Page 28 - The Noise September 2016
P. 28
astrologically speaking ...
September 2016 ~ Triad of Transformation by Annie bOTTicelli
Every month carries some degree of astrological “busy-ness.” There is always so much going on! But occasionally there will come a month when even more is on our astrological plates. September is one of those months.
Taking the cake on the list to watch is the powerful set of eclipses, still bringing major transformation in the areas of Pisces and Virgo. This cycle of eclipses started in Spring of 2015 and will run into Spring of 2016, with a 4-6 month time frame of integration af- ter that. The Pisces/Virgo polarity brings major attention to the Body-Mind connection — health, healing, diet, office/daily life experience, pets, addictions, conquering fears, spiritual connections, meditation, retreats, are all common topics included in these sec- tors of experience.
The first eclipse takes place on september 1 (Solar Eclipse at 9° of Virgo) and the second on september 16 (Lunar Eclipse at 24° of Pisces). Eclipse “news” or events can roll in up to 4-6 weeks before the actual eclipse, so by the time of the actual eclipses, much news related to them may have already become evident.
Solar eclipses bring new energy in and Lunar eclipses clear out OLD energy out. Never is the truth Einstein elucidated for us — “Energy is never created nor destroyed, it simply changes form” — more evident than at eclipse time. At eclipse time, as doors close, doors of equal potential are opened.
Eclipse cycles work each polarity for a period of time, during which “storylines” of transformation are brought into the forefront. Each eclipse within the cycle further works on the bigger picture at play. So to better understand how the storyline is show- ing up during this month’s eclipses, think back to stories that started around Spring of 2015 and have continued since.
Assisting in the backdrop with the transformation process is the third of four Mer- cury retrograde cycles this year. Mercury went retrograde on August 30 and remains officially so until September 21, but has a “shadow period” of influence that runs until October 7. Mercury brings things up from the past, the things that were “tabled” or ‘”swept under the rug.” People show up bringing a “blast from the past,” old projects cycle back around for new life to be breathed into them, issues that were never fully resolved rear their heads once more in hopes of true resolution.
Neither Eclipses nor Mercury Retrograde are times to force action, more to respond to what absolutely has to be dealt with and to mull over all other things waiting for a better strike time. The last week of September, although having Mercury a little sleepy, holds some great promise for such a strike date, as well as the months after.
Some eclipse news doesn’t give the luxury of a wait period. In these cases, making temporary arrangements or intermediary plans are best indicated. Commitments that are 6 months or less work best at this time, if possible. General avoidance of signing contracts or making final agreements is prudent here if at all possible, for most the month.
Eclipse news can be very powerful, often bringing life-changing events and changes in direction. Eclipses often push one forward into the unknown, and bring up many fears. While the eclipses often bring issues, or increased awareness of issues that were undercurrents, they simultaneously bring the resolutions.
A very exciting third component of our Triad of Transformation is the conclusion of the cycle of three squares between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. The first was July 26, 2015, the second on June 18, 2016, and the final pass will be on Sep- tember 10. Form vs. Formless collide in this epic battle. The best outcome is transcen- dence, which can only come through bridging the opposites. The “unseen” world and the “seen” realms are equally as relevant to spiritual beings having a human experience :)
Check out more September Highlights:
** Note: often the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day the transit occurs.
september 1 — solar Eclipse/new Moon in Virgo at 9° — Powerful new openings and wishes available especially on the topics of health, healing, diet, routine, work experience, and pets/animals.
This event also coincides with the sun in Virgo making a square to saturn in sagit- tarius. Difficult angles like this with Saturn can bring exhaustion or criticism.
september 2 — sun in Virgo opposing neptune in Pisces — Neptune in challenging angles usually brings confusion or deception. Wait for more clarifying news to come in for things that seem murky or that your intuition is telling there is more to know than what is being shared. Also, guard your security on all fronts from those with bad intentions.
september 2 — Mercury in Virgo conjunct Jupiter in Virgo — This can bring major news. It may be hard to distinguish from “eclipse news” since so much can come in from that separate aspect now. Use guidance about previous transit listed with the Sun and Neptune, since these are happening concurrently. Also, since Mercury is in retrograde, take time to gather information before giving a definitive yes. September 26 is the first good date this month to get fully onboard with something.
september 6-7 — sun in Virgo Trine Pluto in capricorn — Powerful light could be shed on a topic investigated or major breakthrough can occur with this combo.
september 7 — Venus in Libra sextile saturn in sagittarius — Another sweet spot within the craziness of this time as the bringer of long-term stability is brushed by the love/ beauty/money planet.
september 9 — Jupiter enters Libra — After a year of bringing expansion, growth, and opportunities to the energies of Virgo, Jupiter prepares to work on relationships. Jupiter now begins a year transit, performing major relationship mischief and miracles during this time. Jupiter amplifies everything it goes near so relationship issues could get bigger and more “in your face” in an effort to create resolution and ultimate improvement and expan- sion of relationships of every kind.
september 10 — saturn in sagittarius square neptune in Pisces — Time to transcend!
september 11-13 — series of squares involving the sun, Mercury, and Venus — A little rough patch here as Venus bumps up against Pluto, Mercury with Mars, and the Sun with Mars. Tempers will flare!
september 16 — Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Pisces at 24° — This is an excellent time to become freed from fears, addictions, or other negative habits or patterning. This event is also conjunct the asteroid, Chiron, bringing great opportunity to overcome the “victim” mentality.
september 18 — Venus in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries — A familiar Uranian jostle will likely come at this time, particularly with something involving love, beauty, or money.
september 20 & 23 — Mercury in Virgo Trine Pluto in capricorn — It is so nice that we get it twice; once at the tail end of Mercury retrograde, then again after it turns around. Plutonian power meets research or other forms of sharing information with great results.
september 21-22 — Mercury Direct in Virgo — Things get a little more haywire for several days in either direction of this transit as Mercury does its awkward U-turn. Every day after today brings more strength back to everything Mercury-ruled, with full strength regained October 7.
september 26 — Pluto direct in capricorn — Things being worked on in the backdrop, especially involving work/career/life purpose, get a Plutonian blast forward. Jupiter and the Sun also join today in Libra making this a great time to start to move forward.
the Nöísẽ | THE BEST OF ARIZONA | SEPTEMBER 2016 {} • 28