Page 41 - the NOISE October 2013
P. 41

October 2013 The Emergence of YOUR NEW SELF
Watching the brilliant hand of the Universe craft perfec- tion can be such a delightful experience! If only we could observe our lives with the detachment of watching a perfectly
scripted, produced, and directed movie. The coming together of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, the Lunar Eclipse in Aries, and the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio will create an epic film starring YOU.
The movie starts out with the protagonist musing quietly to him or herself about his or her role in different relationships. As this person looks out the window on the same, familiar scene, the doorbell rings. The news awaiting has been anticipated vis- cerally but the details have remained uncertain. As they receive the news, the whole world flips upside down and back around in an instant. Their ‘self’ as they knew it just 30 seconds before, may never return. Before there is too much time for tears of joy, pain, fear, or relief, that the ‘story’ they have been telling for so long that became a part of their persona has evaporated, a text comes in. An opportunity for a new role, a new definition of self awaits a response, a confirmation, a commitment. What will you do when the figurative or literal text arrives?
If your story has been about victimhood and disempower- ment, lack, bad luck, or drama then rEJOICE as this part of you is eclipsed out. It will seem funny that this part may feel difficult to let go of but it is only because it has sat next to you as a loyal friend for so long. Say bye-bye to your friend in whatever way you need to, but it may have to be quicker than you would like because your NEW FrIENDS are waiting in the car to whisk you away from enabling and heartache, ushering you into rolling with the big dogs.
If your ‘news’ involves a chunk of cash or access to expanded resources that you are burning to spend, the first week or so of October is your best bet until... well, a really long time. Mercu- ry shadow period hogs up all of October until the 21st, intensi- fying with every day into October. Mercury retrograde follows. Then about the same day Mercury goes direct, Venus retro- grade shadow starts, followed by Venus retrograde December 21st. Continuing back into Mercury retrograde, followed by Mars retrograde shadow period, and Mars retrograde, com- pleting the LONG cycle with yet another Mercury retrograde.
If you think that was exhausting to read, living through it will be even more challenging — unless you follow the cues and the rhythm of the Universe. I believe that is why we have this loooooong opportunity. To sloooooow, down, connect, and listen. I will go more into each transit and its opportuni- ties as they each come closer, but for now, envision how your life would be without your ‘story’ and get your ‘New Empow- ered Self Party Hat’ ready to wear.
dAteS to note:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
October 1 — Mercury in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces — A time where you may be in the ‘right place at the right time’ to gather information that seems to come in magically. Also, Sun in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn — Avoid the temp- tation to control your life through manipulation. Use the en-
ergy to confront the issues at hand and have patience as the outcomes naturally unfold.
October 3 — Sun in Libra Opposing Uranus in Aries — A rambunctious streak of assertion of personal freedom can create waves in your world. Plans are subject to quick change. Try to be really clear about the outcomes of your decisions before getting to deep into the path.
October 5 — New Moon in Libra – Make your New Moon Wishes, especially on the topics of partnership, peace, har- mony, teamwork, and codependency.
October 6 — Mercury in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capri-
corn — A great time for deep investigation past surface things. Hidden information could come out through communication.
October 7 — Venus enters Sagittarius — The draw to spend money and time with beloved, frolicking, traveling, and expanding horizons is strong now.
October 8 — Mercury in Scorpio Conjunct Saturn in Scorpio — Use this time for hyper-focus and concentra- tion. Serious or practical news or advice could come in, especially from an older or wise person.
October 10 — Venus in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces — Openness, sweetness, pleasant surroundings become very desirable. A strong chance for disillusion- ment if your standards are unattainable.
October 12 — Sun in Libra Square Jupiter in Can- cer — Promise only what you are sure you can deliver and be aware of the possibilities of exaggeration from others. Practicality now will serve you well.
October 15 — Mars enters Virgo — The time for fo- cusing on efficiency, details, health, pets, and meticulous attention to daily tasks. Critiquing, dismantling, and re- building systems lay a foundation for a productive future.
October 16 — Venus in Sagittarius Trine Uranus in Aries — Supportive to business ventures that either
‘come out of the blue,’ or involve technology or the Inter- net. Surprise romantic rendezvous bring great fun.
October 18 — Full Moon in Aries — Fullness comes to an issue of self-sufficiency. The means to assert a per- sonal need comes in bringing a stand-off with a perceived oppressor. Also, Lunar Eclipse at 25° of Aries — A part of your ‘self’ will be eclipsed out. There may be kicking and screaming at first as the grieving process of something that was part of your identity for so long disappears. This empty space leaves room for a new definition of self, a deeper lev- el of authenticity to your personality arises and takes shape.
October 19 — Mars in Virgo Opposing Neptune in Pisces — Impatience with the ordinary and the status quo brings drama and whimsical acts.
October 21 — Mercury Retrograde at 18° of Scorpio — Perfect for researching debt consolidation (but hold off on signing any papers until Mercury is direct on Nov. 10),
reconnecting with those you are considering business proj- ects with, esoteric studies, and researching financing op- tions (again, hold off on signing until after Nov. 10). Wait for big purchases, especially involving transportation or com- munication. If you must buy one of these items during the retrograde cycle, pay more for the extra warranty coverage.
October 22/23 — Sun enters Scorpio — Desires for deep change bubble up to the surface. Clearing out nega- tive programming and habits create great results. Focus on intimacy and empowering oneself and others is supported.
October 25 — Sun in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pi- sces — Experimentation, originality, unconventional ideas and opportunities can pay off under this transit.
October 29 — Mercury in Scorpio Conjunct Saturn in Scorpio — New communications projects, or old ones could start to develop now. Work at fine-tuning efficien- cy in your systems.
October 31 — Mars in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn — A strong drive to succeed yields transformative results.
| Annie Botticelli, aka the Starry teller, helps
people lose their “story” & proudly don their “new empowered Self Party Hats.” Check out monthly horoscopes on her Youtube Channel. • the NOISE arts & news
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