edward Abbey and his merry band of cohorts that tried to monkey-wrench the system into awak- ening. Tim DeChristopher follows in Cactus Ed’s footsteps, be- ing passed the monkey-wrench-baton, as he became bidder 70 in a recent land deal staged to help oil companies. Check out the for more info!
| Bob Reynolds is likely to ponder the variety of cooking oil while partaking in buttery popcorn. • the NOISE arts & news •
APRIL 2014 • 15

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