Page 24 - the NOISE November 2014
P. 24

by Annie Botticelli “Clarity & Direction”
The month after eclipses and a Mercury retrograde transit, as November is, often brings more clarity and direction compared to the upheaval and uncertainty of
the previous month.
November brings fantastic opportunities for imple-
menting new plans, launching new products and projects, and starting, deepening, or renewing commitments. The brilliant New Moon in Sagittarius brings hopes, dreams, and fruition of adventure, fun, learning, and getting out of ‘the box.’
CheCk out the noveMBer highlights:
** Sometimes the effects of planetary transits are felt before or after the actual day that the transit occurs.
November 6 — Full Moon in Taurus — The days sur- rounding this date rise with emotions. The time of the full moon brings emotional topics up and out. Many of the feelings we have are kept secret even to ourselves. The full moons bring these emotions out from the unconscious and into the light. The polarity of the Taurus and Scorpio placements means the energy this month will very strong- ly relate to the topics of money, possessions, security, in- timacy, birth, death, mysteries, and jealousy. All jealousy comes from fear, and the fear comes from one’s belief that they can’t create something they want for themselves. This full moon, and the planetary placements in Scorpio will bring these feelings up to the forefront. Issues related to the throat and thyroid may also come up. If you are one of the fast growing list of people with a thyroid issue, this full moon could help bring resolution.
November 10 — Mars in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn — During the days surrounding this date, egos will flare, tempers will burst, and accidents are more like- ly. Protect your head, as Mars rules this area of the body, and your reproductive organs, as Pluto rules these areas. Avoid reckless or dangerous activities. Keep your sched- ule as light as possible. If you tend to carry high stress or have high blood pressure, consider looking into biofeed- back devices.
November 11 — Sun in Scorpio Trine Moon in Can- cer — The timing of this aspect can beautifully assist in cooling off the tense energies from the previous aspect with Mars & Pluto.
November 12 — Venus in Scorpio Conjunct Saturn in Scorpio — This is a fantastic time for engagement, wedding, commitment ceremony, beginning of new busi- ness collaboration, or other love or financial commitment. It is also great for launching a new product, program, or implementing a new tactical plan in any area of life.
November 15 — Neptune Direct in Pisces — Projects and ideas on the inner dimensions now have a chance to express in tangible form.
November 18 — Sun in Scorpio Conjunct Saturn in Scorpio — The yearly pairing of these two planets, espe- cially in this commitment-focused sign of Scorpio, brings a great reality check. Many will feel more tired than usual and most will need more sleep. Sometimes nutritional deficiencies can come to light at this time. A common de- ficiency brought to awareness with this pairing is that of iron. Something as simple as supplementing iron, if it is
safe and appropriate for your specific circumstances, can restore vibrancy and well-being.
Sometimes the combination of the Sun and Saturn is a somber time of mental or emotional heaviness. To as- sist with this experience try a fantastic exercise, “Polarities,” from Marriage of Spirit by Leslie Temple Thurston.
Write down the ‘story’ of what is on your mind and heart. Use as many descriptive words as possible. When you feel you have covered the issue or issues meticulously, go through what you have written and circle the charged words or phrases. Then write them in a column on anoth- er page.
Then, for each charged word or phrase, figure out its opposite, the polarity, the other extreme of the charged experience. You may find the use of a thesaurus helpful for this. When you have paired up all the opposites you will notice there are themes that comprise your ‘pendu- lum swing’ of emotions that keep you from being centered.
Ask whoever you pray to, to release you from the emo- tional pendulum swing between the polarities and for the experience of balance and peace to be instituted into your life in wonderful and noticeable ways. Acknowledge that you are offering this up to your higher power to be dealt with for you and then ‘wait for grace.’ The waiting for grace means you do something else, have some tea, take a nap, go for a walk, let go of the issue to be worked out without your focus on it.
If you find this helpful, get the book. She has other helpful exercises in it as well as paradigm-changing ideas.
November 22 — New Moon in Sagittarius — Time for New Moon wishes on the topic of adventure, writing, speaking, publishing, broadcasting, travel, projects involv- ing different countries, cultures, and languages, spiritual or religious topics, creative problem solving, inspiring, teach- ing, and learning, and helping people to see the bigger picture. Brilliant astrologer, Jan Spiller shares in her book New Moon Astrology that we get 10 wishes and that there is great power in writing them down and saying them aloud. I find accompanying visualization that the wish as already being true greatly facilitates its manifestation.
There is a Neptune square to this New Moon so there may be resistance or blocks to dreaming or doing “big.” A great way to blend the energies is to use one of the wishes to ask to be freed of these blocks or resistances.
November 25 — Mercury in Scorpio conjunct Saturn in Scorpio — This line-up brings a continuation of similar energies discussed above with the Sun/Saturn conjunc- tion, especially as it relates to news, expression, informa- tion, contracts, agreements, transportation, or the devices and other modes that relate to them.
November 27 — Mercury moves into Sagittarius —
This transit will lighten the energy and mood, expanding viewpoints and possibilities. Expression may be prolific, for better or worse. For those in the fields that use verbal or written expression as a center-point, advancements may oc- cur. For those prone to talking a lot, make sure the expres- sion is productive, and mind the effects on those around you who may be negatively affected by the excess.
| annie Botticelli, aka ‘the starry teller,’ – inspi- rational speaker, Motivator, astrologer - Check out monthly horoscopes on her youtube Channel.
November 2014
24 • november 2014 • the NOISE arts & news •

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