Page 30 - the Noise July 2016
P. 30
astrologically speaking ...
July 2016 ~ “Sugar & Spice”
One of my favorite recipes (of my own invention) is my Sexy Peach Pie. Sweet, juicy, ripe peaches made even sweeter and smoother with honey, and sprinkled with enough cayenne to make you notice, this pie is the embodiment of the astrological energy of July.
Tons of short-term energy in Cancer (Mercury, Sun, and Venus, and the New Moon), accentuated by the continued long-term triad in Pisces (Neptune, South Node, and Chiron) bring the sultry sweetness. Then as Mercury, the Sun, and Venus move into spicy Leo, combining with Saturn in fiery Sagittarius, and Uranus in no- nonsense Aries, we get the zippy spice.
July also brings us finally out of Mars retrograde (although post-shadow runs through August 21) and continuing a brief break from Mercury retrograde (which starts its shadow again August 10). While Mars is still sleepy, you will definitely notice the difference between retrograde and direct motion of this planet that rules action, oomph, get-up-and-go.
This month is one of the few golden opportunities to really move forward in this whole year and with the benefits of at least five trines (the most coherent of all astrological angles), the opportunities are beautifully expanded.
One of my all-time favorite movies is called Chocolat. It lets us peek into the ad- ventures of a mysterious gypsy who creates magic with pure cacao, the bean that makes chocolate. When anyone experiences her creations, specifically chosen for them, they become enlivened on all levels, as if they have been resuscitated from a sleepwalk through life. You can see them literally wake up. Even the colors of the people and the town become notably alive.
I feel like this is a key note energy for July, this waking up, becoming enlivened, inspired, zesty, and ready to go. If you have been sluggish, lazy, unmotivated, and uninspired, you will likely feel this powerful shift into excited productivity.
If you have things to launch, decisions to make, projects to infuse with life, the time is now! The next and last window for such things will be part of October and all of November.
While most of the aspects this month are smooth, there are several jolts from Uranus in tough angle that could interrupt the flow. Uranus is the planet of sur- prises and when it is in a difficult angle — as several of this month’s aspects will be — the surprises may not be welcome. There are many other transits that tell a story of a return back to bliss after the jolts for most, and since Uranian surprises are the ones you usually can plan for anyway, stay relaxed and enjoy the much waited for flow of this time. The mantra for these zaps, “This too shall pass.”
by annie botticelli
check out more July highlights:
** Note: often the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day the transit occurs.
July 1 — Venus in Cancer Sextile Jupiter in Virgo — Any combo of the planet of love, beauty, and money and the great expander bring great opportunities and growth. This type of angle suggests opportunities that you have to take action on to fully experience the upside of the potential.
July 3 — Sun in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces — Dreamy creativity is the essence of this combination. All things spiritual, artistic, and fantastical roll with this line-up.
July 4 — New Moon at 12° of Cancer — Make your ten New Moon Wishes for everything on the topics of home, family, upbringing, ancestry, and real estate. This New Moon is very busy, making several beautiful aspects and a few chal- lenging ones.
July 11 — Mercury in Cancer Square Uranus in Aries — Here is the first jolt of the month. Shocking news, or info that interrupts the status quo is likely here.
July 16 — Sun in Cancer Square Uranus in Aries — Now comes jolt number two. Try to channel the electric energy into creative genius.
July 16 — Mercury in Leo Conjunct Venus in Leo — This aspect is like the “spoon full of sugar” to help the bitter news go down a bit easier.
July 18 — Mercury in Leo Trine Saturn in Sagittarius — Sweet aspects with the taskmaster (Saturn) like this one catch him in a good mood. This can bode well for long term projects.
July 19 — Full Moon at 27° of Capricorn — Fullness, completion, fruition come to things involving work, career, life purpose, father/authority figures. This fullness could bring great recognition in your work or clarity of direction or purpose.
July 20 — Venus in Leo Trine Saturn in Sagittarius — The disciplinarian (Sat- urn) is happy again bringing great long-term potentials for anything involving love, beauty, and money :)
July 27 — Mercury in Leo Trine Uranus in Aries — Here we catch the planet of surprises on his good side. Awesome news, creative insights, and brilliant ideas are all increased in their potential now.
July 31 — Venus in Leo Trine Uranus in Aries — A double scoop of happy surprises here with this second trine to Uranus. Money, romance, and anything related to aesthetics can see a jolt of fresh energy now.
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