Page 32 - the Noise October 2016
P. 32
astrologically speaking ...
October 2016 ~ Intense Impetus for New Birth BY ANNIE BOTTICELLI
Birthing something new can be the most exciting thing ever, and ... it can hurt like crazy! There usually comes a time in a pregnancy (or gestation of any other big project) where the birther feels intense impetus to“Get this baby out!!”
Then comes the time for the actual labor ... there is often pain, pressure, intense discomfort all with the theme of getting the baby out!
For many women, the time when the baby descends further into the birth canal (which is when birth is getting really close) can be described as feeling like the pres- sure is going to bust them apart from the inside. At the end of the “labor” comes the time very familiar to parents and birth assistants called transition. One of the major keynotes of transition is when the mother says something like, “I can’t do this! I give up!” In that magical moment of surrender the birth usually commences quickly and Mom figures out, Whoa! she actually can do it, because it happened. Then comes the immeasurable satisfaction and joy.
This typical birth story holds the energy of the astrology of the month of October — Intense Impetus for New Birth.
October 7 is the first day in all of 2016 that we are completely clear of the long series of retrograde shadows and actual retrogrades that have run all this time. So it would seem like a perfect time to birth, launch, move forward. The end of Septem- ber and all of October hold many great dates for this but don’t be surprised if more birthing pains or intense impetus, aka labor in the form of crazy pressure to change something, do something different, let go, move something forward comes first.
News and events from the September eclipses could still be coming in this month plus there are several challenging aspects throughout the month of October that will apply pressure to make change. So often we become so comfortable with cir- cumstances that we avoid the discomfort it would take to rock the boat and make a change. October is astrologically-designed to create the exact circumstances to make staying in the current situations more uncomfortable than doing what has to be done to change them or move them along. In other cases, unwelcome change may be forced. Ultimately, the major release allows the next levels of experience to be birthed.
There are quite a few sweet aspects sandwiched in between the pressure-bringing catalysts, with the month ending on a perfect-for-birthing New Moon in Scorpio that has gorgeous aspects that make it more powerful. It is the 4 of 6 SuperMoons this year. A SuperMoon occurs when the Moon is closer to the Earth. It can be seen as bigger in the sky because of its proximity and it also exerts more gravitational effects on the Earth and its inhabitants. Flooding of waters and emotions is likely, for better or worse. A great preemptive move is to check insurance for flood and other water damage from inside and outside of structures and modes of transportation. Ensure important items are safe from expected or unexpected water sources.
For launches or moving forward, some great dates include September 26 because of the Jupiter/Sun Conjunction. Even though Mercury is sleepy still, this is a once- a-year time for expansion, benevolence, and luck. For short-term launches or mov- ing forward with parts of a bigger picture that span a short time, like 6 months or less, this date is perfect. For first-time launches of very big projects, this could work, but waiting until October 30 will bring a time completely clear of the short-term rul- ing energy of Mercury post-shadow that spans until October 7 and leaves all of the mischief of the month behind. Some great dates for launches and other important things: October 1, 4, 11, 26, 27, and put a big star on you calendar for the 30. Some dates to expect pressure/challenge: October 5, 7, 15, 16, 20, 25, 28, 29.
Check out more October Highlights:
** Note: often the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day the transit occurs.
October 1 — Venus in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces — This is a great launch date especially for anything involving art, healing, and things behind the scenes or in private.
October 4 — Sun in Libra Sextile Saturn in Sagittarius — Help may come at this time from a person or place that is well-connected and established.
October 5 — Mars in Capricorn Square Jupiter in Libra — This is a really easy time to overextend or under-deliver. Blocks to expansion or hindrances to freedom may manifest now. October 5 — Venus in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn — This is a nice counter-bal- ance for the other aspect that occurs today. Power, resources, and ambition unite now with
great potentials. Just be cautious in making promises too big to deliver.
October 15 — Sun in Libra Opposing Uranus in Aries and Mercury in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn — Ego’s clash; battles of me vs. we struggles abound; surprise occur- rences conflict with vitality and self-expression; power used unfairly.
October 16 — SuperMoon Full Moon at 23° of Aries — The SuperMoon brings emotions in excess. For some this will be stressful, and could involve an impending health focus, or very deep self-questioning, but others will be thrown into the limelight in very exciting ways.
October 19 — Mars in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn — Mars and Pluto com- bining make most astrologers cringe. It’s like a boxing match with two very aggressive, powerful, and possibly angry forces. Unresolved issues with authority figures may come up in a big way or some notable workplace incident. Each potentially negative line-up always holds a positive potential simultaneously. Capricorn rules ambition for work, career, and life purpose. Major news regarding male figure, job opportunities, transformation, recognition, public upgrade, or business expansion could occur now.
October 20 — Mercury in Libra Opposing Uranus in Aries — This planetary connection can often bring nerve-jangling news or electric opposition to expression.
October 25 — Venus in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces — Deception or other vagueness in business or love could cause some strife at this point. Alternatively, a financial overextension or inability to commit could occur now.
October 26 — Venus in Sagittarius Sextile Jupiter in Libra — This is a magical time when luck or expansion comes to the areas of love, beauty, and money. Sextiles often in- volve a potential that you have to take an action to activate.
October 27 — Mercury in Scorpio Conjunct Sun in Scorpio — This is a classic combo for discoveries and breakthroughs. It is also classic energy of an obsessive-compulsive focus or person. Jealousies could run high. It is fantastic energy to get to the bottom of something mysterious.
October 28-29 — Mars in Capricorn Square Uranus in Aries — The Mars and Uranus aspect can bring jolts and unwelcome surprises. Guard your physical body, especially your head. Breathe! Better star alignments are ahead!
October 29 — Venus in Sagittarius Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius — Reality checks in business and love. Could also serve as positive momentum for stable and long-term ventures. October 30 — New Moon at 8° of Scorpio Conjunct Mercury and Trine Neptune — A magical New Moon blessed with extra sweetness. Make your New Moon Wishes on the topics of: intimacy, sex, power, collaborations, esoteric subjects, psychology, investigations,
inheritances and other things Scorpio.
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