Page 29 - the NOISE May 2015
P. 29

By CaleB mcCluRe
within the squaRes
There was a time when quilting was a necessary craft for making a living, or stay- ing warm during the winter months. now, quilting is becoming more and more of an art form in which traditional patterns are challenged and new materials are added. Quilter Beverly Kelly-Swift will be the featured artist at The Gallery in Williams when williams kicks off their summer second saturday Art walk in May.
“It’s really combining the quilt world and the art world,” said Ms. Kelly-swift.
Hailing from Durango, Colorado, Ms. Kelly-swift discovered quilting 12 years ago after her children left the house, and freed her time to pursue creative endeavors. Her quilts don’t follow the conventions of traditional blankets. she experiments with textures, paints and beading while creating her one-of-a-kind blankets. Most of her inspiration comes from pictures she’s taken while traveling around the Four Corners region. The Lost Dutchman of the superstition Mountains is the inspiration for one of her favorite pieces. Through colorful strips of fabric she sews together the scene in a
coherent collage, which gives the viewer a sense of place in the southwest.
Ms. Kelly-swift found creative expression in quilting she couldn’t find in painting. “It’s the fabric, being able to manipulate different types of fabric, different threads,
build it up by layers with cotton and wool and silk underneath — there’s just a lot of dimension and a lot of elements you can put in it,” she says.
she also loves to share the knowledge she has, and will be in williams all month while her quilts are featured. The williams Artwalk is planned for every second saturday, starting May 9 from 6PM to 9PM.
21st CentuRy GalleRy
A new gallery is bringing youth- ful energy to the Flagstaff art scene. flagstaff Modern & Contempo- rary opened in March, and is dedi- cated to showcasing the work of emerging artists in Flagstaff and abroad. May 15, it is opening a show in homage for their predecessor: the Upper floor Gallery in Jerome.
“These emerging artists have been here for a long time. we’ve been doing this for years now. we want to showcase some of the contem- porary work these artists have to of- fer. It’s a little more edgy, it’s a little more newbrow, but it’s something you can reckon with — that people can come and enjoy,” said FMAC di- rector Andrea Bagdon.
The Upper Floor Gallery was cre-
ated by a group of nAU students and alumni. They painted together, showed to- gether and had fun together. Jerome seemed to appreciate the energy they brought, and The Upper Floor Gallery started to gain a following. But, since most of the artists were based in Flagstaff, the hour-and-a-half drive to Jerome proved to be an incon- venience. when the opportunity presented itself, they moved to Flagstaff. FMAC in- tends to give Flagstaff the same thing it gave Jerome. “we want it to have that grass roots energy that we had in Jerome in a more polished venue,” said Ms. Bagdon. The show will host Ms. Bagdon’s work and that of Jeff Urdang, who also showed at the Upper Floor Gallery.
Located at 215 south san Francisco street, the gallery is currently featuring the ArtBox institute’s installment of FLOw, an exhibition based on the idea that emo- tions channel into a piece of art, and become aparanet to the beholder. The show opens April 28 and there will be a public reception May 8, from 6PM to 9PM with live dance performances. Artists featured in FLOw are Tristyn Bustamante, Rebekah nordstrom, Jayne lee, frederica Hall, David irvine, Suzanne Doucette Stebila and Salvatorre Yazzie.
makinG a splash is Amy Horn’s new exhibit at Brandy’s Restaurant; a fantas- tic series of water in still time, dissecting moments of flow. (paGe 43)
loCal motion is John Graber’s remarkable train series at Arizona Hand- made/fire on the Mountain Gallery through the month of May. (paGe 43)
sCRatChinG the suRfaCe is what maestra potter Joni Pevarnik is calling her newest elemental creations at West of the Moon Gallery. (aBove)
have art? • the NOISE arts & news • MAY 2015 • 29

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