Page 27 - the NOISE August 2015
P. 27

By CAleB MCClure
The artist paints in oil and acrylics and only paints with three colors and white, mixing colors as he goes. He emphasizes paint mixing in his classes. “I can probably tick off paint companies because you don’t have to buy every tube made. you can mix them,” said Mr. schroeder.
His work is pleasant and reminiscent of a time not too long ago. sometimes he even adds elements of comedy in his work — outlandish portraits of cows, roosters or children dressed as cowboys. “I’m not trying to tick anyone off at my age,” said the painter, except, of course, the paint companies.
Mr. schroeder’s paintings will be featured in the Gallery in Williams, 145 Historic Route 66, williams, AZ
for the whole month of August with a reception the second saturday, August 8. 928/635-3006
BeAuTy AT HoMe
Terry Samples looks for beauty in the land that surrounds him. This month he is the featured artist at West of the Moon Gallery,
14 n. san Francisco, with his collection of landscape paintings “Drawn to Light.” The collection exemplifies the vast nature of Arizona landscapes with open spaces and big colorful skies. Most of the paintings featured in the collection are inspired by
the scenes Mr. samples finds right outside his door. Although his influence comes from the feelings he gets from a scene rather than actual physical representation. so if they remind the viewer of somewhere else, “then that’s where it is,” says the painter. 928/774-0465
CeleBrATing nAVAJo ArT And CulTure
On the weekend of August 1-2 is the 66th annual Navajo Festival of Arts and Culture. The festival will have an art market, lectures, a kids creative corner and, of course, fry bread. This year, there is an emphasis on navajo fashion in an effort to spark a conversation about cultural appropriation. Baje Whitehorne Jr. and Sr. plan on giving a multigenerational seminar on art marketing and social media. “This is an opportunity to appreciate navajo art and camaraderie with the navajo nation. This is their backyard. we can explore what we have in common and what we can learn from each other,” said Linda Martin, spokesperson for the event. The festival will be at the Museum of Northern Arizona from 9AM to 5PM each day. 928/774-5213
WesTern WoodWorK
Western Heritage Furniture, 208 Main street, Jerome, AZ, is auctioning a one of a kind field desk made by master crafter Tim McClellan. The field desk is a precursor of his “Raising the bar,” presidential desk featured in his reality TV spoof “western Furniture Build-off.” Recently, the crafter participated in Ellen Degeneres’ Design Challenge, a competition he was disqualified from for allegations of plagiarism. He has since accepted responsibility and recognized the runner up at the legitimate winner of the competition. The desk is made of a steel frame, repurposed barn wood filled with secret compartments and an old time finish. To enter the raffle watch
“western Furniture Build-off,” on youtube,, and fill out the survey on his website. 928/639-1424,
Journey To THe ArTisT’s HeArT
To complement Sei Saito’s exhibition “Journey,” at the Coconino Center for the Arts, Ms. saito will be offering a workshop called Heart to Heart: Coaching the Artist Within on August 8 10AM to 4PM at her studio. Participants must pre-register to take part in the workshop and to get information on the workshop location. Ms. saito will also be giving a free artist’s talk and tour of her exhibition at the Coconino Center for the Arts August 13, 7PM-8:30PM.
Have art? • the NOISE arts & news • august 2015 • 27

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