Page 20 - the NOISE September 2012
P. 20
20 • SEPTEMBER 2012 • the NOISE arts & news magazine •
Leroux Street by Bruce Horn is at Coconino Center for the Arts; the artist is featured regularly at the Artists’ Gallery
September 1 and Sunday September 2, 9AM to 6PM; and Monday, September 3, 9AM to 4PM.
“A selection of plein air landscapes, small paintings done on location, will be displayed at the Artists Gallery,” painter Bruce Horn tells me.
“The oil paintings include both scenes from Northern Arizona and from our travels. There will also be one large studio painting displayed which is a window scene from Capri, Italy. A large studio painting of Leroux Street in Flag- staff is currently on display at the Coconino Center for the Arts through September 8th and an exciting new direction in the form of a bronze sculpture is on display at Arizona Handmade Gallery; it represents a seated fe- male figure reading a book.”
“The most recent painting of Leroux Street was a significant challenge in a number of re- spects,” Mr. Horn tells me. “The vertical aspect of the prominent Weatherford Hotel needed some dramatic horizontal contrast for visual interest. Because the hotel is a dominant form in the painting, I relied on the light to achieve that, and at the same time, added some addi- tional horizontal elements in the form of build- ing shadows on the street. Also, the light in the immediate foreground on the right provided a secondary area of interest with a figure in sun- light. It all required a lot of watching the light throughout the day to find the right combina- tion.”
“Travel is not necessary to find inspiration; a creative adventure can be found right around the corner. However, I must admit that the newness of exotic places and different light qualities can be particularly stimulating chal- lenges to paint. This year I found one of the most incredible beaches ever along the Yucat- an Peninsula, north of Tulum. The color of the light, water, vegetation and sand were beyond comparison.”
“I enjoy all types of new challenges, like the recent bronze that I have completed. I find my- self becoming increasingly interested in the re- lationshipbetweenthefigureandarchitectural
imagery. I also enjoy drawing and painting portraits. Recently, one of my grandsons has been influential in getting me involved once again with painting abstractly. Life is good!”
The paintings of Mr. Horn and the ceramic art of Karen Meyers are featured this month at The Artists’ Gallery, located at 17 N. San Fran- cisco Street.
“I have been showing my work at AZ Hand- made for a little over a year,”featured artist Rick Goldwasser tells me. “This show will have a few new pieces that haven’t been shown here as well as some of my older work. While I do have some shots from some of the regu- lar icons of the Southwest, my shows provide viewers the opportunity to see some of the area’s hidden gems — places that are off the beaten path.”
In pursuit of photographs of the Southwest and out of the ordinary, Mr. Goldwasser has recently ventured out to create more works of art. “I just got back from a five day trip to the San Juan Mountains, outside of Silverton, Colo- rado,” he tells me. “I backpacked up to a high altitude basin, about 12,500 feet. I also spent a few days in California’s White Mountains in June and a week in Southern Utah last Novem- ber. It is such a privilege to live here in Flagstaff and have all of these amazing locations within a day’s drive of my home.”
“I recently had a photo make the top 10 of Na- ture’s Best Photography contest — one of the most prestigious contests in the world,” he tells me. “There were over 24,000 entries from all around the world and I narrowly missed having the image displayed in a special gallery in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington.”
The photographs of Rick Goldwasser can be found at Arizona Handmade/Fire on the Mountain Gallery, at 13 N. San Francisco Street, where a reception will be held during the First Friday ArtWalk from 6 to 9PM on Sep- tember 7.
“I didn’t set out to open a gallery when I