Page 10 - the Noise July 2016
P. 10
“There is also an artificial aristocracy founded on wealth and birth, without either virtue or talents ... The artificial aristocracy is a mischievous ingredient in government, and provisions should
be made to prevent
its ascendancy. “
— Thomas Jefferson
Dear Larry: Wow. all we are legally allowed to say here is ... remember, last day to register to vote is: august 1 for the august 30 statewide Primary (to choose which candi- dates from which parties will make it onto the general election ballot in november), and
early balloting begins august 3! Woo-hoo!
Dear Noise Editor:
— ned
Dear NEd:
It’s a whole new world, the way technology has provided knowledge from/into nanoscale matter, micro-decimalization, a scale which the brain’s matter and structure exist and oper- ate. Logic would say that the materials which composite the bio-chemistry and bio-struc- tures (cellular biology, the inner folding of the brain tissue) is Decoding the Universe.
The Colorado Springs Independent made a statement in the lower right hand corner on the cover: “The influences of billionaire Broadmoor owner Phillip Anschutz knows no bounds ...” Humanity is on a cusp of everything being enveloped with machine interface and machine information data codes (cognitive machine interface) or Cognitive Machine Intelligence. With all human knowledge input as machine code, even the pulse of the human aura, there is no turning back from this advance; it is an eclipse on knowledge, a supra-epoch where humans are super-
seded with their own knowledge, their mind a generative consciousness to who knows where? The full example of technology in continuum into thought and the alphabet of a language are referent; all the objects are afferent within objects (Planck scale) in the material realm, where nature is the template for natural growth from the elements from the periodic table which con- sist of subatomic constituents. If mankind can manipulate and control the atomic constituents
of matter at the nanoscale, what will they recreate aside cognitive machine intelligence?
For more information, the “Quantum Spill Hall Effect,” Wikipedia; “How the Fourth Industrial Rev- olution Will Alter the Globe’s Workforce” Building Design + Construction; False Dichotomy, TV Tropes;
“The Eight Northern New Mexico Indian Pueblos,” Sincerely, Daer
Wow, Daer — another hit for July’s letters’ obtuseness. thanks for writing in! — ned
Dear President Obama
In the aftermath of your vacation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki last month, you paid homage to an hour in history when our nation unleashed the greatest terrorist attack in history on 226,000 innocent civilians across the ocean, yet — despite your rhetoric to the opposite (which many would claim as the reason for your election in the first place) — you dedicated $1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) of our hard earned tax dollars to the upkeep of the same nuclear arsenal!?!
We plead to you, Mr. President, please “bank a 180” and dedicate that money to peaceful projects that truly illuminate the citizens of the world.
Why not welcome the 10 million visitors who come from all over the world to see our 7th Wonder with “green rail transport” along a congested and dangerous interstate highway?
For a fraction of the money committed to the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), you could create jobs for thousands of returning veterans in the construction and implementation of a Solar Energy Transportation Hub (SETH) that could conceivably power the entirety of the Southwest without future use of Violent Resource Acquisition — as has been the modus of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and the Bush Family “Iraqi Crude Crusade” of the last 3 decades.
As you are acutely aware, the actions of your predecessors have tarnished our nation’s normal mode of business since the end of World War II, a situation President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about in his Farewell Address to the Union.
We pray you do reflect on your decision and your words, and make good on a promise to ensure world peace and harmony in our lifetime. You have the power, Number 44 — make it so!
Saluting Your Words & Your Executive Ability,
Norman Beachwell
Jerusalem Mountain, AZ
holy cow, norm! this has been quite a month for the letters section, but please keep in mind that although we consider ourselves the 4th estate here at the noise, we don’t exactly have a direct line to the President. that address is 1600 Pennsylvania ave nW, Washington DC, 20500. We will, as always, publish letters in response in the next edi- tion, and invite anyone (including barry o’bams) to send us a note: Post office box 1257, Clarkdale az, 86324 or via electronic mail to — ned
What is most remarkable about the “Arizona Election Saga of 2016” is the total lack of any kind of personal responsibility in the actions of our elected officials. They feign irrelevance to the point of disavowing their given titles in the face of hanging controversy over poor job performance in their own ranks.
If this state is really a Republican Stronghold, Ayn Rand would be turning in her grave!
For one, our Secretary of State Michele Reagan (if that is her real name) is sworn to pro- vide impartial and reliable elections throughout Arizona’s 15 counties, yet signs her name to certify the results of two recent elections disputed and deemed unsatisfactory by what would be measured as a majority of the general population.
In the “Presidential Preference” election back in March, she signed off on fewer polling places and made little effort to educate citizens on the state’s party registration require- ments in the wake of massive popular interest in a national election cycle. Then she holds a press conference and stands in front of an angry mob and calls it a “whoopsy doodle,” passing the buck to the State Legislature (where she just recently held office), furthering “voter apathy” by offering no concrete plans for accountable future elections, nor even a path toward satisfaction for hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised voters.
Then just two months later at her next opportunity to prove her mustard during the “Proposition Special Election,” her office “forgot” to send out 536,936 publicity pamphlets thatinformvotersontheprosandconsoftheissuesontheballot. Thenthemathbecomes scarier, as the margin of “victory” for the hotly-contested Proposition 123 — which sought to sell off public land in exchange for moneys held in the public treasury guaranteed to pub- lic schools — turned out to be less than 19,416 votes (a laughable 49.08% to 50.92% split)! Good thing Ms. Reagan’s not playing baseball this season!
Secondly, our illustrious Governor (who may really be a pawn of the Jan Brewer shock-and- awe-and-pillage clan) is pushing a political agenda far short of a shared vision for the state. Instead of actually working with members of his own party to resolve education funding sce- narios voters in this state overwhelmingly mandated for decades, he offered (with Proposition 123) a simple “shell game solution” that benefits his brethren in the profitable developer lobby. How he hoodwinked anyone on the education board to go along with a withdrawal of its Su- preme Court lawsuit upon the measure’s passage is certainly beyond anyone not playing golf with him on the weekends. Really, if State Trust Land were up for grabs 20 years ago (when governors who weren’t playing by the rules were impeached), we’d all be living in condos along the Arizona shore and punting our kids’ future to corporate gerrymandering already.
Citizen apathy due to the shenanigans of elected officials has reached a volatile level never before seen, one that threatens the very fabric of Democracy as we know it. When just 16% of the population is showing up to the polls to cast a vote now, you could flunk out of a math class in Arizona and still know that number’s no good. Our elected officials have failed to engage, and more importantly — failed to adhere to the basic calling of their post: to preserve and protect the Constitution of the Great State of Arizona and its People.
What we’re looking down the barrel at is a frightening reality: a single-party rule that active- ly silences the voice of the minority and disenfranchises a majority of the voting population. If Arizona were a country, it’d be deemed a rogue nation and invaded by a United Nations Peace- Keeping Brigade. That is, if people with guns protested outside the State Capitol more often.
Instead, what we have is an overly civilized population that rants electronically and waits for the system to correct itself. Which it won’t, because it is already a corrupted al- gorithm that becomes even more powerful with intentionally-persuaded civilian apathy. The hamster wheel is turning.
But don’t take my word for it; I’m just a graduate of Arizona’s defrauded education system.
Larry B. David
Seligman, Arizona