Page 33 - the NOISE June 2013
P. 33
The Dust Settles
Eclipses can bring very dramatic news — for better or for worse. Many can experience them with the feeling of stag- gering loss, or be launched up to the stars on a happy rocket. Ei- ther way, by June, the April and May eclipse energies will start to
settle, except for the few who still have news to come. Occasion- ally eclipse ‘news’ can come in the month after they occur.
If you feel like you have been through the wringer, are tired from helping others who have been, or if the eclipses have brought fantastic news and you are tired from the mania of it all, then the second week in June starts the time to rest. Mer- cury will start its shadow period around June 10th and then go retrograde in Cancer on June 26th through July 20th. Cancer is a very emotional and introspective sign and since the Mercury retrograde period carries the same energy, this period’s energy will be doubly so.
It may be hard to slow down from the whirlwind of energy. If you don’t start a proactive slow-down, then Mercury will “help” you. Isaythiswithamischievousgrin,asIknowthe“help”might not be recognized as such. Here are some ways this retrograde cycle can help you rest: creating problems with your phone, printer, computer, car or other transportation; bringing in peo- ple/experiences that highlight the topic of communication (or lack thereof) and make you be attentive to the issue — all of these having the capacity to create a situation where you simply MUSTslowdown. Doyourselfafavorandrecognizethe“gifts”as such and make things easier by taking the hint, so the Universal
“knocks” don’t have to become bangs.
Some other ways Mercury retrograde in Cancer can manifest
is: vacation with or to visit family, or someone from your past, or making plans for such a trip; family or past association com- ing to visit you; returning back to any place that was or feels like
“home”; and the seemingly inadvertent triggering or proactive delving into childhood memories (good or bad).
Enjoy the rest, you will need it to prepare for the August-Sep- tember time period, which will be a last window for clear person- al planets before October starts a period of 9 months of Mercury, Venus, and Mars retrograde cycles.
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
June 1 — Sun in Gemini Sextile Uranus in Aries — A time for improv and unpredictability. Dare to do something different.
June 2 — Venus enters Cancer — Brings focus on home, fam- ily, roots, and childhood.
June 3 — Mercury in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces — Spell- bind audiences great and small with magical flowing expression. Take in a book or movie that widens your eyes with grand inspi- ration.
June 7 — Neptune in Pisces goes Retrograde (through Nov. 13, 2013) — Heightens intuition, inspiration, and mysticism. The “Veil” is thinner and the seen and unseen realms blend seamlessly.
June 7 — Venus in Cancer Trine Saturn in Scorpio — Offer- ing quality time with loved ones. Be aware that although this is a great transit for clarity in finances and love, also occurring at this time is the below transit with the opposite qualities.
June 7 — Venus in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces — A time to dream with reckless abandon.
June 7 — Mercury in Cancer Opposition Pluto in Capricorn — Discussions about taboo topics abound, solutions to myster- ies reveal themselves, and hidden things fling out into the open.
Also, could create power struggles and vociferous blow-outs.
June 7 — Mars in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces — In- stigates necessary self-evaluation. The ‘morning after’ self- check prevails and hopefully inspires true change of habits. Serious self-criticism could use up energy for solutions.
June 8 — New Moon in Gemini — Make your ten New Moon wishes for a new car/other method of transportation, for repair of a current mode of transportation, social oppor- tunities, short and close-by, and fun and/or lucrative trips for business or pleasure, time with siblings and other relatives (besides parents and children), writing/communication in- spiration or fruition of project, and improved communication.
June 8 — Mercury in Cancer Square Uranus in Aries — Be on guard for miscommunications, people driving like mani- acs, and angry or surprising written or verbal spew.
June 11 — Saturn in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces — A period of time when big dreams can come true when accom- panied by hard work, consistency, and practical measures.
June 12 — Venus in Cancer Square Uranus in Aries — You may be intensely attracted to someone who is not good for you — think longer term before making impulsive decision and don’t give them money or your credit card. Alternatively, your romantic partner or business associate could say some- thing that really chafes your bottom.
June 16 — Chiron in Pisces goes Retrograde (through Nov. 19, 2013) — Highlighting healing opportunities for the
“woundedness” of the Collective.
June 17 — Mars in Gemini Sextile Uranus in Aries — Urges
come for thrilling amusement park rides or partaking in a fast-paced sport.
June 19 — Sun in Gemini Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini — Carrying feelings of expansion, optimism, and enthusiasm. Also, a influential and helpful person could enter the scene.
June 20 — Summer Solstice — Soak in the energy of this day of most light.
June 20 — Mercury in Cancer Conjunct Venus in Cancer — Great time to catch up with ones dear to you. If you have been thinking about an old friend, the reconnection today
will likely warm your heart.
June 20-21 — Sun enters Cancer — Bringing “nesting” and
June 23 — Full Moon in Capricorn — Fullness comes to a
situation with work, career, life purpose, father, or authority figure.
June 25 — Jupiter enters Cancer — The planet of luck and expansion enters the sign of home and family.
June 26 — Mercury Retrograde in Cancer — Time to go with the flow, and the flow will likely be to the internal. Great for reading, writing, feeling, going through old things, catch- ing up with friends and family, and in any way returning to your roots.
June 26 — Sun in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces — When vivid imagination and wild creativity bring magic
June 26 — Sun in Cancer Trine Saturn in Scopio — Mak- ing extra energy available to do the chores you have been avoiding.
June 27 — Venus enters Leo — Bringing fun in love for some and relationship drama for others (for some, both)
| Annie Botticelli, aka The Starry Teller, Student and Teacher of the Ways of the Holographic Reality. Check out monthly horoscopes at: • the NOISE arts & news
• JUNE 2013 • 33