Page 30 - the NOISE October 2014
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October 2014 “What’s the PLAN?”
by Annie Botticelli
oCtoBeR hiGhliGhts:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
October 4 — Mercury retrograde Scorpio/Libra — Mercury retrograde in Scorpio brings deep investigation and/or introspection. This energy is great for research projects of any kind. Scorpio is the sign of ‘other people’s money’ and ‘shared money,’ as well as combining of/col- laboration with any other resources that aren’t financial. Retrograde & Libra brings questions and focus to all rela- tionships and aesthetics.
October 8 — full Moon in Aries/Total Lunar eclipse and October 23 — new Moon in Scorpio/Partial Lunar eclipse — Having started at the end of August and mov- ing into September and October, the new seeds are being planted by the Universe for next Spring’s crop. New sto- ries are being told and we won’t know the details in their entirety until the end of the cycle. Many of the details of the story maybe very well established by October even though the actual eclipses happen on October 8 and Oc- tober 23. This is the foreshadowing of the story that hap- pens in the time leading up to the actual planetary events.
The main plots of the stories are going to revolve around the topics of ‘me’ and ‘we’ and the dance between. Aries represents ‘me’ energy. The event in Aries will be a total lunar eclipse so some aspects of self are going to be eclipsed out. For many this will be very obvious, for others it will be more subtle. For some this will be very dramatic or challenging, and for others this will be very positive and graceful. Many a surprise, creative passion will be unleashed on the world as Uranus, the planet of surprises, electric energy, brilliant innovative ideas, will be conjunct the lunar eclipse, with a simultaneous fire trine with Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo.
Uranus is always the energy of the wildcard. We just don’t know how it’s going to manifest. It is by its nature surprise. I call it the great jostler because it shakes things up. Sometimes that can be very positive experience, and sometimes it can be a challenging experience, but things get stirred up nonetheless. The solar eclipse is like a mes- senger — it brings in new information and opportunities. This will happen in the department of Scorpio, which is the ‘we’ part of our equation.
Parts of the individual/singular identity (Aries/’me’) will be eclipsed out in favor of the partnership/ the collabo- ration (Scorpio/’we’). Sensitive people may have already noticed this happening in the time leading up to Octo- ber, this energy of individuation, seeing oneself as a sin- gular being, in someway having the story retold in favor of merging. Most people are looking for deeper intimacy and more fulfilling partnerships.
For all of these people this eclipse series will very likely bring them closer to this experience. But wanting some- thing and being ready for something are two different sit- uations. Most people are terrified of the things they think they want. So this eclipse time will be a time or all of those fears come out into the forefront, vulnerabilities lay bare, for the greater purpose of union and synergy.
October 25 — Mercury goes Direct — Although Mer- cury is officially direct this day, there is several days after this time where much mercurial mischief abounds, and the transit is not completely clear until November 10.
| Annie Botticelli, aka ‘the starry teller,’ inspi- rational speaker, Motivator, Astrologer — Check out monthly horoscopes on her youtube Channel.
Humans love to plan! While some of this planning is necessary and helpful, much of it is a desperate attempt born of conscious or unconscious fear, to control the external and outcomes.
UNIVERSAL TRUTH: WE LIVE IN A HOLOGRAPHIC REALITY. This truth practically applied means everything in our out- er world is an exact replica of our inner world. This is true for the individual and for the collective.
Many have noticed and turned great focus onto the world becoming a ‘police state,’ with more and more rights being ‘taken away.’ From the perspective of the ho- lographic reality, what we put out into the world becomes the world, and our experience. So with an increasing number of people projecting out fear through attempted control into the world, the world gives back the reflection. Changing the behavior changes the reflection.
This eclipse season, flanked by Uranian influence, cou- pled with Mercury retrograde will give great opportunity to either go deeper into the disempowering ‘story’ of vic- timhood, with the ever-present companion to the victim, the tyrant, or to bust out of the problem, which is believ- ing that to feel better we have to control things outside of ourselves.
The big message is: when we tend to our inner space, we don’t have to create an external experience full of peo- ple & things to control us. Happiness is a place we find inside of us, reflected in — not resulting from — beauti- ful things in the world. So how do we make headway on resolving this core issue and use the planetary energies to fuel this movement? Here are some tips to make this busy astrological time as graceful as possible:
Only instigate change during this time as a response.
Enough change will be coming without any intentional instigation. In general eclipses are not the best time to in- stigate something new unless it is a necessary response to news that has come in.
Keep commitments light & flexible. Mercury retrograde brings delays and both this transit and the eclipses tend to give information on a need-to-know basis that stretches out much farther than the average ‘comfort zone’. Know that regardless of what ‘plan’s’ you make, you will wind up flying by the seat of your pants and everything will switch into improv, anyway.
Minimize Shopping. This is a standard Mercury retro- grade rule but there is even more reason to follow it at this time. With the surprise element of Uranus involved with the eclipse, you may need the money you may have spent on more pressing things.
Take a device break. Devices will have more a chance of being on the fritz anyway, so prevent unnecessary stress about this by voluntarily going light on device time. Some exceptions to this are if you are working on finishing up creative or other projects that you need to be on-line or otherwise using devices, and the projects are flowing well without any electronic problems. A big sign that the Uni- verse is calling for stepping away from the virtual is if your every effort to use them is thwarted!
Ask big questions. Scorpio is the sign of diving into great depths with whatever the topic or opportunity is at hand. Asking questions of yourself that pertain to the transits such as the topic of ‘planning’:
Why do I feel uncomfortable if there isn’t a ‘plan’? If a ba- sic plan is necessary, how many other things that I feel like I need to plan are unnecessary, and worse, counterproduc- tive? What things am I not focusing on planning that may really need some attention, such as wills, inheritances, ben- eficiaries, other estate planning? How can I be the change I want to see in the world?
30 • OCTOBER 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •

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