Page 42 - the NOISE October 2014
P. 42

@september ArtWalk; the Kaleidoscope Kampout, Whiskey Rodeo / Jamey hasapis Campaign Party; night visions v & My Beautiful Friends opening
photos by Rene R. Rivas text by Clair Anna Rose
TOP rOW: Katie Lee in her element; Sinu- ous Savvy stands proud next to her work; Joanie Patrice & Kayley Monsta float amongst the crowd; upside-down hula skills with Zoe rae; nighttime hula lights.
rOW 2: Jessica Packard display mul- tiple hoops and Isis wings; promoter Doug Quick and hip hop legends freestyle fellowship pose prior to the show.
rOW 3: Night KKO shots during rus- ko’s set.
rOW 4-5: KKO festival goers enjoy the day; Mayoral Candidate James Hasa- pis has the best boots, ever.
rOW 6: Gina young & Joe Morelion greet Hasapis supporters at the Whis- key Rodeo benefit concert; Whiskey rodeo ignites the stage; Avtar Khal- sa moonlights as campaign signman; City Council Candidate Jim McCarthy enjoys the evening.
rOW 7: Sky Black at the “Night Visions V” & “My Beautiful Friends” opening at Coconino Center for the Arts; art lov- ers vote for their favorite piece; Brian Bradley stands next to his work.
| Rene Rivas is a photographer of service.
42 • OCTOBER 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •

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