Page 40 - the NOISE August 2015
P. 40
August 2015: Venus Retrograde Survival Guide by Annie Botticelli
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, goes retrograde around every 1.5 years. The actual retrograde period lasts around 6 weeks, and the pre and
post “shadow” periods, which are before and after the retrograde last around a month each. During the “shadow” periods of any retrograde, the energy of the retrograde is still present but not official, and often less strong. I liken this to the area just over a bridge from a beach barrier island. It is not the island but it has a beachy feel. stores selling things for the beach, tiki bar restaurants, salt air proliferate in this ‘tween area. In the same way, during the shadow periods of planetary retrogrades, situations start brewing. whispers of the things to come up in full force during the retrograde start to make themselves known.
During the retrograde times, it appears as if a planet is moving backwards in its orbit. Planets never actually go backwards in their orbits but historical study of the these times when they seem to go backwards, brings an increase in the probability of certain things. The science of astrology is all about probabilities of certain types of experiences and events. when planets are in retrograde, they bring an increase in the probability of going backwards, things coming up from the past, and not seeing things clearly all in the areas of rulership of the planet and the sign and natal house they are retrograde in. when Venus goes backwards it often returns things involving love, beauty, and money back from the past. The best use of the energy is not for final decision-making but re-evaluation about all things ruled by Venus and also the sign it is retrograde in, Leo.
what is love to you? Do you feel it for your romantic partner? Is there someone from the past you have unfinished business with? Are there things in your romantic or business relationship that need to be addressed? Are you spending enough (quality) time with your beloved? Are you spending too much time with your beloved? How do you hold your space in your love or business relationships? Are there issues with healthy boundaries? what relationships do you most value? Is the way you proportion your time in accordance with spending time with those you value most?
How are you with money? Can you have more balance in spending habits? what possessions do you most value?
How is your self-esteem? what is your self-esteem based in? what ways can you heal inner issues to create lasting self-esteem?
Do you have creative outlets? If not, how can you add that element into your life? Are there things you love to do but don’t make the time for? How can you do more of what you love?
How is your relationship with the kids in your life? what things can you focus on to improve your relationships or work with children?
Are you having enough pleasure and fun? Are you having too much pleasure and fun? How can you add more balance to the experience of pleasure and fun in your life?
Asking these questions and planning or taking positive forward steps are all indicated in the retrograde time with the exception of major decisions or commitments. while the transit is occurring, it is still hard to see completely the repercussions of decisions made at this time. Moods, views, and news may change by the day or week. so again, evaluation is key, but not making major long-term or permanent decisions. sometimes endings already initiated find their completion during this cycle. This is well- indicated as long as the big decisions about the ending, and
allocation of possessions, money, debt, and responsibilities were already agreed upon before the transit. There is a strong chance of wishing you pushed for different things in the agreement and then being bound by the decisions. In general, some things to avoid are: big moves forward into or out of love or business relationships (except in previous examples listed); elective, cosmetic plastic surgery; spending a bundle on luxury items.
some caveats include spending money on things that you know for sure are a fantastic bargain, especially if you are using disposable income.
Key Point: when you enter the Venus retrograde shadow period and all the way through the transit and the post shadow period, you are wearing glasses, either “rose- colored” or the opposite, the ones enhancing your “critical eye.” you can’t see matters very clearly at all. If you meet someone romantically or a business offer comes in, you will likely feel the opposite of your initial feeling about it once the transit passes. An exception could come if the offer or person comes from the past. still this is a time for re-consideration, not decision-making. It is a fantastic time to proactively spend time with your beloved and let the retrograde return to you that loving feeling with them, or plan couples counseling to help smooth over the pattern demons that will definitely rear their ugly heads to be re- looked at. It is also a fine time to plan some time away from a romantic partner or business to more clearly assess things to be decided on later.
cHecK out MoRe auguSt HigHLigHtS:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
August 1-2 — Saturn goes direct in Scorpio — The several year walk with saturn in all things scorpio ends soon and the taskmaster moves on to motivate the unruly sagittarius energies into perfect form. Do note that saturn will be much less grumpy in sadge than it was in scorpio, and though it will still demand hard work and focus, the walk through this sign agrees with this planet much better.
August 11 — Jupiter moves into Virgo — Jupiter ends its one year circuit through the sign of Leo and now moves on to expand and bring opportunities and growth in all things Virgo. A year-long chance begins for all signs to improve their health, diet, lifestyle, discipline, and organization.
August 14 — New Moon in Leo — This is the first opportunity in a while to bask in new Moon splendor without antagonistic aspects. This new beginning is joined by a beautiful conjunction of the sun and Venus, both in Leo. An especially bright and fiery time that is blessed with potent seed-planting potential for future outcome.
August 29 — Full Moon in Pisces — Fullness, completion, or fruition comes to Piscean topics - mental health; retreats; rest; night-time dreams; finding closure on a deep soul level with a situation, affliction or addiction; surrender/letting go; compassion for self and others; connection to all things; magic and miracles. An especially great time to visit/do rituals with water.
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘The starry Teller,’ — self- development Coach, inspirational speaker, Astrologer, Author — Check out monthly horoscopes on her youTube Channel.
40 • august 2015 • the NOISE arts & news •