Page 33 - the NOISE May 2013
P. 33
May 2013 — Grow or Die
The wild Aries energies from April start to ground then take flight as the personal planets move into Taurus and then Gemini throughout May.
The Solar Eclipse in Taurus on May 9th will open up won- derful doors offering great potentials for new levels of self- sufficiency, through new business opportunities, powerful forward movement on environmental initiatives, and for some straight-up instant CASH. Seeds you planted during the magical New Moon have likely sprouted and started strong growth. For many, some belief system or old way of doing things will be eclipsed out with the Lunar Eclipse in Sagit- tarius on May 25th and allow for new Solar Eclipse energies, and the seeds planted during the New Moon, to take full root.
This is a time to GROW OR DIE. Remember this phrase. Cir- culate it through your head like a mantra so that when the moment arises when you have to make the decision to throw in the towel instead of stepping up into your destined glory, you RISE. Keep your mind fixed on the goal as you dance through the chaos of the breakdown of the old way. Eclipses work like a beautiful symphony. Once the energies start kick- ing, there is no telling time, dates, which occurred first — they blend together to create an intricate story. The name of the song is GROW OR DIE.
For some there will be a very obvious precipitating event that creates the questioning and subsequent break-down of the belief system or old way of seeing and doing things. Sometimes these can be challenging and dramatic events, sometimes they can be really cool and exciting events, but in either case you will be asked to step up. Will you do it? Or will you get lost in the story, the death-throws, as essence exits the old form and takes new shape?
Another layer of revolutionary upheaval comes with the Uranus in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn Transit on May 20. The longer the orbits are of planets involved in a transit, the wider the orb of influence. The effects of this transit have been manifesting for years and will continue for more years. This energy can be associated with natural disasters including earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, cyclones, and hurricanes. Hav- ing a plan that it is appropriate for the kind of events possible in your area is a good idea. Living in fear robs the experience of life, but practical knowledge and measures can be imple- mented with Presence.
This is a revolutionary time. Challenging and triumph- ing over the fear-based Ego-run systems in the experience of the individual, communities, and the world take center stage with this transit. Do what has to be done balancing the knowledge that sometimes in the process of straightening things out, a little more of a mess has to be made, but also all of our acts have consequences that ring out into time and space. Much energy is available for profound inner and outer transformation. Responsible Renegades Unite!
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
may 1 — mercury enters taurus — A time for solid, clear, and tangible communication. Bullet points are Mercury in Taurus’ best friend.
may 5 — mars in taurus trine pluto in capricorn — Great time to throw yourself into something wholeheartedly with likelihood for awesome and lasting results.
may 9 — new moon in taurus – Make your 10 wishes for everything Taurean – comfort, beauty, security, and money.
may 9 — solar eclipse in taurus — Do the work now and get the long-term reward.
may 9 — venus enters Gemini — A time to revel in variety, distraction, gathering and disseminating informa- tion, and enjoying multi-media.
may 13 — venus in Gemini square uranus in pisces
— Tattoo and piercing artists will be busier these days. A draw to the new, freaky, naughty, and different will be strong. Consider long-term implications of following through with whims.
may 15 — mercury enters Gemini – Chattiness, social fun, and mobility abound as Mercury moves into the sign it rules.
may 18 — mercury in Gemini square neptune in pisces — Better to leave presenting important ideas, de- cision-making, and signing agreements to a less fanciful and daydreamy time.
may 18 — venus in Gemini sextile uranus in aries
— Time to shake loose from routine and do something exciting and different. Brilliant time for out-of-the-box thinking and creating.
may 20 — sun enters Gemini — Beginning a month of strong curiosity, fact-finding, information gathering and dissemination, travel, and social gatherings.
may 20 — uranus in aries square pluto in capricorn
– Put on your Revolutionary Hat and make some waves. Also have an Earthquake, Tsunami, Hurricane exit plan however may apply in your location.
may 21-22 — mercury in Gemini square chiron in pisces — Great potential for deep healing through com- munication and expression.
may 21-22 — mercury in Gemini sextile uranus in aries — Strong intuition, originality, an progressive ideas come through. Capture and implement the magic!
may 24 — mercury in Gemini conjunct venus in Gemini – Tell someone they look beautiful today and make their day. Share positive thoughts with others and deepen connectivity with loved ones.
may 24-25 — full moon in sagittarius — Breathe through Full Moon freakouts (often come 2 or 3 days be- fore the Full Moon) – Fullness comes to circumstances. Fruition comes from big ideas.
may 24-25 — lunar eclipse in sagittarius — Dance through the chaos of tumbling belief systems.
may 27 — mercury in Gemini conjunct Jupiter in Gemini — Great day for BIG ideas. Awesome time for making a visionboard. Powerful energy for convincing others of things dear to you.
may 28 — venus in Gemini conjunct Jupiter in Gem- ini — Big time for BIG love and BIG money. Resources multiply and Love performs Alchemy.
may 31 — mercury enters cancer — Mushball poets get your pens ready. Tell your family the things you love about them. If you have trouble focusing on the good times, spend this time trying harder.
may 31 — mars enters Gemini — Energies can be- come distracted and scattered. Lists and other systems to keep on track will be your BFF’s during this time.
| Annie Botticelli, aka The Starry Teller, Astrologer ~ Philosopher ~ Optimist. Check out monthly horoscopes at: • the NOISE arts & news
• MAY 2013 • 33