Page 40 - the NOISE May 2015
P. 40

May 2015: The Twins Dominate by Annie Botticelli
The symbol for the sign of Gemini is “The Twins.” These twins are very active, mobile, chatty, social, fast think- ing, moving and acting. They represent transportation and
communication. They are quick-witted, clever and charm- ing. The twins move in circles, or more specifically, in an upward spiral that seems circular if you don’t watch the movement long enough to see its progression. These Jack’s- of-all-trades enjoy variety, the new, the novel, the next. In May we will have four of the five personal planets (the ones closest to the sun), in this changeable, adaptable, mutable sign. Gemini lives and breathes freedom of movement and expression. This month may feel “dizzying” as we move with the spiral motion that so strongly flavors this time.
The twins are also playful and mischievous. you may imagine them with an impish grin, and sparkling eyes, dashing about, with a secret agenda, a magic show. now imagine their dad shows up, not amused with their games. He grabs them, separates them, and grounds them on the sunniest of weekends. That is what parts of this month will be like! As the playful Gemini energies swirl with movement and fun, six obnoxiously angled aspects with either saturn or neptune, plus Mercury starting its retro- grade movement in the sign of its rulership, also Gemini, attempt to squash the joyous freedom of movement and pin down the happy circle makers. This puts a damper on the shenanigans but Dad can’t stop the twins’ fun and their active intentions since their cleverness prevails and limiting their physical movement helps them better focus their mind power.
So what can you do to maximize your fun & flow?
1. Know that, as always, there is a reason for the contrary energies. Gemini energy can easily become unfocused, ungrounded, scattered to the point of debilitation. Hav- ing these challenging aspects of square and opposition provide a grounding cord that can allow for rest, refocus, regeneration, reconsideration, and most things that be- gin with the “Re” prefix. In the true retrograde style that blankets May and most of June, moving backwards and bringing attention to missed or previously ignored details brings rich potentials.
2. embody the energy of the earthworm. The end of February and all of March and April brought frenzied for- ward movement. A pace that is not intended for anything other than short spurts. The conflicting transits and ret- rograde motion can actually bring a sigh of relief in the form of much-needed rest. Gradually, slowly, going back over the recent times, and further into the past, we act as the earthworm going over and back over old soil making it super-fine and fertile, ensuring bountiful future crops of experience.
3. Avoid making plans if possible, and any plans that re- ally have to be made, keep very flexible. This is the typi- cal advice for personal planet retrograde cycles, and even more so indicated with the other transits of this month. Be without agenda. Flow with the opportunities that present themselves.
4. Allow balance. Planetary transits will notably seek to provide balance in areas where there wasn’t. In a time of so much spiraling movement as the time of year when the personal planets move into Gemini, things could easily spin out of control. The contrary angles and transits allow for a necessary slowing down to better assess the direc- tion of desired movement and make sure that everything is lining up in the best direction.
may hiGhliGhts
** Effects may be felt before or after the actual day of planetary transit.
May 3 — Mercury in Gemini opposing Saturn in
Sagittarius — At this time, beware of limiting viewpoints, your own and others, and the limitations that a constrict- ed perspective creates. Also: full Moon in Scorpio — An emotional time of things scorpio coming to fullness or completion: financial matters, topics of intimacy, subjects of mystery and research, experiences involving power and powerlessness, and esoteric or psychological studies.
May 15 — Mars in Gemini opposing Saturn in Sagit- tarius — This time period brings frustrations, delays, and ob- stacles to free movement. This can manifest with movement being blocked on any or all levels: physical, through injury or other restraints to mobility; mental, through a deadlock block that can’t seem to be thought through; emotional, where someone or something blocks emotions or emotional expression; financial, as money or other resource limitations bring blocks to plans or forward movement on some level. Limitation brings with it brilliant potential for the innate hu- man resourcefulness to shine through. This transit can allow for cleverness to prevail over obstacles.
May 17-18 — new Moon in Taurus — Make your 10 new moon wishes, especially around all things Taurus: mon- ey, dedication, sensual pleasure, financial ownership, solid foundations, setting appropriate boundaries, stagnation, and anything having to do with the neck area of the body, including the thyroid gland, voice and vocal chords, coughs, and the cervical spine.
May 18-19 — Mercury goes retrograde in native sign of Gemini — From now through June 11 avoid new ven- tures and launches and signing contracts or making firm agreements, and focus instead on study, research, clearing clutter, visiting places and people fond and familiar.
May 21 — venus in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capri- corn — This transit brings tremendous emotional intensity. Deep fears surface regarding financial security, romantic re- lationships, and core self-esteem topics. If topics of jealousy, betrayal, and commitment come up, repeat the mantra
“nothing real can be threatened.” If financial fears come up, remember that your income doesn’t really come from the sources you may think, those are all intermediaries. your in- come comes directly from source. Remembering this helps you stay less attached to money coming from any certain or specific place and more open to magical manifestation.
May 25 — Mars in Gemini Square neptune in Pisces —
Mundane reality may seem more boring or intolerable at this time, bringing the tendency to make waves or be impulsive. Deviating from the norm, escaping into expanded and magi- cal realities can be a good way to use this energy, just make sure the methods are without consequence before pursuing them. Too extreme, or actions not carefully thought out can produce long-term woes at this time. Also: Mercury in Gemini Conjunct Mars in Gemini — This is a very active time mentally, verbally, and physically. The need to move and express will be strong. since the Mars square with neptune is happening at this same time, things will likely not be as they seem. Im- portant pieces of truth will be obscured and also as Mercury is retrograde, there is even more potential of “not seeing the whole picture.”
May 29 — Mercury in Gemini Square neptune in Pisces — This transit, especially combined with Mercury retrograde, brings distraction and confusion up to a record level. Lay low
and try to avoid making decisions or presentations.
May 31 — Sun in Gemini Square neptune in Pisces —
Dreams and ideals might be challenged in a disappointing way at this time. Melting into joys of an artistic or abstract nature will help offset the possible challenges of this time.
| annie Botticelli is a self-development coach & inspirational speaker. Check out monthly horoscopes on her youtube Channel.
40 • MAY 2015 • the NOISE arts & news •

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