Page 33 - the NOISE July 2013
P. 33
July 2013 Major Magic Afoot
Amidst the slowing down and communication/transporta- tion ‘opportunities’ Mercury Retrograde will bring through- out July is major energetic potential for MAGIC.
A rare Grand Trine in Water will officially occur July 17-19th and the energies of this sacred geometrical portal will start to kick up well before then, with follow-up waves afterwards.
Everything in astrology can be looked at and understood in layers. To better understand this upcoming magical line-up let’s start with defining a Trine. Everything in astrology is based in math, as astrology is a science and all science has a mathemati- cal basis. Resonance between signs is based on multiple factors, one of which is the angle between them. A trine is 120° angle and is one of the most favorable angles in astrology. It is because of this angle that all signs of the same element, Fire, Earth, Air, Water, have a natural harmony with each other. In a Grand Trine, three planets make 120° angles to one another. This is favorable times three, and then some!
Pieces of a magical puzzle will come together creating endless positive potentials, the effects of which will be both universal and specific to each individual’s charts. Because of the houses represented by the water signs, there will be much manifestation in the fields of experience ruled by Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. An example of this would be: someone behind the scenes (Pi- sces) conspiring for your good with financial resources (Scorpio), to create a perfect housing situation (Cancer).
As the magic unfolds, remember to be aware of the Mercury Retrograde effects of slowed down communication and trans- portation. The Retrograde cycle officially started June 26th, with a three-week shadow period prior to that date. Avoid buying new phones, cars, computers, bikes, or any other communica- tion/transportation devices and if you absolutely must, then get the extra insurance/warranty packages. Be especially aware of water as it relates to your devices.
This Mercury Retrograde will be in Cancer making it a fan- tastic time to return to a place that feels like ‘home’, or to visit family/ have them visit you, get back in touch with old friends, be around water, rethink/research a housing situation (without making any exact plans or commitments as you consider), or to nest into your current home.
dates to note:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
July 1 — Venus in Leo Square Saturn in Scorpio — Avoid mak- ing long-term love or money commitment.
July 3— Sun in Cancer Square Uranus in Aries — Surprise oc- currences can challenge ego beliefs bringing to light old pieces of ‘self ’ that are no longer relevant or helpful.
July 5 — Sun in Cancer Trine Chiron in Pisces – Others see you in a positive light and you feel radiant and capable.
July 7 — Venus in Leo Trine Uranus in Aries — Brilliant money- making idea could pop into your head. Watch impulsiveness in money or love. Refreshing outlooks can come from eccentric people or those different than in your usual circles. Saturn Direct in Scorpio — Hooray for Capricorn Sun, Ascendant, and Moon as your ruling planet returns to its’ powerful forward motion. Boundary issues brought up over the last months where diligent effort was applied can now show their most fruitful rewards.
July 8 — New Moon in Cancer — Make your New Moon wishes on the topics of home, family, and integrating childhood experiences.
July 9 — Sun in Cancer Conjunct Mercury Retrograde in Can- cer – You make or receive a surprise call reconnecting with old friend or family member.
July 13— Mars enters Cancer — For the next couple of months, guard against leaks and water damage. Bring important items off of floor level or away from possible leaks.
July 17 — Uranus Retrograde in Aries — Keep a pen ready to record fleeting EUREKA ideas and thoughts. Breathe be- fore acting. Aquarius Sun, Ascendant, and Moon especially effected as your ruler changes its direction. Jupiter in Cancer Trine Saturn in Scorpio — Beautiful balance of urge to grow and awareness of tangible limitations. Ideas to bridge these opposites flow readily.
July 19 — Jupiter in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces — The scope of deepest longing is expanded, raising ideals up oc- taves. The expansion of celestial connections and intuition. Saturn in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces — The lofty ide- als are grounded into tangible possibility. Doors fly open for magical manifestation. GRAND TRINE IN WATER — Woohoo! Deepest desires are expanded and brought to fruition. Ma- jor magic afoot!
July 20 — Mercury Direct in Cancer — Almost time to spring into action with the many insights and opportunities brought up during the Retrograde Cycle and the Grand Trine. Mars in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces — A time for soft- ness in action and compassionate gestures. Mars in Cancer Trine Saturn in Scorpio — A productive time of gentle tactics bringing big results.
July 22 — Sun enters Leo — Sun enters the sign of its’ house rulership bringing passion, creativity, fertility, and fun! Full Moon in Aquarius — Fullness comes to group, team, friendship, acquaintance, or social situation. If drama ensues, breathe, it will pass soon. If hoped fruition comes, enjoy. Ve- nus enters Virgo — Love, money, and beauty are now ruled by practical and sensual Virgo. Enjoy outdoors with your lovie, and help out in practical ways. Temper criticism with awareness and compassion.
July 26 — Mercury in Virgo Opposing Neptune in Pisces — A daydreamy time, great for telepathic communication but not as much for words. Venus in Virgo Trine Saturn in
Scorpio — Commitments and tangible support may crystal- lize now. Authority figures could come through in a BIG way, especially in conjunction with the Grand Trine.
July 27 — Mars in Cancer Opposing Pluto in Capricorn — Power struggles can be avoided with flexibility and strategic planning. Watch for people on a rampage and safeguard yourself with awareness and breath. Sun in Leo Square Sat- urn in Scorpio — A heavy dose of realism can break down your ego and ultimately bring you to a better place. Identity wrapped up in tangible things can bring disappointment and disillusionment. Look for the truth of who you are be- hind the façade of the ego parade.
July 28 — Venus in Virgo Trine Jupiter in Cancer — Bring- ing cheerfulness, optimism, and expansion in love, beauty, money, publishing, teaching, learning, and travel.
July 30 — Venus in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn — Mak- ing for an awesome time for commitment renewals and delving into and appreciating the deeper facets of love and money. Transformative financial and romantic experiences possible.
July 31 — Mars in Cancer Square Uranus in Aries — Sur- prise changes in direction can bring nerve-jangling experi- ences. Order can be disrupted with unpredictable results.
“Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust”!
| annie botticelli, aka the starry teller, teaches integration of the conscious and unconscious parts of self, creating master manifestors. Check out monthly
horoscopes on her youtube Channel. • the NOISE arts & news
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