Page 7 - the NOISE June 2013
P. 7

08. Red Rock Pass: Court Decision Prevails, RAC Abstains
10. From Southwest Seed to Southwest Table
12. Commissioner Burns Flares Up on “Smart Meters” As Woodward Asks, “Is APS Boondoggling the Public?”
13. Film!
14. It’s the Arts
24. Music for the Masses 30. NEW! the Lotus Heart
31. Supplement Calendar 33. Atrologicallly Speaking 34. Jerome ArtBeat
34. Poetry Corner
36. Prescott’s Don’t Miss List 38. Letters
39. Essence: Saguaro
pasión de viajar éditîon
June 2013 • #145
Editorial Board:
Clair Anna Rose, Ellen Jo Roberts Kyle Boggs, Sarah Gianelli Bobby Carlson, Cindy Cole
Tony Ballz
Cole Lahti
Angie Johnson-Schmit Bob Reynolds Sarah Irani Elissa Abbott
Ian Bailey Warren Woodward Annie Botticelli Rhonda Pallas Downey
Publisher Charles Seiverd
The Noise is a free forum for ideas and creative expression, hence all opinions expressed herein are of no affiliation to the directors of Weavel Inc and are strictly those of the individual artist. Copyrights are held by the individual artist and no part of this publication may be duplicated without explicit consent by the artist.
Readership: 42,000 Distribution: 245 locations
in Northern Arizona: Flagstaff, Sedona, Prescott, Cottonwood, Jerome, Clarkdale, Prescott Valley, Pine, Payson, Camp Verde, Williams & Winslow
Cover Art: Remember the Future by Serena Supplee • INQUIRIES: 928-634-5001 |
POB 1637 • Flagstaff AZ 86002 | POB 1257 • Clarkdale AZ 86324
a publication of
an Arizona 501c3 nonprofit organization
funded in part by a grant from
Make a seahorse when you recycle! • the NOISE arts & news
• JUNE 2013 • 7

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