Page 29 - the NOISE April 2015
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methods to get rid of our weeds without using a toxic poison,” she says. “One is or- ganic, horticultural vinegar, which works very well! The choice you make in your own backyard make a difference to you, your kids, (who roll around in your grass) your city and your planet.”
Charmagne Coe will be displaying her painting Drawn into Nectar. She tells me of the impact of nature on her life and in her art. “I find my spiritual experiences and get closer to Divinity by getting into nature and feeling this overwhelming-ness. It puts things into perspective for me,” she tells me. “I feel connected, but I also feel humbled and smaller — in a good way. We become so full of ourselves, our lives, the things we make and it’s really important to go into nature and put things into perspective. All of the little creatures are really an enormous impact in our lives.”
“I go with my boys into nature a lot,” Ms. Coe shares. “We’ll just go and take a hike and we do a lot of looking for little creatures and looking into fallen logs and digging into them, finding beetles. I notice when I go hiking with my kids or even by myself we settle into this natural rhythm. I’m still very much like a kid when I get into nature.”
Drawn into Nectar is a color burst of insects, flowers and caricatures. Even her two sons make an appearance within the weave of colors and activity. Ms. Coe’s home stu- dio is in the same room that her children play in while she works, and it seemed only natural that she found their features forming on the painting as she worked since they are so much a part of her creative experience. “I was thinking of being there (her back yard), imagining some of the insects that we see outside our home and the ones that I love so much are the hummingbird hawks moths,” she explains about the painting. “They’re large — almost as large as a hummingbird. They swarm our front bushes. They’re very herd-like but they’re not antagonistic. You can just sit there as they hum around you and it becomes this fun experience. It seemed really natural to go with an insect I was really familiar with.”
The opening reception for “Essential Guardians,” at West of the Moon, 14 N. San Francisco, will be held during the First Friday ArtWalk on April 3. Ten percent of the
proceeds from the pieces sold will be donated to the Xerces Society.
On Saturday, April 25 at 9PM the Circlet Sisters present “The Robot Apocalypse” at the Green Room. This collective of performance art- ists are incorporating live painting, hula hoop, burlesque, aerial hoop (Lyra), silks, trapeze, aerial pole and a variety of other dance forms into the nights events. Performance groups The Circlet Sisters, Inner-
space, Flagstaff Aerial Arts, Heady Hoop Tribe, and the Na- ked Arts Collective, along with performers Christian Kolestar, Coco Rambo, Nathaniel Havi- land and Sarah Thomas will per- form, and MC Dapper Dre will be the host for the evening.
Event organizer and Circlet Sis- ter Kayley Monster tells me about the live painting that will part of the show. “Many will be acts that feature live painting accompanied by performance, a full art gallery featuring Robot/Space themed art and a hand-painted interactive photobooth,”shesays. Inaddition to Kayley Monster, live painters Siera Smith, Keri Chartand, and Malena Lou will be creating live.
This April at the Coconino Cen-
ter for the Arts an opening recep-
tion for the new science, technology, engineering and math themed art of STEM City Arts will be held on April 11 from 6PM to 8PM.
Paintings by Mui-joo Wee and photographs by Donald Hill are featured in the window this month at the Artists’ Gallery, 17 N. San Francisco. An artists’ reception
will be held during the First Friday ArtWalk.
At the Sedona Arts Center “Searching for Solid Ground,” will be on display for a little under two weeks April 2-14. Artists Cathy Gazda and Rose Moon’s paintings
will be displayed.
Gretchen Lopez will be painting live at the Sedona Arts Center during the First
Friday Art Walk in the main gallery beginning at 6PM. Her paintings will be among the featured works for the month of April.
Have art? • the NOISE arts & news • APRIL 2015 • 29