Page 40 - the Noise July 2016
P. 40
by allen friedrich
1) A finger-wagging governor who signed SB1070 into law.
3) Flagstaff notable who left the gubernership without controversy in 1987.
4) Gov. “Propane Jane” who took over after Symington was indicted for fraud.
5) Home of Geronimo’s Gold, this wilderness connects with West Fork.
6) Former attorney general who left her elected office as governor during the Great Recession to become Secretary of Homeland Security.
7) Real estate magnate impeached as governor, then pardoned by Bill Clinton. 8) The Old Pueblo.
9) The City of the Bird.
11) Home of the World’s Oldest Continuous Rodeo.
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2) A village along Highway 87, a recent moon, a Beatles song, and a summer fruit.
7) Cacti emblematic of the State of Arizona.
10) First Latino Governor.
12) This town is named after the trees lining the Verde River.
14) The big crack I had to drive around yesterday.
16) The Vortex Capitol of the World.
18) The only Arizona river that flows from West to East.
22) Home of the Sultana.
25) Tourist attraction along Route 66 that was also the set of “Star Man.”
26) Ford franchise magnate impeached as governor for im- proprieties and known for his bigoted ways.
27) First female governor, bee- hive advocate, and all around good time gal.
28) Arizona’s First Territorial Capitol whose title was stolen by roughriders from Phoenix.
12) Eliphante is found here.
13) This spring-fed annual tributary runs through an agricultural town named after maize. 15) First Planned Company Town in the World, named after Sen. William Clark of Montana. 17) This tributary is Spanish for green.
19) Mormon stronghold in the 1800s, known for its trees and creek.
20) The highest city in the state.
21) Set of William Shatner’s Kingdom of the Spiders.
23) The “Wickedest City in the West” where the copper belt of Arizona began.
24) Ice cream magnate elected as governor who championed selling State Trust Land to re- solve a court-ordered education funding gap the State Legislature still refuses to own up to.