Page 41 - the NOISE September 2013
P. 41
September 2013 Capture the Moment
We can view the study of astrology as an untamable beast, giving up and running away with fear and frustration, or a mystery novel, relishing in the depth and juiciness of the unknown
and the responsiveness to perspective. Challenging transit are usually riding ride along as copilot with fun and easy ones. How to make sense of it all? I always like to relate things back to food. Let’s say one transit is a rutabaga, another is a pomegranate, and a third is ramen noodles. Each food has their own individual lay- ers and potentials, and more so when combined with other foods. How can you possibly make a masterpiece out of a rutabaga, a pomegranate, and ramen noodles? Seeing the TV cooking show “Chopped” while visiting family opened my eyes to what could ac- tually be done with a bunch of random, seemingly unmixable in- gredients. Many of these chefs use these odd ingredients to whip together, in a matter of minutes, a delectable meal that people would pay top dollar for.
I invite you to bring that kind of alchemy in your life when it comes to planetary transits.
September is the last month until July 2014 that one or more personal planets will not be retrograde and/or a shadow period of one of those retrogrades present. The personal planets I speak of are Mercury, Venus, and Mars. When personal planets are retro- grade, they tend to bring up old things to be reevaluated. Some- times these are really cool things that may bring consideration but not stress. But often they are unresolved things that were swept under the rug and during retrograde, it’s like someone comes and takes all your rugs, leaving the sweepings bare, and swirling around everywhere.
So you can see the importance of capturing the moment in September where it will be the last time for a long time that this element is not swirling around to the degree that the retrograde cycles will ensure in coming months. Anything NEW that you have wanted to start, make a genuine go out of it. You will have plenty of time to sit around and review old things soon.
Now at the same time as all of this is true, I have to throw in the element of the eclipses. Yes, it is eclipse time again. The Universe was lovely to give us a little rest since the spring eclipses, and now, the radical change potentials are raring up again and ready to go. The eclipses won’t officially happen until October 18th (Lunar Eclipse in Aries) and November 3rd (Solar Eclipse in Scorpio) but their news can start to come in 6-8 weeks before those dates, mak- ing September prime time for eclipse news to start to show up.
So many people get that ‘drop’ in their stomach when there is a suggestion of a potential of an unknown, looming in the backdrop, but doesn’t that potential always loom? Choose to use the con- stant presence of change as a catalyst to be right here, right now, with your current experience, so when it changes, as we know it eventually will, you won’t have missed NOW.
dAteS to note:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
September 1 — Sun in virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn — A transit that can uncover what has been hidden. Great for gaining insight into unresolved physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual is- sue. Ask your unconscious what it is to be revealed before you go to bed, then pay attention to dreams or insights upon awakening.
September 5 — New Moon in virgo – Make your New Moon Wishes! If you haven’t picked up a copy of Jan Spiller’s New Moon Astrology yet, do it!
September 7 — Sun in virgo Sextile Jupiter in Cancer — Luck, expansion, happiness! This coupled with still lingering New Moon energies makes for great wish request and fulfillment.
September 9 — Mercury enters libra — A great time for prac- ticing seeing another persons point of view. Also on this day, Mars in libra Square Saturn in Scorpio — The big picture dissolves as
immediate issues come into the forefront. Possible clashes with parents or other authority figures. A great tool for work- ing with this energy is the book Non-Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg.
September 10 — venus enters Scorpio – Passion, sensu- ality, and intensity rules all things involving love, beauty, and money.
September 13/14 — venus in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces — Love and inspiration fill the air. Gentleness and com- passion bring closeness and healing.
September 14 — Mercury in libra Square Pluto in Cap- ricorn — The planet of control and the planet of communi- cation and expression clash bringing obsessive thoughts or focus on something you or someone else said or did. Letting it go may be hard right now. Also, Mars in leo Trine Uranus in Aries — A wild shift in perspective is possible with this combo. A dazzling response to a stodgy, stuck situation can unhinge the blockage.
September 15/16 —Mercury in libra Opposing Uranus inAries—Beflexiblewithyourideasandplansrightnow. Do everything you can to ground out the extra electric currents running through you.
September 17 —Mercury in Libra Sextile Mars in Leo — Keep sight of your goal in conversation and expression today while presenting your ideas in a way that does not frighten others off.
September 18 — venus in Scorpio Conjunct Saturn in Scorpio — A seriousness and/or attentive focus surrounds topics of love and money. Alos, venus in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn — A time for passionate interactions and much potential for MAJOR enjoyment and pleasure.
September 19 — Mercury in libra Square Jupiter in Cancer — A penchant for overwhelming excess consumes many during this transit. Overwhelm can come from mas- sive amounts of incoming input. Also, Full Moon in Pisces — GREAT time for a ceremony letting go of beliefs, past events, and patterns that are no longer serving your highest good. (Sorry I misprinted this as occuring in August in last month’s column.)
September 20 — Pluto in Capricorn goes Direct — Re- joice Scorpio friends, things can now start to move along faster for you as your ruling planet regains its’ full strength. Also, Sat- urn in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn — Focus narrows to areas of most concern. Thoroughness and steadfast dedica- tion pay off.
September 22 — Sun enters libra — Excesses are bal- anced out by a collective drive for balance. The Autumnal Equinox brings equal light and dark. A great day for ceremony and prayer solidifying inner balance as a personal practice.
September 26 — venus in Scorpio Trine Jupiter in Can- cer — A great window of increased fun, support & abundance.
September 28 — venus in Scorpio Square Mars in leo — Tension can turn sexy. Put your credit cards in the freezer, as rambunctious feeling can make you prone to shopping.
September 29 — Mercury enters Scorpio — Seeking and finding what has been hidden, focus moves now to the deep and profound.
| Annie Botticelli, aka the Starry teller, makes the intangible become tangible using the mystical science and art of astrology. Check out
monthly horoscopes on her Youtube Channel. • the NOISE arts & news
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