Page 37 - the NOISE October 2012
P. 37
I am broken tonight once again
the possibility of love unrequited refluxes in my throat.
I once wrote
that girlfriends
are bad for poetry
I’ve come to realize that maybe poets
are bad for girlfriends.
I question my morals. What are my reasons for wanting you.
Is it just the desire
to have someone?
If that is so then
I have to abandon these feelings
because they’re selfish. I test these feelings
as I monitor your interaction with me hoping that you will defer to me in some way
I test my courage wondering if I should just
cower under
your pedestal
and seal my affection into a vault
and walk on.
But I have this feeling
that even if I seal my affection
you will still be there
and you hold onto my attraction
it will hover over me
until I let go of it
and watch it float away until it pops.
A young man whose face reveals his ancestors survived here long before mine landed in Boston or Baltimore,
wears a grey shirt and blue jeans,
short cropped hair and carrying twenty extra pounds,
waits at the light to cross the street.
The light changes. We cross toward each other.
When he’s close enough I watch his face contort and twist. A bit closer and he yells out incomprehensively.
Noticing the bottle in his hand, I tense up, expect a blow.
The white and green letters of the bottle
spell Hiram Walker Peppermint Schnapps.
It’s eight thirty am. The Arizona sun blazes into his face.
No blow comes. I see his eyes glisten as he passes. His mouth contorts and lets out a sob.
The varied work of Jack Guth.
Seek out Queen’s Neighbor Art Gallery and the Copper Rail, part pub, part gallery serving beer and wine, featuring Jerome artist Jack Guth, whose “Great Moments’s in Baseball of the 20th Century” bring back memories and capture the time.
Suzy Mound and Suzann Trout at Jerome Bead Creations invite you to come and meet the ‘Obamas’ and, of course, see the large collection of original jewelry creations! Stop by to see the First Lady and the President at The Old Jerome High School.
Tom Ogburn Contemporary Arts Studio, in the old Jerome High School, is spotlighting the Virtual Palladium portraits of artists who use their voice to make a difference. Tom is offering new classes in draw- ing, painting, and Prismacolor Pencil.
Cody is back in the studio after participating once again in the Grand Canyon Celebration of Art. Re- freshments and live jazz by Duane Ewing. It’s not too early to check out our “Day of the Dead” inventory at Casa Latina.
Jerome Artists Cooperative Gallery’s featured artist is Birgitta Lapides, well-known for her mixed media landscape and abstract work on paper and canvas, as well as her jewelry and knitted garments.
Pura Vida Gallery debuts the work of Sedona ceramic artist Laura Pokorny, whose pieces are influ- enced by the giant Sycamore leaves found in Tlaquepaque. Champagne and chocolate!
The Pentimento Gallery features the sensational and surreal art of Derek Ford.
Zen Mountain Gallery welcomes Robert Brunner as its featured art- ist, who masterfully creates intricate geometric mandalas.
Gallery 527 will show new work by photographer Shane McDer- mott, who was recently featured in Arizona Highways with his vivid work printed on aluminum brings landscape to life with its clarity and wonderful composition.
For more information, contact Donna at 928.649.2277.
| • the NOISE arts & news magazine • OCTOBER 2012 • 37
Something in me I hesitate,
a moment,
aches in his wail.
but then keep walking.