Page 37 - the NOISE September 2013
P. 37
b Ugh
bb Eh
bbb Solid
bbbb Gold bbbbb Total Classic
>> Continued from 34 >>
fortune Howl
upset. Today, it seems that most lack the critical thinking framework to even draw any conclusions, to even know why to be upset enough to protest some action or policy that might affect them for generations to come.
“Instead, they regurgitate sound-bites from Fox News. But they do get upset about Best Buy running out of the XBOX 360 at Christ- mas time.
“De-evolution is real, unfortunately. We’ve been marching backward full speed ahead.”
He ended with a simple request: “Never forget.”
Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down Should have been done long ago What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground How can you run when you know?
“Ohio” c. 1970 Neil Young (new lyrics by Ger- ald Casale)
“Jocko Homo” c. 1976 Mark Mothersbaugh “Revolution Blues” c. 1974 Neil Young
“Hey Hey, My My” c. 1977 Neil Young &
Jeff Blackburn (new lyrics by Mark Mothers-
Blue Velvet also featured Dean Stockwell in a scene-stealing cameo as the effeminate Ben, who lip-synchs Roy Orbison’s “In Dreams” into a utility lamp. He appeared in Lynch’s Dune and landed a starring role on the televi- sion show, Quantum Leap.
Russ Tamblyn and Charlotte Stewart played minor characters in David Lynch’s hit TV series Twin Peaks. In 1987, Sally Kirkland won an Academy Award nomination for Anna.
During the 1980s, Neil Young leapt from genre to genre and was sued by Geffen for making uncommercial music. Upon return- ing to Reprise Records, Young made a strong comeback as the “Godfather Of Grunge.” Since 1966, he has averaged an album a year and is still recording and touring today.
Human Highway marked a debut of sorts for Mark Mothersbaugh of DEVO. Mothers- baugh had long been interested in writing music for the cinema, and Neil Young’s three million dollar home movie earned him his first screen credit. He has since scored doz- ens of television shows (Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, Rugrats), video games (Crash Bandicoot, The Sims), films (Rushmore, The Royal Tenen- baums), and commercials (Apple).
Fortune Howl
DEVO’s popularity foundered in the 1980s and the band broke up for a short time. Since reforming, they have maintained a large cult following but never repeated their early chart success. The core of Jerry Casale and Mark Mothersbaugh has remained unchanged for over 40 years.
In 2002, DEVO brought the story full circle by covering Neil Young’s “Ohio” with Jerry Ca- sale singing lead. They even filled in the miss- ing second verse:
Factory workers dodging bullets Learn to read and write and spell Redneck bigots down in the Capitol
“Send those hippies straight to hell!”
On May 4, 2010, Jerry Casale gave an im- passioned speech at Kent State on the 40th anniversary of the shootings. He compared his generation to the modern collegiate:
“... Today, it feels to me like apathy has re- placed activism. Today, the notion that stu- dents would be upset about such corrupt maneuvering by our government seems an- tiquated, almost cute.
— Tony BallZ
“And I’m not talking about Tea Party-style
Relief in Abstract
Oh, god. I always forget that people listen to this. All you Electric Kingdom goers, this is good stuff for your early afternoon hangover. That Sunday morning sidewalk. It’s chill.
Nice tones. Tripped out to the max. Kind of reminds me of Amon Tobin and Sybarite, if I can think back that far, to when I gave a crap about a guy smoking a cigarette in front of his laptop and twiddling knobs. Default fist pump.
Yeah, crowd, go! Of course, I really sound like the expert, right? The vocals are like Ani- mal Collective slash New Order slash R. Kelly.
The puters are putting this old folky in a bad mood quick.
Well, it’s official: I AM AN OLD MAN!
— Bobby Carlson
>> Continued on 38 >> • the NOISE arts & news
• september 2013 • 37