Page 4 - the Noise October 2017
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Arizona offers an abundance of higher elevation areas that experience col- orful foliage displays in the fall. Some of the best places to view fall foliage are found in the Sedona, Flagstaff and Verde Valley areas. Fall colors peak from late September through November depending on elevation. Higher elevations tend to change first and colors trickle down to the lower elevations as the sea- son progresses.
Oak Creek Canyon is a popular place to see colorful fall foliage. A drive Athrough the canyon will delight hikers and photographers with amazing yel-
dtrisepelsaythsaintltinhetfahlel.cSreoemke. TohfethperebsesntcpelaocfeBsitgotovoiethwmfaallpfloelsi,agbeoxaerledeforsu,nwdililnowthseSe- dona, Flagstaff and Verde Valley areas. Fall colors peak from late September through No-
and Gambel oak trees add reds, pale yellows and oranges to the eye-popping
vember depending on elevation. Higher elevations tend to change first and colors trickle
display. The Call of the Canyon trailhead is famous as a fall destination for those
down to the lower elevations as the season progresses.
who want to experience the fall colors close up. But walking along the creek
Oak Creek Canyon is a popular place to see colorful fall foliage. A drive through the can-
anywhere in the West Fork area will immerse the visitor in crisp fall air and stimu-
yon will delight hikers and photographers with amazing yellows and golds of the changing
late the senses with the sights and smells of autumn. Seeing fiery red leaves on a
leaves of the Arizona sycamore and cottonwood trees that line the creek. The presence
backdrop of the canyon’s red rocks is a unique and spectacular experience. Col-
of Bigtooth maples, boxelders, willows and Gambel oak trees add reds, pale yellows and
ors in Oak Creek Canyon tend to peak in late October through mid-November.
oranges to the eye-popping display. The Call of the Canyon trailhead is famous as a fall
Located off the Upper Red Rock Loop Road in West Sedona, Red Rock destination for those who want to experience the fall colors close up. But walking along the
creekaCnroywsshinegreisinatnhoethWeersgtrFeoartkspaoretafowriflalilmlfomlieargsevthieewvinisgit.oTrhinecariesapofafflelrasirspanedctsatcium-ulate theselnasrevsiewwitshotfhCeastihgehdtsraalnRdocskmaenlldsoefasayuthuikmens.alSoenegintghefiebraynrkesdolfeaOvaeksCorneeakb.aScykcdar-opof the camnyorne’sarned crocttkosniswaouondiqtrueesanaldosnpgetchtaeccurleaerkexspheorwieonffcet.hCeoirlobrrsiginhtOyaekllCorwesekanCdanyon tend to peak in late October through mid-November.
brilliant golds in late fall. The deep pools that serve as summertime swimming
Located off the Upper Red Rock Loop Road in West Sedona, Red Rock Crossing is another
holes become vast reflecting pools in autumn. Photographers will want to bring
great spot for fall foliage viewing. The area offers spectacular views of Cathedral Rock and
a tripod to capture frame-worthy photos of Cathedral Rock mirroring itself in the
easy hikes along the banks of Oak Creek. Sycamore and cottonwood trees along the creek
creek’s calm waters amongst the sprays of golden foliage.
show off their bright yellows and brilliant golds in late fall. The deep pools that serve as summertime swimming holes become vast reflecting pools in autumn. Photographers will
Around Flagstaff, fall colors begin in mid-September at higher elevations and
want to bring a tripod to capture frame-worthy photos of Cathedral Rock mirroring itself in
peak by mid- to late October. At higher elevations, aspen trees quake in the fall
the creek’s calm waters amongst the sprays of golden foliage.
breezes and offer a bright contrast to the dark greens of the Ponderosa pines
Around Flagstaff, fall colors begin in mid-September at higher elevations and peak by
and Douglas firs. The Kachina Trail, just south of Arizona Snowbowl, is an easy mid- to late October. At higher elevations, aspen trees quake in the fall breezes and offer
a brightot cmoondtrearsattetohtihke idnatorktghreeleunsshofof rtehset.PTohnedbereosstafapllinceosloarnsdarDeoeuxgplearsiefinrcs.edThinetKhaechina
Trail, jufisrtsts2o1⁄2uthmoilfeAsroizrosnoaoSfnthoew5b-omwil,eistranil.easy to moderate hike into the lush forest. The
best fall colors are experienced in the first 21⁄2 miles or so of the 5-mile trail.
Beginning at Lockett Meadow about 15 miles north of Flagstaff, the Inner Beginning at Lockett Meadow about 15 miles north of Flagstaff, the Inner Basin Trail of-
Basin Trail offers both colorful fall foliage and a hike right into the caldera of
fers both colorful fall foliage and a hike right into the caldera of the now extinct volcano
the now extinct volcano that formed the San Francisco Peaks. The trail starts in
that formed the San Francisco Peaks. The trail starts in the ponderosa pine forest and me-
the ponderosa pine forest and meanders into aspen groves as it climbs to the
anders into aspen groves as it climbs to the caldera. The steep slopes of the basin are lined
caldera. The steep slopes of the basin are lined with aspens that turn to golden
with aspens that turn to golden hues in early fall. Hikers are rewarded with stunning views
hues in early fall. Hikers are rewarded with stunning views of the peaks at trail’s
of the peaks at trail’s end. Elk and porcupines frequent the area and black bears have been
end. Elk and porcupines frequent the area and black bears have been known to
known to wander through as well.
wander through as well.
For later fall foliage viewing, don’t forget the Verde River basin from Camp Verde to Cot- tonwood and Clarkdale which tends to peak in late October and will often show color into earlyDecFeomrlbateerrinfalslofmoleiagpelavceiesw.iTnhge,rdeoanr’etfaormgeutlttithuedVeeorfdaecRceivsesersBtaositnhefrVoemrdCeaRmivperfor viewinVgertdhe tpoaCleotyteollnowosoadnadndeCelpargkodladles wofhtihche tceontdtosntwo opoedakaindlastyecOamctobrertraeneds wthiallt line the rivoefrt.ePnreshvaolwenctowloilrloinwtsoaedadrlycaDneacreymyeblelorwintsootmhepalalectetse.. There are a multitude of
The Verde River Greenway trail accessed from Dead Horse Ranch State Park is a wonderful
accesses to the Verde River for viewing the pale yellows and deep golds of the
place to hike easily along the river banks and enjoy the crisp autumn air without needing
cottonwood and sycamore trees that line the river. Prevalent willows add canary
a winter coat. Mild fall temperatures in the Verde Valley mean later leaf color changes and
yellow to the palette.
warmer hiking weather than in the high country. But the foliage display is just as spectacu-
The Verde River Greenway Trail, accessed from Dead Horse Ranch State lar as anywhere else in the area.
Park, is a wonderful place to hike easily along the river banks and enjoy the Another easy stroll along the Verde River is on the Jail Trail accessed from Old Town Cot-
crisp autumn air without needing a winter coat. Mild fall temperatures in the
tonwood. The trailhead is located next to the old jailhouse with parking in the adjacent
Verde Valley mean later leaf color changes and warmer hiking weather than in
municipal lot. The trail begins in a riparian area filled with enormous cottonwood trees and
the high country. But the foliage display is just as spectacular as anywhere else
meanders downstream to the river’s floodplain. Walking the Jail Trail, it’s easy to forget that
in the area.
it is so close to town. Bird-watchers will be delighted with the multitude of species that can bevieweAdnhoethre.reTahseytsrtariollcloanlotningutehseinVteordDeeRaidveHroisrsoenRthanecJhaiSlTtarateilaPcacrkesosredhifkreormscOalndloop back inTotowOnldCoTtotwonwCoottdo.nTwhoeotdratiolhenajdoyisaloccoaltdebdeneerxotrtlocthalewoilndejapiolhsot-uhsiekew. ith park-
ing in the adjacent municipal lot. The trail begins in a riparian area filled with enormous cottonwood trees and meanders downstream to the river’s flood- plain. Walking the Jail Trail, it’s easy to forget that it is so close to town. Bird- watchers will be delighted with the multitude of species that can be viewed here. The trail continues into Dead Horse Ranch State Park or hikers can loop back into Old Town Cottonwood to enjoy a cold beer or local wine post-hike.
4 • OCTOBER 2017 | the NOISE arts & news |
TOP: Oak Creek Canyon Foliage; BOTTOM: Oak Creek Canyon near Harding Spring

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