Page 32 - the NOISE April 2014
P. 32
APRIL 2014: “Star Tangled Angles”
It’s eclipse time again, and with this month’s eclipses being joined by the powerful Cardinal Grand Cross, expect radi- cal change with an astonishing quickness.
Eclipses on their own carry enough punch to create dra- matic change, as would a Cardinal Grand Cross, now put them together and, WOW!
If you have been hoping, praying, intending, visualizing dif- ferent circumstances, this combo could be the answer to your prayers, however letting go can be hard for humans and with the rush of drastic newness, even if you are excited about what’s coming, emotions and attachments will likely run high and deep. For some, the changes might not feel welcome, and yet they will come anyway.
Let’s go deeper into each of these events and their poten- tial implications:
The Eclipses – There will be two – The first will be a total lunar eclipse (coinciding with the Full Moon) Apr. 15th in the sign of Libra. Full Moons often carry things into fullness or completion. An eclipse carries the weight and energy of 3 Full Moons, so usually the endings or completions that come do so with more drama and/or finality. This eclipse is in Libra, the sign of relationships. Much will be moving in this life sec- tor. For some, an important relationship will dissolve, for oth- ers, a dimension of a close relationship will disappear, bring- ing that relationship to a new level.
The second eclipse will be a partial Solar Eclipse (coinciding with the New Moon) on Apr. 29th in the sign of Taurus. New Moons bring initiation, new beginnings, and fresh starts. The Solar Eclipse carries the power of 3 New Moons. New portals will open in the areas of self-sufficiency, finances, and ‘ground- edness.’ Making wishes on such Solar Eclipse New Moons can ramp up your manifestation time.
The Cardinal Grand Cross – A Grand Cross happens when two sets of planets are opposing each other, and making a 90° angle to each other at the same time, creating a cross. Two 180° angle and four 90° angles are formed. Both of these types of angles create tensions in the areas of the signs and houses they are oc- curring in. MAJOR CROSSROADS occur at these junctures where many different areas of life are profoundly affected all at once.
The angles make me think of the Rubik’s Cube. To try to bring ultimate coherence to the cube, one twists along 180° planes, then turns, making 90° angles to the ones just twisted. Similarly, the Universe has to create the same movements within the cosmos and each of us to get everything restored into coherence. During this time, we are the Rubik’s cube! Imagining and experiencing that type of inner and outer mo- tion can be mind-boggling, dizzying, and scary but trusting the coherence in the greater plan can help. Systems are try- ing to bring themselves into coherence but sometimes there is the appearance of more chaos during the process.
A Cardinal Grand Cross means these aspects are happening in all of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capri- corn. These are the signs that kick-off each season and carry the energy of new starts and forward movement. A Grand Cross carries the energy of each of the elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Fire represents the spiritual plane; Water, emo- tional; Air, mental; and Earth, material. So the changes that will occur in multiple areas of life, will also occur in different dimensions of those experiences.
The planets and signs involved in The Grand Cross are Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Cancer, Uranus in Aries, and Mars in Libra. The points of conflict will involve the energies each of these planets bring, as well as the energies of the signs they are in. Pluto rules birth, death, transformation, and rebirth, the shedding of old skin to reveal the new shiny things that fit perfectly. Jupiter rules expansion. It ‘super-sizes’ everything it touches. Uranus is the planet of surprises, shocks, jolts, ex- citement, things coming out of the blue — I call it ‘The Great Jostler.” Mars rules action, aggression, activity, and creation.
by Annie Botticelli
The themes brought by the sign placements are work/ca- reer/life purpose, one’s place in the world (Capricorn); family, home, roots, one’s emotional/internal space (Cancer); individ- uality, pioneering efforts, self-focus, the physical body (Aries); and important relationships of every kind (Libra).
Because of Cancer’s involvement in the cross, many people will be moving house or someone new will be moving into theirs, or other family/home changes could be involved This will come from changes in relationships (Libra), and/or work changes/opportunities (Capricorn), or from the need for free- dom and individual expression (Aries). The ‘triggering event’ can come from any of these sectors and then have a ripple effect on the rest of the experiences.
This is one of the best times for having a clean slate. The stronger the attachment to how things are or were, the more challenging this time will be. People with 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house cusps or planets in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) between 8 and 18° will likely be the most affected by the configuration. This is because the event happens at 13° so the most effects will be felt at angles within 5° in either direction of the event.
One other factor at play to note is that Mars is still retrograde during all of these events. Mars retrograde isn’t the best time to initiate new things, however with the Eclipses and the Grand Cross there come caveats. These events will likely bring events to RESPOND TO. Responding is different than initiating. Also, many will likely find the things occurring are continuations of stories in the works for a long time, making the ‘responses’ to the new information brought by April’s astrological events more of a moving along a continuum, rather than an initiation of new things. It will happen in many cases that Mars will be direct by the time many of the ‘new’ things actually come to fruition.
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
April 2 — Sun in Aries Conjunct Uranus in Aries — Breakthroughs come from asking questions that go against tradition and the ‘rules.’ Topics of freedom, individuality, and independence come up in big ways.
April 15 — Full Moon in Libra/Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra — Mega-awesome time for letting outdated relation- ships go or revolutionizing a relationship. Superb time for releasing old and negative patterns. Scheduling counseling, emotional clearing, past-life regression, TFT (Thought Field Therapy), or any other such deep psychologically-based work is indicated around this time as the veils between the causal roots of behaviors and their current manifestations are thin.
April 17 — Venus in Pisces Trine Jupiter in Cancer — This could make for some easy money and/or awesome news in love. A good time to chance a buck on the lotto. The perfect bargain on a luxury item or a splurge that brings the feeling of prosperity. Two things to consider with spending on a big ticket item: the first is to avoid spending a lot, or even any- thing on items made of metal (Mars is still in retrograde, as it rules metal, this isn’t the best time for purchases made of that material); the second is to avoid big purchases on credit.
April 29 — New Moon in Taurus/Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus — New Moon wishing power TIMES THREE! Wishes for anything Taurus, including improved finances, relationship to money and things, self-sufficiency, earth-connectedness, sus- tainability on any level, things involving the neck or thyroid, and loyalty/dedication will be even further supported at this time.
All of April — The Cardinal Grand Cross – RADICAL change that will propel things and people forward, ready or not!
| Annie Botticelli, aka The Starry Teller,’ helps clear the clouds to better see the starlight in the dark night. Check out monthly
horoscopes on her YouTube Channel.
32 • APRIL 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •