Page 13 - the NOISE September 2014
P. 13

February 27, 1933: Berlin’s Reich- stag set afire by “terrorists,” intimidat- ing legislators & setting the stage for the Nazi Party’s scapegoat and sub- sequent persecution of communists residing in Germany. Considered a
“false flag” operation by WWII scholars, it is believed to be the greatest execu- tive party hoax & call to war of the 20th Century, as it lead to a complete state brainwashing — through mainstream media — of an active citizenry and continued Germany’s war machine through mass psychological manipu- lation. [Der Reichstagbrand, 2001]
Sept 10, 2001: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld announces that by some estimates the Department of Defense “cannot track $2.3 trillion in transac- tions.” It is later calculated that 25% of the yearly defense budget is “un- accounted” for. One defense analyst says, “The books are cooked routinely year after year.” [CBS, 1/29/02]
Sept 11, 2001: Recovery experts extract data from 32 WTC computer drives revealing a surge in financial transactions — transfers of over $100 million may have been made through some WTC computer systems imme- diately before & during the disaster. [Reuters, 12/18/01]
Sept 11, 2001: In what the govern- ment describes as a “bizarre coin- cidence,” National Reconnaissance was set for a 9AM exercise in which an aircraft would crash into a building near Washington, DC. [AP, 8/22/02]
8:46AM: Flight 11 crashes into WTC North Tower, 26 minutes after control- lers lost contact. [NYTimes, 9/12/01]
8:46AM: President Bush later states, “I was sitting outside the classroom and I saw an airplane hit the tower. The TV was on. When we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building.” There was no live coverage of the first crash on
TV & President Bush was in a class- room reading with children at the time of the second crash. [CNN, 12/4/01]
8:52AM: Two F-15s take off from Otis Air Force Base after Flight 175. Major General Paul Weaver of the Air Na- tional Guard, states “the pilots flew like a scalded ape, topping 500mph but were unable to catch up to the airliner. We had a 9-minute window, and in excess of 100 miles to intercept 175,’’ he said. ‘‘There was just liter- ally no way.’’ [Dallas Morning News, 9/15/01] F-15’s fly at up to 2.5 times the speed of sound, 1875 mph or 30+ miles a minute or 270+ miles in 9 min- utes, and are designed for low-altitude, high-speed, precision attacks. [BBC]
9:03AM: Flight 175 crashes into WTC South Tower, 23 minutes after NORAD notified, 43 minutes after air traffic control lost contact. [NYTimes, 9/12/01]
9:59AM: World Trade Center South Tower collapses. [NYTimes, 9/12/01]
10:10AM: Flight 93 crashes in Pennsyl- vania. 42 minutes after contact was lost, 90 minutes after NORAD notification of first hijacking. [CNN, 9/12/02]
10:28AM: World Trade Center North Tower collapses. [NYTimes, 9/12/01]
5:20PM: WTC Building 7 collapses. [CNN, 9/12/01] Though the media claims fires brought the building down, the building’s owner Larry Silverstein later recounts the story of the collapse of this 47-story skyscraper in a PBS documentary America Rebuilds, “I remember getting a call from the fire department commander. ... I said ... maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it. And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.” Over 2,000 architects & engi- neers later claim that contrary to the US government’s official story, it must have been controlled demolition. [PBS]
Sept 11, 2001: Six air traffic controllers who dealt with two of the hijacked air- liners make a recording describing the events, but the tape is later destroyed by a supervisor. No transcript was re- corded. [Washington Post, 5/6/04]
Sept 11, 2001: Hours after the attacks, a “shadow government” is formed. Key congressional leaders say they didn’t know President Bush had established this government-in-waiting. Some Congressmen state the administration should have conferred about its plans. [Washington Post, 3/2/02]
Oct 2, 2001: The Patriot Act is intro- duced in Congress.
Oct 3, 2001: The next day, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D) accuses the Bush adminis- tration of reneging on an agreement. [Washington Post, 10/4/01]
Oct 9, 2001: Anthrax letters are sent to Leahy & Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D). [CNN, 11/18/01]
Jan 24, 2002: Daschle claims that on this day Cheney calls him and urges that no 9/11 inquiry be made. He is repeatedly pressured thereafter. [CNN, 1/29/02, Newsweek, 2/4/02]
Mar 2, 2002: The 9/11 collapse of the 47-story WTC 7 was the first time a modern, steel-reinforced high-rise in the US has ever collapsed in a fire. [New York Times, 3/2/02]. The SEC stored files relating to numerous Wall Street investigations in WTC 7; files for 4,000 cases were destroyed. [National Law Journal, 9/17/01] Lost files includ- ed documents showing the relationship between Citigroup & the WorldCom bankruptcy. [The Street, 8/9/02]
August 9-24, 2014: Military-grade arms granted local police departments through the Patriot Act to “quell 9/11 ter- rorist fears” are used against protestors in Ferguson, Mo. following the shooting of Michael Brown. [NYTimes, 8/27/14]
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Tempe, Arizona
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SEPTEMBER 2014 • 13

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