Page 27 - May 2017 Edition
P. 27
May 2017 ~ ~ Movement & Manifestation to the Max BY ANNIE BOTTICELLI
Five months of working behind the scenes is about to pay off with notable launches forward. There may be a sleepy start as Mercury goes direct on May 3 with the shadow period lasting until May 21 (meaning it takes until then for Mercury to regain full strength), and Venus will still take until May 19 to regain its full strength. Even in the time of these remaining shadow periods that encompass a good bit of the month, there are some excellent aspects to help start moving things along, especially starting May 9.
Mars (and later in the month, the Sun) in Gemini really bring the desire for movement, physical and otherwise, and there will definitely be progress and major manifestations.
Even though the Sun and Mercury spend time in the grounded sign of Tau- rus, the predominant energies are Aries and Gemini. Air and fire feeding off of each other and the general restlessness and calls to action associated with both Gemini and Aries can’t help but bring long-awaited manifestations and focus away from the past and into blazing future trails. At the same time, there will definitely be hiccups along the way as every sweet aspect this month seems to be accompanied by a tricky one. The best way to manage these ener- gies is to make the forward efforts as long as they are flowing and then during the times where an impediment makes itself manifest, hold up and observe until clarity and flow return.
Starting May 21 we have our first period of time in this whole year that is free from personal planet retrogrades (or their shadows). This open time runs from May 21-July 24.
Some bursts of sweet energy could come in on or near: May 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 25, 28, 30. Expect some temporary impediments to the inevitable changes that are in process: May 3, 10, 11, 18, 19, 21 25, 28, 29.
Check out more May Highlights:
** Note: often the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day the transit occurs.
May 1 — May Day/Beltane — The magical midpoint between the March Equinox and the Summer Solstice. This day always feels energetically like the start of Summer (in the Northern Hemisphere) to me instead of the typical June 21 date followed by most.
May 3 — Mercury Direct at 24° of Aries — The planet that rules communi- cation and transportation returns to its normal movement today but remem- ber that even though it will be officially direct, the several days after a direction change can be most haywire in daily activities and it will take until May 21 until the transit is completely clear. The Sun in Taurus also makes a beautiful angle with Neptune today making it a great day for quiet personal pursuits.
May 9 — Sun in Taurus Trine Pluto in Capricorn — This beautiful align- ment brings increased potential for someone or something with tremendous power to align with your desires. The power could come from a discovery, a person, a mysterious source, or countless other places. Following hunches at this time especially assists the alignment.
May 10 — Full Moon at 20° of Scorpio — Something in the arenas of shared power or resources, intimate business, romantic, or other relationships, esoteric studies, psychological matter or studies, mysteries or research come to fullness, completion, or fruition now. Mercury is also conjunction Uranus today so some nerve-jangling or positively exciting news could accompany this energy. Always guard your head and brain when Uranus connects with another planet in Aries.
May 11 — Mars in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces — Information over- load is very likely now, bringing confusion and hesitation. If you are unclear what to do, doing nothing until clarity is attained is a good idea.
May 11 — Mercury in Aries Trine Saturn in Sagittarius — Even amidst the intensity of the two previously listed transits this aspect can bring good news and forward movement on long term projects.
May 12 — Mars in Gemini Trine Jupiter in Libra — The forward movement that has been brewing as a possibility really starts to advance with this transit. This is a great time to actively put plans into motion. Travel and/or notable news regarding writing or other communications are likely now. Writers and others working in the field of communication will love this time. This is also a great transit to purchase a vehicle, but still stay practical with how much you can really afford for a payment.
May 14 — Transiting Nodes Change to the Leo/Aquarius Polarity — The years of this transit bring major attention to finding your bliss.
May 18 — Sun in Taurus Sextile Chiron in Pisces — This transit brings a chance to easily convert a weakness or wound into a strength. Vulnerability equals power at this time.
May 18-19 — Saturn in Sagittarius Trine Uranus in Aries — This is the second of these three brilliant match-ups, the likes of which won’t happen again until 2047. The first of the series was December 24, 2016, and the last will be November 11, 2017. These titans coming together like this bring massive potential for harmonious transitions into drastically improved ways of living. This transit became very active towards the end of April 2017 and will remain strong all through May and into the first half of June. It brings great support for major changes in every area of life.
May 19 — Venus in Aries Opposing Jupiter in Libra — This same day the Venus retrograde shadow finally clears, it makes an opposition with Jupiter. Usually this type of transit brings challenges but when the two benefics of the zodiac meet in this way, the result is usually overindulging in fun, spending, or other excess. It is a great time to unwind but try to hold prudence as a balanc- ing point. Alternatively, there is an increased chance for burn-out, burning the candle at both ends, trying to satisfy relationship expectations and needs of the self.
May 21 — Mercury retrograde shadow clears — This day starts the first open time period free of retrograde personal planets this whole year. This open time frame runs through July 24.
May 25 — New Moon at almost 5° of Gemini — Make your ten New Moon wishes now, especially on the topics of communication (including devices like phones, tablets, or computers and also topics of writing, editing, other work or project centered around communication), mobility, vehicles, siblings, cous- ins (and other relatives who are not parents or kids), respiratory health, arms, wrists, hand health.
May 25 — Venus in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn — This combination puts major pressure on money, love, and self-perception. A person or entity whose opinions or actions effect your world may be misusing their energy or being too harsh or unfair. Empowerment through awareness can be a positive side effect of this conflict as true colors may be shown now.
May 28 — Mercury in Taurus Sextile Neptune in Pisces — Quiet time can be well spent now bringing rest, renewal, and grounding amidst the active energies of this time.
May 28-29 — Mars in Gemini Opposing Saturn in Sagittarius — Move- ment is temporarily halted by the need to go back and take care of important details. Some authority figure, responsibility or other obligation brings a real- ity check.
May 30 — Mars in Gemini Sextile Uranus in Aries — Surprise news or opportunities are common during this transit. A brilliant idea put into action could work out really well.
May 31 — Mercury in Taurus Trine Pluto in Capricorn — Powerful insights or assistance from the lesser seen realms predominate now. Grounded action is fueled by emotional connections or support. | the NOISE arts & news | MAY 2017 • 27