Page 7 - the NOISE November 2013
P. 7
08. USFS Closures in Sedona: “Private Parks” or Public Land?
10. Qualified Patients Only: Arizona’s Medical Marijuana Program is Still in the Growing Stage
12. Film!
13. the Outs: Internet Killed the Video Store
14. It’s the Arts
26. Music for the Masses
31. Supplement Calendar 33. Astrologically Speaking 34. Jerome ArtBeat
36. Prescott’s Don’t Miss List 38. Essence: Sage
39. Business News
Amaranthine Editîon
November 2013 • #150
Editorial Board:
Clair Anna Rose, Ellen Jo Roberts Kyle Boggs, Sarah Gianelli Bobby Carlson, Cindy Cole
Tony Ballz
Cole Lahti
Angie Johnson-Schmit Omar Victor
Bob Reynolds
Mark Szopinski Annie Botticelli Rhonda Pallas Downey Natasha Reeves Steele Wotkyns
Tom Blanton, Mike Frankel
Publisher Charles Seiverd
The Noise is a free forum for ideas and creative expression, hence all opinions expressed herein are of no affiliation to the directors of Weavel Inc and are strictly those of the individual artist. Copyrights are held by the individual artist and no part of this publication may be duplicated without explicit consent by the artist.
Readership: 42,000 Distribution: 245 locations
in Northern Arizona: Flagstaff, Sedona, Prescott, Cottonwood, Jerome, Clarkdale, Prescott Valley, Pine, Payson, Camp Verde, Williams & Winslow
Cover Art: Sweet One by Sally Murphy INQUIRIES: 928-634-5001 |
POB 1637 • Flagstaff AZ 86002 | POB 1257 • Clarkdale AZ 86324
a “zero waste” perodical
a publication of
an Arizona 501c3 nonprofit organization
funded in part by a grant from
If I were Rip Van Winkle today, stumbling out of the forest after a seasonal slumber, blurry eyed yet fully paid up on a subscription to a random daily periodical, I’d have to wonder what on earth happened in these last few months of wild & woolly geo-political turmoil.
While it goes without saying that June through October are typically the “hot spots” in hu- man strife, regardless of year or cycle, it would appear this last one was a doozy.
First, we had a young computer programmer blow the whistle on the executive branch’s use — or misuse — of technology to thwart the efficacy of the Fourth Amendment; the NSA’s surveillance tactics are a mind-blowing cause for uproar.
As an iconic figure, the fact Edward Snowden was not heralded for his heroics by the administration, but instead made to leave the “land of the free” for ... Russia ... is an event to take deep pause for, regardless of one’s take on the Cold War or those wacky Pinkos.
What’s more unbelievable — the bearers of the First Amendment — the reporters who made his story available to the world — are writing their material from South America for fear of retaliation from the same executive branch.
Then, as if to shuffle the shells, less than 33 days after Mr. Snowden’s story broke, the Noble Peace Prize Winning President thought it prudent to rain materials of mass destruc- tion on a Middle Eastern country rumored — by the same agency caught undermining the Constitution — to house other material of mass destruction.
Finally, as if to thunder home the power of the executive branch, the “federal govern- ment shutdown” quaked through every community in the country, under the guise of yet one more “fiscal cliff.” One has to wonder what kind of carrot is being dangled here, and if Wil E. Coyote is waiting at the bottom of that cliff. Beep, beep indeed.
On a more serious note, local troubadour (who bears a slight resemblance to ol’ Rip) Tony Norris lost a tooth while singing a wonderful duet with our own Clair Anna Rose recently — and he kept on pluckin’ even with the added whistle space! While making your holiday preparations, please keep in mind one of his albums, which can be had at — and let’s get him back a tooth, dadgummit!
Cheers! Charles Seiverd • the NOISE arts & news
• NOVEMBER 2013 • 7