Page 12 - the NOISE November 2013
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The Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival wrapped with a won- derful awards ceremony. The caliber of films this year was astoundingwithover250submissions. Bidder70wasoneofmy
personal favorites. And the expansion to local venues like Ren- dezvous, Flagstaff Bike Revolution, Fire Creek Coffee Com- pany, Theatrikos as well as the Orpheum allowed for a real spread out feeling in our community. With films, parties, coffee meetings with directors, free screenings, musical celebrations, local school involvement, it was five days chock full of world cin- ema. Every October world cinema comes to Flagstaff and we’re the better for it! Thanks to Ron, John, Denise and the fantastic energy and effort of all the volunteers who helped make it an- other weekend to remember!
The NAU Classic Film Series has another fantastic line-up of memorable films from the past. The series this semester is “In Support: Unforgettable Supporting Actors and Actresses.” Paul Helford and Paul Donnelly head up another month of classics. Tuesday nights at Cline Library at 7PM, these free films have in- troductions from professors and local film experts followed by a Q&A after. (Free parking behind the library!)
11/5/13 — Anatomy of a Murder, Directed by Otto Preminger (1959) 160 minutes, PG, starring: James Stuart, Lee Remick, Ben Gazzara and George C. Scott. As the deconstructed anatomy of a murder unfolds in front of the audience’s eyes, we delve into the heart of darkness and ambiguity as Preminger clouds the facts with ambiguity. A mystery of the highest order.
11/12/13 — A Shot in the Dark, Directed by Blake Edwards (1964) 101 minutes, Not Rated, starring: Peter Sellers, Elke Som- mer, Herbert Lom and Bert Kwouck as Cato. Without a doubt the masterpiece of the Inspector Clouseau series. We enter the insane world of a real Mr. McGoo ... who solves crimes through shear blind perseverance. “We’ll see if it holds up for the next generation of filmgoers,” Paul Helford ponders.
11/19/13 — Deliverance, Directed by John Boorman (1972) 119 minutes, R, starring: Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight, Ned Beatty and Ron Cox. The novel by James Dickey was adapted faithfully
by Boorman and Dickey to tell us the tale of four male friends on a journey of discovery on a river trip into unchartered territory. What they find is the primitive horror of human nature in its pris- tine state. You will... “squeal like a pig” by the end!
11/26/13 — One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Directed by Milos Forman (1975) 133 minutes, R, starring: Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, Danny DeVito, Scatman Crothers, Brad Douriff and Christopher Lloyd. Paul Heflord: “Everyone will love it, but Ken Kesey! He hated Jack Nicholson as McMurphy, thought he was too small and he didn’t like the shift of point of view from his novel, but it won Oscars for Best Picture, Actor, Actress, Director and Screenplay!”The best method acting of its day.
The NAU International Film Series continues with “Global Issues: Personal Consequences” on Wednesday nights in room 120 in the Liberal Arts Building through November with some thought provoking films! Astrid Klock showcases moving films
from all over the world.
Peter Sellers in A Shot In the Dark, featured during the NAU Classic Film Series at Cline Library.
11/6/13 — 5 Broken Cameras, Directed by Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi (2011) 90 minutes in Hebrew & Arabic with English subtitles. This film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary, shot by a Palestinian farmer, who bought his first camera to record his son’s birth. Then we follow the destruc- tion of five cameras over five years as village turmoil erupts. We watch as Israelis destroys another village and encroaches with their settlements, in an extraordinary work of political activism.
11/20/13 — All Together, Directed by Stephane Robelin (2012) 96 minutes in French & German with English subtitles.) Screen legend Jane Fonda is one of a group of friends who decide to bust out a friend from an old folks’ home and start a commune together. A young graduate student films their experimental community for his research project. They first discover and then lose the joy of a free life as human fallibilities interfere. A crowd pleaser!
The Sedona International Film Festival (SIFF) presents a wide variety of films and theatre and dance at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre in Sedona through the month of November. Check out their website for details at Here’s a few highlights:
11/2-6 — The Second Annual Sedona Jewish Festival 11/8-9 — Putting It Together starring Carol Burnett. 11/12 — Money for Nothing & filmmaker Q&A (Jim Bruce) 11/16-21 — The Perfect Man starring Live Schreiber 11/18 — Live from NY’s 92nd Street Y: Jeb Bush
11/23 — Mama Mia Event.
The Prescott Film Festival in conjunction with the Yavapai Community College and the Yavapai Performing Art Center has several features in November. Check for more information, but here’s what we know! Free and open to the public at 7PM on:
11/13/13 — Peoples Park, Directed by Libbie D. Cohn, who will also be at the screening for a Q&A after! Sheklly Kracier says: “This is a close to pure pleasure as cinema can provide.” As Cohn creates a 78-minute single shot film made in a public park in Chengdu, China. The film was influenced by Chinese scroll paintings.
11/12-15 Civil War films accompanied by a lecture series will take place at Yavapai Center for the Performing Arts (YCPAC). Dr. Amy Stein emphasizes the importance of the Gettysburg Ad- dress. Films will be introduced by Deborah Roberts who oversaw the selection of films and checked each for historical accuracy. These films are free at YCPAC. The films are:
11/12 — Gettysburg
11/13 — Glory
11/15 — Lincoln Directed by Stephen Spielberg.
The Native American Film Series continues with two shows in November. Check the CAL website at NAU for more info!
| Bob Reynolds can please a full house with his films.
12 • november 2013 • the NOISE arts & news •

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