Page 5 - the NOISE June 2012
P. 5

06. Ach Nein! Yellow Trees, Sewage Water, Neigbors & the Mayor
08. the Rhetoric of Exclusion
on the San Francisco Peaks
10. Water Rights, Quick Passage, Owned Skepticism When Senators Come Knocking on Navajoland
14. Film!
15. It’s the Arts
25. Jerome ArtBeat
26. Prescott’s Don’t Miss List 28. Music for the Masses
30. Question Man
33. The Outs
34. La Otra Arizona
35. Supplement Calendar 38. Ten Days
38. Letters to NEd
39. Strangeology
39. Green Gold
40. Old Town
42. Business News
Yah tah Hey Habeas Corpus Edition July 2012 • #134
Editorial Board:
Clair Anna Rose, Ellen Jo Roberts Kyle Boggs, Sarah Gianelli Bobby Carlson, Joe Grumbo Cindy Cole
Donna Chesler, Tony Ballz, Logan Phillips Sarah Irani, Lisa Aguiñaga
Angie Johnson-Schmit, Tom Blanton Bob Reynolds, Jon Jensen
Bryant Vasquez, JT Tannous
Leah Baggao
Annabel Sclippa, ThunderfooT
Cole Lahti, Dan Quigley
Publisher: Charles Seiverd
The Noise is a free forum for ideas and cre- ative expression, hence all opinions ex- pressed herein are of no affiliation to the directors of Weavel Inc and are strictly those of the individual artist. Copyrights are held by the individual artist and no part of this publication may be duplicated without ex- plicit consent by the artist.
Readership: 52,000
Distribution: 350 locations in Northern Ariz. Flagstaff, Grand Canyon, Sedona, Cottonwood, Clarkdale, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Camp Verde & Jerome.
Cover Art: Reading Boy by Shonto Begay | photographed by Tom Alexander INQUIRIES: 928-634-5001 |
POB 1637 • Flagstaff AZ 86002 | POB 1257 • Clarkdale AZ 86324
a publication of
an Arizona 501c3 nonprofit organization
It came to this writer’s attention recently that today’s average solar panel gener- ates about 17.55 watts per square foot.
Using that basic node of information, I got out my calculator, and with some help from a local engineer, figured the average Big Box store found anywhere in Northern Arizona could easily generate more than 2 megawatts of electricity. Two MEGAWATTS!! And that’s just with a solar install on the roof — that number is es- sentially doubled if solar shade structures are added to existing hot asphalt parking lots, which are ubiquitous in this vast beautiful land of ours.
If 1000 such properties were to be fitted with solar, they would generate as much electricity as Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant.
Meanwhile, municipalities pay millions of dollars to consulting firms like the BBC Group to create reports which aim to lure multinational retail chains into developing here. It is assumed that if one of these multinational retail companies does decide to locate here, it will be given accolades, tax breaks, and fringe benefits — a pack- age deal not even considered for any mom-and-pop, including local businesses who have contributed to the local economy for decades.
For all the lip service these multinational companies give to sustainability and the environment in television ads, this writer could not find a one that had plans for so- lar within the entire region, despite calls and inquiries high up the corporate ladder. Yet the amount of resources these companies use — particularly the uranium once mined on Navajoland used to light and cool these enormous retail buildings they occupy — are essentially resources owned by all of us, yet we see very little of the hundreds of billions of profits they reap.
If just a fraction of these Big Boxes’ total profits were put to use getting Northern Arizonans back to work, installing a technology for energy production that does not require accumulating radioactive waste our regulators still do not how to dispose of properly, wouldn’t we all be in a better place? • the NOISE arts & news magazine • JULY 2012 • 5

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