Page 45 - April 2016
P. 45
Right! And leaving it up the states, as to whether or not they want to legalize it. But making it no longer an equal to heroine, which is ludicrous.
He’s stated he’d retroactively let people out of prisons too for certain non-violent crimes.
Yeah, we have too many people in jail.
Can you talk about any policies your husband has for taming the Military Industrial Complex. A lot of people don’t know that over 51% of the Federal Discretionary Budget is the Military. He’s said that he will cut the budget of the Military Industrial Complex. Give me some insight to this.
well there are a number of things with this. It is the one area of government that cannot be audited, because it’s just too complicated. so first, break it down, and get it less complicated, and audit each section of the military or Defense Department.
In terns of budget, he’s always talked about cuts. we have contractors that are defrauding the government, then they get contracts anyways. so we need to look at that. we have to get rid of the old boondoggles that just keep on coming.
And individual Congressman, and senators say, we need this because it’s in my district, and we need jobs. well let’s create other jobs, fixing our bridges and our damns, and our levies, instead of jobs to build outdated military equipment. so, I think what you see with Bernie is a re-prioritization of the Federal Government’s Budget, that deals with what people need. not the individual corporations or what lobbyists are clamoring for, but what will increase the qual- ity of life for the average American.
It sounds very nice. It sounds like a better policy than to invest in murder. Not to be too grim, but these bullets do go into people, these explosives go into people — too often in- nocent people ... Your husband has said that he will continue the drone program in some cases. Has he ever giving any thought about abolishing it? Right now according to a Gal- lup Poll, a lot of the world thinks the US is the greatest terrorist and purveyor of violence.
I think that has been a feeling in the United states for quite some time now. And what he would be doing in terms of military, or of foreign policy, is to move away from regime change and asserting ourselves into foreign affairs that don’t have an impact on the lives of Americans. we’ve seen too many regime changes in the last 50 years. In terms of the drones, President Obama has cut back, and provided some oversight in it, which I think was sorely needed ...
You were a social worker for years.
I have a degree in social work. I was director of youth services for the city of Burlington for a number of years.
What can be done to help the Sanders campaign?
we need to invigorate our Democracy. we need to increase voter participation. when there’s a high voter turnout, he does very, very well. when there is a low voter turnout, he loses. And so if people are interested in transforming this nation — to have it be the America that we all know that it can be, where people are all working together to deal with the issues like climate change, to provide health care, and to provide affordable education to everybody regardless of financial circumstances — people need to vote!
This is the election where they can come out and they can actually transform America, if they vote in this primary, and then the november election. And we are hopeful that Arizonans will come out and support Bernie.
what’s been wonderful for me as I’m going around the country is that I find the more people get to know Bernie, the more they support him; which is an enviable position to be in. He is who he says he is, he fights really hard, for what he believes in. And all you have to do is look at Vermont, new Hampshire, and Maine, our closest neighbors who know him best, and they all voted overwhelmingly for him in the primary.
Could you talk about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, sweatshops, and trade?
I can just say on the TPP, that Bernie has been against it since the beginning. He’s voted against NAFTA, CAFTA, and voted against permanent “normal” trade relations with China. And he has been leading the effort against the TPP.
Hisopponenthasbeenontheoppositesideonmostofthem. Hebelievesverystronglythat we need Fair Trade, not just “Free Trade.” Trade that creates jobs in America, and then supports people on both sides of the border to have a better life.
And to re-instate Glass Steagall?
Absolutely! Re-instating Glass Steagall and breaking up the big banks. You’ve been listen- ing. Thank you! Thanks a lot, it was nice meeting you.
Thank you!
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APRIL 2016 • 45