Page 37 - the NOISE August 2013
P. 37

August 2013
“T” is for Tremendous
The month after Mercury goes direct is generally great for busting out, launching, deciding, and DOING, and August will be no exception, except that it will have additional consid-
erations from the potent T-Square between Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn.
The energy of a T-Square is created from two planets oppos- ing one another (in 180 degree angle) and an additional planet making 90-degree angles to each of the other planets. Ninety and 180 degree angles are ones often experienced as “chal- lenging,” carrying very different energy than the Grand Water Trine that happened in July.
I have come to see that many people peruse horoscopes and astrology forecasts to quickly determine whether a month is going to be “good” or “bad.” I hope to help in reframing that perspective. If you have had something problematic brewing for a long time, wouldn’t you rejoice at the chance to finally bust through the issue?
T-Squares gives just that tremendous opportunity. Things come to a head, situations reach their last leg, and a solution or breakthrough is forced by the very nature of the combustive tension being applied. Maybe the scene at the time doesn’t always feel so good, but after the fact, the gratitude for the solu- tion and shift makes up for it. It is also important to note that one is in no way doomed to have a challenging or bad expe- rience, as transformation and breaking free from the shackles can be very liberating and a positive experience all around.
Either way, you can choose now to make the decision to look at astrological transits that could be considered challenging as having raw potential for authentic inner and outer movement, and you can stand in a place of empowerment as you walk through life.
As the tensions rise this month, here is your T-Square Sur- thrival Guide:
~ Breathe (A LOT!) and deeply
~ Get bare feet and hands on the earth as often as possible to stay balanced and grounded as inner and outer forces unleash pent energy
~ Get the book Marriage of Spirit by Leslie Temple Thurston with Brad Laughlin and use the exercises in section 2 to harness, direct, and maximize the potent energy
~ Prepare soothing herbal balm for the cuts from where the shackles once were
dateS to note:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
August 4 — Sun in Leo Trine Uranus in Aries — A touch of wild innovation lights up your life. You solve the world’s prob- lems! Better write down what you figured out as you might for- get the solutions after this fleeting transit.
August 6 — New Moon in Leo — Make your 10 New Moon Wishes on the topics of children, creativity, hobbies, passion, and FUN.
August 7 — Jupiter in Cancer Opposing Pluto in Capri- corn – Major emotional breakthroughs can be coupled with wildly expansive gains or losses. Harnessing and directing the RAW POWER of this transit can create shifts beyond your wild- est dreams.
August 8 — Mercury enters Leo — Bouts of boisterous and dramatic self-expression, over-the-top behaviors, and bold dis- plays of leadership abound.
August 11 — Mercury in Leo Square Saturn in Scor- pio — Transportation obstacle, communication blocks, and negative outlooks predominate.
August 14 — Mercury in Leo Trine Uranus in Aries — Inventive ideas and outlandish expression surprise and/or delight. Many people communicate or hear jaw-dropping news.
August 16 — Venus enters Libra – Aesthetics and peace-making take center stage.
August 21 — Jupiter in Cancer Square Uranus in Ar- ies — Unusual experiences that come out-of-the-blue can open you up to massive expansion.
August 21 — Uranus in Aries Square Pluto in Capri- corn — Sudden and surprising dislodging of familiar ele- ments will arise for many. If you have been working on the shift, then you may be pleasantly surprised at the manifes- tation but still keep Rescue Remedy on hand to deal with the shock of the seeming suddenness of the changes.
August 21 — Full Moon in Pisces — GREAT time for a ceremony letting go of beliefs, past events, and patterns that are no longer serving your highest good.
August 22 — Sun enters Virgo — That familiar feeling of grounding in for the Autumn season is very much associ- ated with the Sun’s transit through Virgo. Get your comfy slippers and tea mugs out and ready.
August 23 — Mercury enters Virgo — The desire to plan and organize comes in strong. So many “to-do” lists will be made!
August 24 — Venus in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn
— Many a heart will feel slighted under this transit. Use the experience to serve as a catalyst for shifting your inner space to magnetize you to more fulfilling patterns.
August 24 — Sun in Virgo Conjunct Mercury in Virgo
— A time for intense, prolific, and productive expression.
August 25 — Mercury in Virgo Opposing Neptune in Pisces — Dreamy or tongue-tied expression flows out with uncertainty and lack of commitment.
August 26 — Venus in Libra Opposing Uranus in Aries
— Erratic expression involving love or money make some cheer and others Boo!
August 26 — Sun in Virgo Opposing Neptune in Pi- sces — It may be hard at this moment to dissolve preten- tion and expectation and the truth of the situation to see with clear eyes, but try anyway.
August 27 — Venus in Libra Square Jupiter in Cancer
— The goal of this transit is to seek fun you truly enjoy and indulge in it with discernment. Look out for filling up with excess just for the sake of itself, and not feeling fulfilled by it.
August 27 — Mars enters Leo — A time for lightheart- ed fun and enjoyment. Woo or be wooed with romantic displays and bold advances.
August 29-30 — Sun in Virgo Sextile Saturn in Scor- pio — Great for tying up loose ends and doing the things on your to-do list that you keep avoiding.
August 30 — Mercury in Virgo Sextile Jupiter in Can- cer — Big news comes in, in big ways!
| annie Botticelli, aka the Starry teller, helps seekers figure out their astrological ura-
nus from their elbow. check out monthly horoscopes on my Youtube channel • the NOISE arts & news
• AUGUST 2013 • 37

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